What would you rather your child be

Would you rather have a child who was extremely intelligent and had a good job with a high income but they were a complete psychopath who you knew could never love you or a child how was extremely kind and loving and nice to everyone they met but had a severe learning difficulties such as Down syndrome?

Kind/loving but with learning difficulties 30
An intelligent psychopath 10
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Comments ( 13 )
  • megadriver

    A normal child.

    I don't want my future child to be Dr. Doom, or a retard (that will be hired immediately by the DMV)

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    • leggs91200

      The people working at the DMV often weigh as much as the cars they are registering.

      Last time I went, I had to deal with some guy who had a man's face but a Volkswagen beetle's body.

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      • megadriver

        Hahahaha! I assume you mean the New beetle, cause the classic one is actually quite streamlined.

        In Bulgaria most people working at the DMV are very bland women. Imagine a Karen. That, but with the personality of a floppy noodle.

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    • SwickDinging

      This is my answer

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  • Mammal-lover

    Rather have no child. I'll take a child though but to wwnser your question just how phyco we talking?

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  • raisinbran

    Either's fine, they both get dropped off in the woods so I can live my life.

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  • Mammal-lover

    Actually that would be very dangerous. They are protected by society like puppies are. Ive known a few growing up. Was at least one in every single school I went to and I visited alot of schools. Only one got bullied. He got it in his head that his shit dont stink cause he could do anything he wanted. Slmost always had a teacher with him who let him do anything.

    So yea kids got vengeful to just being a dick.

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  • Both should be aborted.

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  • RoseIsabella

    The world would be a better if all the psychopaths were miraculously stillborn.

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  • Cuntsiclestick

    I'll pick the intelligent psychopath. Chances are they became a psychopath because of my shitty parenting skills so if they're successful and wealthy, I'll know they'll be just fine.

    I wouldn't want the kind child with disabilities. I may as well be throwing my money down a toilet since I'll be stuck with them until I die.

    As you can see from both responses, I am NOT meant to be a parent, nor do I plan on being one. XD

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  • LloydAsher

    I have a learning disability. Am I stupid? No. I'm actually above average inteligence. Learning disabilities just means it's hard to learn new information (who knew!)

    First the teachers/parents have to find out what kind of learner you are. Then they teach you in your perfered way while drilling in the fundamentals in a fun way.

    When my parents learned I had a learning disability they went all out in determining what specifically were my problem areas and fortified those areas. The thing with learning disabilities is the fact that your brain often has ways to compensate for a particular difficulty.

    Kids minds have a ton of plasticity meaning that if you can catch it early enough you can correct the problem and by middle school they would be as good as a normal kid if not better.

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  • bigbudchonga

    If we're talking about sort of them magically spawning as your child whilst an adult then the psychopath, otherwise the downy. I would choose the psycho because they can at least succeed and continue the family line, but I wouldn't really have a relationship with them, and I'd want another kid... But, if you have other children around an intelligent psychopath, or your have to raise one, then that would be fucking horrible.

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  • Tommythecaty

    That shouldn’t make one laugh but lol 😂

    Even if it is impossible though, given the criteria used to indicate psychopathy haha

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