What would you say you're most afraid of?
The dark | 5 | |
Clowns | 4 | |
Holes | 3 | |
Needles | 4 | |
Spiders | 15 | |
Ghosts | 1 | |
Heights | 6 | |
Dying | 17 | |
Snakes | 3 | |
Flying | 1 | |
Public speaking | 16 | |
Closed spaces | 6 | |
Other (State in a comment) | 11 |
Ask Your Question today
The dark | 5 | |
Clowns | 4 | |
Holes | 3 | |
Needles | 4 | |
Spiders | 15 | |
Ghosts | 1 | |
Heights | 6 | |
Dying | 17 | |
Snakes | 3 | |
Flying | 1 | |
Public speaking | 16 | |
Closed spaces | 6 | |
Other (State in a comment) | 11 |
What frightens me the most, is being on my death bed, regretting the things I didn't do in life.
Needles are what gets me. It isn't fear in the raw sense, like fear of death. It's closer to strong disgust. I can handle having a blood sample taken (although I don't enjoy it), but even thinking about injecting something chemical into my bloodstream make me feel faint.
Needles are my biggest fear too!!! It's not even the chemicals in my bloodstream, it's how sharp the tip is. I can't get a shot or blood drawn and I can't even look at a sewing needle without getting nervous. Last time i got a shot, the nurses literally had to chain me down. It wasn't pretty.
~The maker of this poll
Oh yeah. Maybe I'm not as afraid of needles as you guys are but I also think that the fact is horrifying that something just enters your bloodstream, damages it by making a hole in it and leaves the bloodstream with this hole what from your precious life liquid leaks.
What scares me is getting found out that I'm bi curious and if I ever fulfill my curiosities, that I'm full on gay. It sucks that you have to pretend and wear a pretty little mask in this society, rather than satisfy your fantasies and urges.
Old age, people finding out my secrets, being kidnapped, not finding happiness or falling in love, ghosts and the paranormal, getting fat again, public speaking (or anything I might have to do in front of a lot of people) and the dark (although sometimes I absolutely love it, depending on the situation).
I marked snakes, but I also have a bad fear of centipedes. even the smallest one sends me into a panic attack.
other; failure
I absolutely love flying and snakes/spiders/public speaking are pretty cool too
Death, public speaking, darkness, Creepy pasta, strangers on the street, being alone, and whales.
I kinda got used to it. The first couple of weeks is what I mean. I couldn't even... "Go to Sleep". (Ehehehe. Jokes...) But then I went on to tolerant... Then... Fangirl mode. (Yikes) I slowly went down after my fandom for it had ended. And back to the middle of scared and tolerant.
Jeff the killer was really poorly written, I have to say. That one never scared me. Slenderman on the other hand? A bit scared. Especially since there were all these sites with supposed evidence he existed before the pasta/picture for a competition.
If you want a real scare you should check out No End House if you haven't already. Or The Origin of Laughing Jack (there's another one that's not the original story but it's not so bad) was also pretty creepy, but mostly because it's filled with gore.
Homeless people asking for change when i only have dollar bills &i have to lie and say i dont have any money on me. Then i feel like the bums have xray vision or something and there gunna chase me down D: