What would you tell your son

If your son was getting bullied at school what would you tell them to do.

Tell the teacher 24
Fight back 27
Try and avoid them 7
Other, please comment 1
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Comments ( 16 )
  • kupokupo

    I was told time and time again "tell the teacher, tell the teacher." They didn't do shit. The only way bullying stops is if they see you're going to stand up for yourself - something I deeply regret not doing.

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    • KeddersPrincess

      Same here.

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  • disthing

    Depends on the type of bullying.

    It's all well and good saying 'fight back', but what if it isn't physical bullying? What if it's emotional (verbal, behavioural)?

    Also, let's say the kid fights back - and loses. Let's say he loses every time, and because he fights back he's hurt even more?

    I know you all like to imagine this perfect Disney scenario where the little guy overcomes the big bully, a sort of David and Goliath re-enactment in the playground, but it isn't always so easy.

    In my opinion, each of those options might suit the situation, depending on the type of bullying and the bully. I'd also add to the 'tell the teacher' option that sometimes a parent telling the teacher instead of the pupil is more effective.

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    • KeddersPrincess

      I understand where your coming from but, I the same time, I believe a kid should still make an effort at fighting back even if they do get their asses kicked. To me, it's more about standing up for yourself than winning the fight. The kids who bullied me in school probably would have whooped my ass, but my regret comes from letting them treat any way they damn well pleased and not saying "no". Teachers at my school never made any effort to do anything because they didn't want to get involved. And, of course, ignoring the bully never makes them go away. Sometimes the bully victim does lose, but I don't think that's what counts. What counts is that he was able to stand up for himself and finally say "no".

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  • Dot123

    Fight back and act insane/crazy. Most kids don't fuck with the crazy kids.

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  • handsignals

    Why are there so many votes for 'tell the teacher' what fucking school did you go to were teachers gave a shit?

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  • dom180

    I'd tell them that there is no such thing as an easy solution, and that the best thing to do is keep your head up and remember that it won't last forever. Your bullies are weak and wrong and the people around you can see it even if they don't stand up for you.

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  • Fall_leaves

    Avoid the person, if that's not possible then I would tell them to stand up for themselves and if it got to the point where my son was being physically hurt I would go to the school and bitch the principle out until something is done. I wouldn't tolerate that sort of behavior what so ever, I would make sure something is done and the parents of the bully would have to deal with me.

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  • mrkrule

    It really depends on the kind of bullying. I think kids really need to learn how to handle situations on their own before getting teachers or authorities involved. In a perfect world, every teacher and police officer would be competent and willing to defend children as a part of their jobs, but unfortunately in life you can't always trust or depend on authority figures and they don't always have your best interests in mind.
    So I would suggest standing up for himself or even fighting back if the situation called for it; sometimes aggression is actually a valid way to handle some conflicts. But if the bully was doing anything illegal or if my son was outmatched, or if the bullying never stops, I would tell him to get the teacher involved.

    P.S. I would give the exact same advice to my daughter.

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  • Iloveit2000

    Transfer your son somewhere else seriously, why don't parents help their kid by transferring them far away from their kids bully. My son Toby has never been picked on but if he has and he wanted to transfer I would move him out of the state if I had to.

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    • 'Toby' and he hasn't been bullied? Are you sure.

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  • GiveMeAFuckingNameAlready!

    I believe in bullying it builds character.

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  • Farker4Ever

    Go to that school and kick that bully in the throat I front of your son. Then tell him to pounce on him and gouge his eyes until he feels tears!

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    • Iloveit2000

      Then her kid will grow up to be a violent person who will soon start to pick on the other kids and will have a life full of violence all because the kids mum does not know to handle the situation correctly.

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  • VirgilManly

    Kick him in the balls and if that doesn't work, use my 9mm. We'll rent a wood chipper.

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  • davesumba

    Give the bully a good ol' throat punch.

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