What your theory about future?

I know there going be more technology improve and science. I know they might build time machine in future someday.

I don't know 3
It going be scary 5
I hope it's get better 9
I wish religion dissapear in future 9
I hope everything changed 1
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Comments ( 5 )
  • KingTermite

    The future? It's coming.

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  • dindu_nuffin

    Watch the movie Idiocracy

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  • radioguy22

    i think that the next 1000 years (if we dont all blow ourselves up in the meantime) will produce some amazing inventions. look at the past 300 years how we have advanced with early steam power then electricity, the discovery of radio waves, which then brought us radio, tv etc. now electronics has advanced further with digital technology and super fast computers and tiny phones etc. after the romans left what did we achieve? nothing? just going around on horseback killing one another. though i suppose we are still doing that now, just not on horseback. no. i think that there are many things yet to be discovered that is for the moment too advanced for our current scientists to understand, time travel might be possible, who knows? but then that raises other problems, such as, how do you go into the future when it hasnt happened yet? also, could you go back in time further than the invention of the time machine? lol i'm tieing myself up in knots with this one!

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  • BrownNightmare

    Future, it let be. Secrets it will hold. Unknown it is.

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  • imacomputer

    tax all religious establishments!

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