Whats the worst condition you have ever lived in?

I'm currently living in a not-so-nice area of town, renting out a garage to live in.

parents house 53
mountain top villa 2
garage 3
cardboard box mext to the garbage dump 16
Other (Add a comment) 18
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Comments ( 26 )
  • flutterhigh

    My mother's womb. What a shithole! So many dangerous minorities.

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    • Milenajonijon


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  • dom180

    Almost everyone has lived in their parent's house at some point. If you didn't then that would be a bad thing :/

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  • joybird

    I am very surprised at the answers and it made me very sad. I had almost forgotten the derelict house with no electricity, I lived in, for a few weeks while still at school. I think I was 13yo and I had to stay there on my own rather than return home to my dad's beatings :o(

    He's dead now.

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  • Rufus

    I squatted in an abandoned warehouse on the outskirts of a city for 4 months once, during the winter. It taught me a lot of survival skills that I had not known before; things you cannot learn in the woods. I feel it rounded me out a little bit.

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    • Shackleford96

      What are some of the things that you learned if you don't mind me asking?

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      • Rufus

        How to hide from people. How to lie. How to be cold. How to be hungry. How to go without sleep for several days. How to remain motionless for hours.

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        • Shackleford96

          Those are definitely necessary skills sometimes in this cruel world.

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          • Rufus

            Living in the woods was easy by comparison.

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  • in a tent by a river that flooded so i couldn't pack up and move till everything was dry

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  • Audrina

    Once I had to squat in an alley infested with roaches. Truck stops can be bad because the food sucks and there can be a lot of predators. I try to avoid truck stops.

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  • howaminotmyself

    The second story of an old house that was missing a few stairs due to rotten wood. The foundation was exposed and sliding down the hill. Mildew grew everywhere and we were always sick. But I still loved that house, fond memories.

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  • ChaoticBunny

    As a prisoner in Azkaban.

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  • malkiot

    In a mud hut, without electricity or running water... during a holiday in Africa. It was fun though ^^

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  • Dozis

    It was all kind of.... Well... going fine. Then all of a sudden these completely insane people started bothering me all the time for no particular reason and here I am. Dealing with a bunch of psychotic jerks who never learned how to respect other people property.

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  • marginal_nomad

    I lived in 1/3 of a living room in a crappy apartment because of $ problems. The space was completely open so I had to make do with what I had. I remember I made room dividers with my bed sheets by hanging them from the ceiling. It was really bad though, because I had roommates who lived in their own rooms and they would pass through the room constantly. No privacy, no sleep

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  • Aleks85

    I lived in a trailer for awhile.

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  • Narutofan

    In a cold long winter climate in a underground apartment with my mom.

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  • DeliaRG

    I stayed in a crowded dorm in west-africa with giant spiders and rats, no air conditioning, no running water, and minimal electricity. I got sick often *typhoid and malaria*, got pinched by a scorpion while i was sleeping one night, got a crap ton of skin problems *boils, scars from bug bites, etc* and had a lot of my stuff stolen. I think i win this?

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  • pandabear1209

    In a piece of shit apt that had no heat, no air conditioning, was infested with bugs and a broken fridge >.< never again *shivers

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  • I lived in a shack for a several years without electricity or running water. That was when I was a kid living at home.

    On my own, I've lived in an ground level apartment on The worst street in town. It was the cheapest place I could find.

    I lived in a dilapidated war-time house that was previously used as a grow-op. There were huge holes cut through the floor to the dugout basement below. I was paranoid about spiders creeping up to get me in my sleep.

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  • graphic_nature

    I had to live four months in a handmade cabin in the woods with no electricity or hot water. It was a one room cabin with a bathroom and I was living with FIVE people, two that snore loudly and one that grinds her teeth constantly. There was dirt everywhere, the place was either freezing or hot, there was nothing to do, and it was far from town.

    My parents house was hell too, I would get headaches everyday from stress and my parents drank hard alcohol like fishes so there were many bloody fights and broken doors. Screaming was an everyday occurrence and I constantly had to hide the car keys so they couldn't drive off. I will never be a drinking person after seeing how quickly moods can alter.

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  • Shackleford96

    I lived in a storage shack with my father for several months one time. We called it the "coop" as in "chicken coop," and still refer to it that way to this day. To shower, we had an electric pump hooked up to a well outside and fixed the end of the hose at an elevated position so we could stand under it. It was pitiful, embarrassing, and COLD... I hope I never have to live like that again, but you never know... We used a propane powered camp stove to cook food, and kept our milk and cheese in a mini-refrigerator. It was okay for awhile until the owner suddenly and unexpectedly shut the power off on us. We had no electricity for about a week until we managed to move. That meant no water either. Luckily we had a storage jug of water that lasted us a little while. Anyway, the sad thing is that the person who owned the property was one of my dad's best friends and they had known each other since their childhoods.

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  • admirer

    The cat, my husband & I lived in a small, old (late 70-something, I think) RV for about six months. The wiring was fucked but we got used to not having electricity pretty quickly. Neither of us could find work so we relied on those closest to us (& sticky fingers in grocery stores) to survive until his GI bill finally kicked in so we had something to live on while he could go to school. We both found work & have slowly but surely started living a little better each year ever since. That was hard but I'm grateful for the experience. Yes, the cat's still with us... & she's the only one of us who's fat, haha.

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