When did you know
what age did you know what you wanted to do with your life career and passion wise
18 | 3 | |
16-17 | 10 | |
I still don't know | 26 | |
19-21 | 0 | |
23-24 | 5 |
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what age did you know what you wanted to do with your life career and passion wise
18 | 3 | |
16-17 | 10 | |
I still don't know | 26 | |
19-21 | 0 | |
23-24 | 5 |
Never knew. Got a paralegal degree, ended up working in a library as a clerk/technician. Thinking about going back to community college and trying something else. am 27 y.o.
I'm nearly 32 and still don't know. And I have two college degrees.
My dentist started dental school at 39. My cousin started law school at 35.
I knew my passion by 16 but my career ended up just being due to circumstances of the only place that was hiring during the recession. Then decided to learn how to drive tractor trailers and only do it because it pays so good.
I was like 23/24-currently learning psychology and I realized I could learn and really understand a lot of what psychology can offer, and that I could use that knowledge to better myself and others
I decided my career / passion when I was like 11 years old... and it never changed after that, lol
Passion 13.
Career. middle class person in a third world country, career is not a choise. It's something we sacrifice time and energy to survive.
Somehow my passion paid off finally. But I still don't call it my career. It's still the passion. Passion is a life expression. There are no financial expectations in it. That's how I see it.
Mid twenties... I picked interest in designing awesome stuff on computers and I have never looked back.
I had a path pretty well set by 14, however, after trying to be successful that direction and two degrees later I ended up just working for money.
Not saying any of the choices I made were bad they each had positive effects and the education helps me everyday.
It's just at some point in time, life's events, and responsibilities, mean you need to find something that pays the bills.
I've known a few people that were still looking for their life passion at 30 or 40+ but they almost all had a crutch. What I mean by that, is they lived with mom and dad at 35 or spouse brought home enough to allow them to take time and not worry about income. Some have even lived on government support while starting a business.
I never had, nor did I really want that type of support. Once I became an adult my life was my responsibility. Success or failure, make them lemons into lemonade.
I knew i wanted to work in film in my childhood, actually following that dream took until i was 23 due to the lack of support. I originally went for environmental science and though i am still passionate about science, our environment and the universe, i knew i wanted to go for film even then.
Mid to late teens. And it was a surprise, because I thought I hated kids. Seems I just hated my cousins as kids.