When driving, i feign changing lanes w/o looking to merge @ last min.

When you've driven a while, you may have had occasional situations when you forgot to look before changing lanes and there was another car there. As soon as you started to veer into the lane, you get honked at if not in an accident in the worst case scenario.

Sometimes, the driver in the other lane will just reluctantly let you in anyways even though you didn't have the right of way.

So now, I take advantage of the latter type of driver, especially when trying to merge at the last minute if my lane is going fast and the lane I want to enter is going slowly.

I'll signal to go into that lane and start moving towards that lane as if I forgot to look first. Just before I cross into the lane border, I suddenly backtrack as if I suddenly realized there's a car in that lane.

About 50% of the time, someone will let me in, thinking I'm a careless driver who didn't bother to check. Another 20% of the time, I get honked at but I don't care as I still stayed in my lane.

The intention of this move is simple: it's to intimidate the people in the other lane into letting me into merging.

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15% Normal
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Comments ( 10 )
  • green_boogers

    A standard tactic of NewYork City taxi drivers.

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  • howaminotmyself

    No, I don't forget how to drive or forego manners while behind the wheel.

    And you shouldn't drive like an asshole. It's just bad form. Share the road, it isn't just yours.

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  • chole

    I hope I never meet you.

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  • ArayaLioness

    I don't forget to look back without changing lanes. That's dangerous. And I always use my signal.

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  • Cuntsiclestick

    I live in a ghetto area where people don't seem to obey basic rules of traffic, so whenever someone tries to bully-merge into my lane, I don't beep the horn. I speed up and drive as close to the curb as possible without touching it to see of they'll wind up merging into my car. They usually get the message, they back off, and I proceed to pass them.

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  • Avant-Garde

    That is terrible. You should be ashamed of yourself.

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  • thegypsysailor

    I'm going to make a LOT of money off you and your insurance company, if you try that shit on me.
    I am the nicest and most courteous guy on the road to anyone who is polite, but I have the skill and experience to make any accident the other guy's fault. Bully your way into a huge lawsuit, if you dare.

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    • NeuroNeptunian

      If you succeed in doing this, I will love you for an eternity and beyond.

      I drive quite a bit, so much that I would say i avoid an accident due to someone's negligence on a weekly basis. Fuckers like this test my patience.

      One of these days, OP, I'm going to get out of school and get my promotion and buy the biggest fucking truck that a civilian is allowed to own in the US. I'm going to put a bush-guard in front of it. You see where I'm going with this.

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      • thegypsysailor

        I had a Blazer that had RR rails welded under it and to heavy wall 6" steel pipe as front and back bumpers. The steel pipes were painted black and were about mid-door high on the average passenger car.
        It was built by a construction company for backwoods surveying, not to be cool or rednecky, but it was the safest vehicle I've ever owned; people did not crowd that truck at all!
        Off-roading in the Fla bush, small trees didn't even slow it down.

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        • NeuroNeptunian

          *Drools* and could probably tear through these pieces of sheet metal-on-wheels that are what we call "trucks" nowadays -.-

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