When i go into a train/bus and see a baby or child, i move to avoid

I travel in London, where we have "the tube" system or trains that go underground and our buses are either double decker or single, also; most of the tube trains have partitions in them rather than a walk all the way through luxury....just so you know the layout first!

I take the tube am at the middle or near the end to spot if any spawns of Satan, sorry I meant babies or children are in any of them- if so AVOID! It works for me, unless oc a brat and their carer happens to reside into my train carriage.
If you avoid them and they don't enter; its great, as when they are there; they: bitch, moan, whine, scream, shriek (the WORST!!!!!), cry and that's just the noises...sometimes they eat they're smelly monster munch or other weird smelling-crisps or wipe their disgusting snot into things around them or piss/crap themselves...even worse if it's on the seat that SHOULD be for paying adults only!
The only time a child should have the luxury of a seat is if they are still in the womb (no mess, no noise, no problem!) or grown-up enough to respect that this is a public privilege and should be kept nice for others who pay.

Also buses- that's a bit more easy to figure out, as babies and children younger than 2; tend to stay on the bottom floor due to buggies and shit...although having said that, I was once upstairs and a disgusting pustule of Satan shrieked sooo LOUD and HIGH PITCHED that I had a headache that lasted for 4 hours!! thanks a lot you inconsiderate bastard!!

Tell you what, i'll be nice here; when the children are 5 years and older then they can occasionally sit but if they're younger they need a padded waterproof guard to protect the seat.

End of rant!

Nooo! Their cute, as I have my own/want my own! 4
Let's not be too hasty! But unlike when they overkill crying, etc.. 6
Meh! depends on my mood, etc..I guess 6
Yes and understandable! Prefer being away from them once they get loud 14
OMG Yeah! Avoid at all costs! they're a threat to silence & my head 20
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Comments ( 9 )
  • cumm_guzzlah

    damned kids, sometimes when they whine and cry and carry on I wish I could smack them.

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  • xeddmc

    I have my own child, and love her to pieces, but other kids, when they drool and scream, i want to smack. Is that normal?

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  • hairyfairy

    I try to avoid kids like the plague. Unfortunately the little monsters are everywhere I go thanks to the baby boom in the uk.

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  • alextsang08

    When I saw that most of the votes were for the "hate kids" type of response, I thought in my head, "Faith in Humanity -Restored.".

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  • stillwinds

    I certainly avoid them in buses. Especially if it's a long ride.

    The choices are a bit of an exaggeration but yeah, I think quite a lot of people think the same. And from what I've heard, having a child of your own doesn't change the habit. Apparently, we can only tolerate our own.

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  • cupcake_wants

    The thing is, there are a lot of bad parents out there. If the child is a brat, I think it's the parent's fault. I don't have kids but if I do have one some day, I will give it lots of love and not reward crying by giving it what it wants. It's annoying when i've seen that happen and you can't do anything bcuz it's not your kid.

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  • charli.m

    I was going to say fair enough based on your title, but the rest of it was ridiculously over exaggerated. Most kids out of nappies won't be pissinf or shitting on the seats, it would be incredibly rare occasion, and those who are in nappies....well problem solved.

    As for the screaming, that's up to parents to teach the kids how to behave. The kids I look after know to stay in their place and keep to a reasonable volume when we're on public transport with me, or there will be consequences.

    You need to stop getting worked up over shit you've made a lot worse in your own head. Yes, kids can be annoying. So?

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    • howaminotmyself

      Older adults are a bigger risk to soiling the seats than a todler. And if they are drunk...

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      • charli.m

        Oh god...not to mention the noise...

        I've seen far more obnoxious adults on public transport in my time than I have repulsive children.

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