When i poop

When I poop in a bathroom at a gas station when I flush the toilet the powerful jets of the toilet suck the poop away in a microsecond which always causes me to laugh. I cant hold it in. Sometimes when I walk out of the stall people are looking at me weird so I act like I saw something on my phone.

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Comments ( 3 )
  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    i was takin a dump in a restaurant bathroom once and the stall next to me was occupied by some guy helpin his kid use the bathroom

    i let out a loud fart and the kid started laughin

    in a stern voice i said 'thats not funny' but i was just jokin around and they vacated the premise immediately thereafter

    then i felt bad that they left abruptly and the kid prolly didnt get to piss cause i hadta engage in crosstalk and violate the bathroom rules

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    • 1WeirdGuy

      That's fuckin hilarious. One time I tried to shit in a stall but I always check to make sure theres toilet paper and there wasnt, so I went to the stall next to it. Then a guy walks in that stall and I said "yo man that one aint got no toilet paper" and he said "awww damn, oh well..." and dude sits down and starts shitting anyway🤮

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      • Tommythecaty


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