When i see terrible tragedies on the news, i hope they get worse?

It sounds terrible, but it's true! When the Fukishima powerplant disaster occurred, I was hoping for something on the level of Chernobyl. When the Baltimore riots were happening, I wanted to see something on par with the Martin Luther King assassination riots.
Those convicts form NY, I was hoping they'd continue to evade police and rack up a body count. I can't help it--I love discord!

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Comments ( 11 )
  • modernism

    Not good. You're taking things to a bit of extreme by wanting more - many people like "chaos" but it's more of commotion than anything.

    Tragedies are exactly what the word implies - tragic. They make for good news, but they aren't meant for you "love" what's happening. Do you think that if these things happened to/around you or people you know you would react the same way?

    Hearing about destruction shouldn't be a form of entertainment for you. As to why it is? I don't know. That's for you to find out. You're probably under-stimulated and need more mayhem to keep you interested.

    Whatever it is, it isn't normal.

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    • Well sure, of course I don't want any of these tragedies to befall my friends or family; but why should that mean I can't derive entertainment from it? Unlike friends and family, I could care less about the fate of strangers. The horrors that I see in the news are pure, they're sublime. It's beautiful; I'll never be able to get enough of it.
      I'll never be able to satisfy or quench my thirst for discord. Think of it! DISCORD, totally unplanned and uncertain. The chaos! The dread! The doubt!
      The beauty.

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      • modernism

        Yeahh... no. The nature of a tragedy is that it evokes sorrow - not that it gives entertainment. Destruction shouldn't feel like you're watching a football game. Your reaction isn't normal. That was your question, and this is your answer.

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        • Then normal isn't any fun.

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          • Short4Words

            It sounds like you suffer from a cocktail of circumstance. Humans are violent creatures, no question there but it sounds like you're reasonably detached from reality, and you are drawn to conflict. That won't lead to anything good.

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            • misswonderful

              schizophrenia maybe?.. im not a psychologist... but idk im just guessing this guy needs to see a shrink... or is saying this for attention/

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      • victorygin

        I think you just like the word "discord".... dis-cord. Dis chord. Disc hoard...

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        • It's a great word.

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          • victorygin

            It is; I really enjoyed repeating it to myself yesterday after reading your question.

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  • mr8andonehalf

    Normal as f##k dude. There are too many people on Earth anyway; the more there are, the less valuable and useful they are individually...and let's face it, mass death is fascinating and entertaining. Human "suffering" is great fodder for entertainment, and anyone who disagrees is a moralistic sissy. Now excuse me while I go look at Best Gore and shoot heroin.

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    • Ha, you go to Bestgore too? What's your username? Are you serious about shooting up; I don't have anything against it and I'm not gonna bitch at you, I'm just curious.

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