When people are highly religious i think they are less intelligent.

Whenever I find out somebody is highly religious I tend to judge that they are less intelligent.
I don't think this about people who simply have spiritual beliefs or believe in God or some other entities, especially if they have had experiences that made them believe that, but when I know somebody blindy follows a faith they were taught by others, or believe everything religious texts tell them, I cannot help but think they are not very smart.
I don't try to be judgmental and I will explain why I think this. There is no evidence that religious texts are anywhere near true and no religion has much evidence to back up anything at all. There is however overwhelming evidence that much of it is not literal. Anybody who researches something like te Bible will find out it has been altered throughout history.
If somebody cannot realize that at least most of this was created by men, they are not someone who thinks much. If you do not question everything you are told and just follow something you didn't learn on your own without evidence to back it up, then there is no way you can be that intelligent.
For the record I also do not think many people are intelligent either.

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Comments ( 25 )
  • reminiscent

    Very interesting ... im not sure id use less intelligent since there are very smart people who are extreamly religious. .. maybe id say most are ignorant...they just dont know things....or dont do any research.
    I myself am christian non denominational.
    it is very true that much of the bible was changed...men took out or added things as they saw fit in order to control people.
    However the bible is a good source of history still... from kings that lived to wars that were fought...so there is quite a bit of truth to the bible as well...archeologists have even descovered cities mentioned in the bible that people didnt think existed.

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    • Ellenna

      Which cities are those exactly? I think this is yet another myth

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      • reminiscent

        Well the biblical City Jericho is what first comes to mind.
        but honestly its pretty ignorant of you to just instantly dismiss my calms as a myth ... did you even bother to do your own research?
        Clearly you haven't...so I suggest doing so before you comment.

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  • slings_and_arrows

    I see religious people as having a mind that functions slightly differently in that they are highly impressionable to religious symbolism and can experience faith and belief. My mind does not do these things, because it can't. I don't want to agree with the OP, but I suppose I do. Religious people tend to be woolier thinkers. They are more inclined to be impressed upon with emotional, poetic and mystical things than for their sense of reason to be affected by the lack of empirical evidence or incongruities and contradictions in the Bible or other religious book.

    I also don't like the assuredness that atheists have though. Their unshakeable confidence in what they "know" mirrors the unfaltering faith of religious people.

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    • daydreamer394

      You sound like a very open-minded individual.

      I am religious, and enjoy the arts as well as science. I find this universe amazing and am fascinated by the simplest of things - but I also find it crazy. Whether you believe in God or you don't ... how we got here; how it all started - it's unfathomable.
      I'm quite impartial regarding anyone's beliefs. For instance, reincarnation isn't something I believe in, but I contemplate all areas of philosophy and want to explore the notion nonetheless.

      All I know is that I know nothing.

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    • green_boogers

      Your comment impresses me. I also agree that atheism is a leap of faith, just as it is to have a philosophical belief in God's existence.

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  • seekelp

    When people tell me that they correlate religiosity to intelligence, I think they are less intelligent, and I'm an atheist.

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    • daydreamer394

      What do you think defines intelligence?
      I'm curious. I'm religious and being called "stupid" does nothing for me, because I know that I am not. Even if I was stupid in a particular sense, I would not be overall - and, of course, I know of many atheists that aren't so bright.

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  • green_boogers

    Right you are. I find that highly religious people live in a symbolic world. They have trouble with logic and consistently ignore contraindications. This is called "confirmation bias".

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  • thegypsysailor

    Religion; the opiate of the masses. Marx.

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    • slings_and_arrows

      But is that a good or a bad thing? Better than the masses being violent and barbaric...but then religion has barbaric elements unfortunately. The masses will never be able to think for themselves. A small proportion of the population are interesting (writers, artists, philosophers, teachers etc.) and can think and add to humanity and they will steer the herd. The masses are dumb...they don't read, they don't want to learn, they just go with passing fads and fashions.

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      • Ellenna

        So obviously you're not a member of the masses and are interesting and will steer the herd?

        Well don't try & steer me mate, you sound like a fascist

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        • slings_and_arrows

          Its not that I want anyone to be steered. But great thinkers have steered humanity, it happens naturally. I'd prefer people could think for themselves. But its obvious they can't.

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  • Meditated

    I was raised in a church. Though I'm no longer "christian" I've met loads and understand their perspective.
    Someone who blindly follows the pack is usually NAIVE. Wouldn't say unintelligent but the need to look at other shit and come to a SELF decision. I find ppl who have come to religion through there own investigations tend not to be naive and blindly follow the religion. But they almost - use the religion to strengthen themselves mentally and they often just search for information that benefits them.
    i.e. passages on loss, drug addiction. The intelligent ones THINK FOR THEMSELVES rather than FOLLOW the LEADER if you get me.
    Ive met some intelligent (grade wise) scholar christians who are naive and blind to everything outside religion.

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  • ak0608

    so your comeback is tto insult my grammer, pretty sad in all honesty. the fact im online using an xbixxx and typing with a remote which is beyond annoying, excuse me for not giving a shit if my grammer is on point or not, then theres ttthe otherside of me not giving a fuck about grammer, take a second to remember what website this is and then think what a miserable person you must be to be spending you sunday night trying to feel better about yourself by insulting someones grammer in aaa IIN forum, thanks foor the laugh you sad sad thing, if you had somethinnng useful to add to this post like your stance and opinion on this post i would respect it even if i disagreed 100% but you couldnt even do that.. wow
    but fforget you you have nothing usefull to say.
    i wasnt trying to insult people who are highly religous, what i said was there are twoo types of them, the radical bbelievers thaat will blindly deffend what theyve beenn thaught abd arrrre completley close minded to any debate, proof or reasoning, even if they see it with their own 2 eyes. thosee are the peopple like ISIS, they will kill anyone who does not believe as they do but thats an extreme.. others will just outcast a non beliver and look aat them likke there is so,ething wrong with them.
    the other type of highly religious people are not so close minded and accept people who hhave diffrent beleifes and are open to learning diffrent things and i respect those people.. i dont see them as less intellegent but the other type of people i just mentioned i do condsider unintellegent.. everyone is entitleeed to their beliefs and can choose to be highly religous or to still be religous but not practice it ritually thats fine as long as they arnt closed minded and dont accept that people may have ither belifes than their own,, basically being extremists

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    • reminiscent

      She/he left nothing but insults to everyones post...adding nothing to the overall conversation.

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  • ak0608

    i have to agree with you on this, but there are two typpes of very religious people, their are the ones who were braught up in a family were religion and god were shoved down their throats and its all they know and if they every question any of it they were punished and told they would spend an eternity in hell if they ever question their belifes again,and if they did keep questioning it they became the outcast of their family and community, looked down upon like thhhey were so fucked up in the head, b.c thier parents were raised the same way as were their parents parents and generations beofre etc. these are the extremely unintellegent people who blindly belive every word of the bible down to the letter and no amount of proof or reasoning can shake their faith or open their mind to anything diffrent from whaf they were taught to beleive, even if god came down himself and told them science played a major role in creating the world and creating people it wasnt just me snapping my finger and poof i created everything.. this type of overly religious is dangourous and unhealthy, doesnt matter which religion it may be but there are groups of radical overly relegious people in every religionn and when they come face to face their is no debate are intulectual argumments its always bloodshed b.c one religion thinks they are right b.c its the only thing they know and so doees the other with no middle ground in between..
    Then there are the other people who are still highly relegious also coming from a family who has more or less the same beliefs, but these people cchose to belieive and have faith in god or w.e their belief is, it wasnt by force and they can still keep an open mind to other theorys, religions and sciences.. these typpe of very relgious people i can respect even though i personally dont choose to be very relegious but i do belive in some kind of a higher power and i am spirtual

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    • Ellenna

      And then there are people who follow the religion which hasn't heard of paragraphs or punctuation and my religion says don't bother reading their posts

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      • green_boogers

        Come on, babe. Talk to the top of the conversation. I know you can do it.

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    • Legion

      They are not insulting religious people in general, just the ones who blindly follow every word in the Bible/torah/Quran/etc as the gospel truth, in other words, fundamentalist types.

      Believe me, you don't even have to be religious to act in the manner of a fundamentalist. I have seen this behavior in many athiests as well, where anything uttered by a scientist, college professor, or a left wing politician is considered as 100% truth, regardless of the amount of evidence.

      Ever hear the term "flat-earth atheist"? Try Telling one of those that you are even the slightest bit skeptical of. "Imminent man-made global warming ". It's the same as going to a fundamentalist and telling them that " God doesn't exist" or that you are a Satanist.

      There are extremists for just about anything you can imagine.

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  • zsdworknman

    Well in the US the south or bible belt has the most religious participants by percentage and is also the area with the poorest education numbers also people of faith are more likely to commit violent crimes so makes sense to me

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  • DesertRat

    That actually has been proven to be true.

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  • davesumba

    Less intelligent? Because most of them learned a religion from people who they trust the most, their parents? Because they choose to believe in something that helps them get through the day? Because they choose to have faith in a higher being, than in having faith in a theory completely based off of speculation with zero evidence that everything you see today just randomly came to be out of nothing?

    I can't say definitively that either is true, but I judge people like you as being ignorant and less intelligent for choosing to believe in one -theory- over the other, then judging anyone of the opposite belief.

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  • Wolfeye

    I read a study that concluded that people with high IQ's were more impressionable to hogwash than average people. Intelligent people tend to be arrogant about their intellect, and believe they are immune from believing anything that can't be true. In the study they would over compensate for their intelligent too often. It doesn't take much to bait someone, anyone, when they want what they hear to be true.

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    • Intelligent people think for themselves.

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