When people touch my neck, i....

Ok, so when people touch my neck I cannot stand it! I can't stand anything having to do with the throat or neck or anything like that... I cringe at the word "arteries" and "gullet". One time my boyfriend and I were watching a movie and he did the "yawn and stretch" and swung his arm over the couch. Then his arm dropped slowly onto my shoulder and swung around my neck. I freaked out so bad he thought I was having a seizure! Gosh, does anyone else feel this way or am I insane?

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Comments ( 7 )
  • rawrinator

    The neck is a very vulnerable part of our bodies, it's weak and contains blood vessels that, if cut, could kill us. Sometimes people subconsciously realize this and a phobia arises, they get scared/jumpy when things come in contact with their necks and feel defensive. It's normal to feel this way, I mean if we lived like most mammals did we'd do everything in our power to make sure nobody except our closest, trusted friends touched our necks!

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  • GuessWho

    I dislike all physical contact. I hate being touched anywhere on my body, especially if it is unexpected.

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  • rin

    I hate when people grab the back of my neck. My mom use to do it b/c it tickles but not in a good way it was more like torture. It's an effective attack.

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  • Tehboss

    i love to touch necks :S
    i find it one of the most beautifull parts in the human body
    So gimme your neck nao

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  • Ono

    The back of my neck is super sensitive and I hate anyone touching it. Funnily enough I'm always giving neck massages to my friends and coworkers. Maybe being very ticklish is related to it.

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  • namesrgay

    Is this taylor malone??

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  • Normal. I just don't get it.

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