When shopping, iin

To feel constantly anxious/guilty in shops because you are worried the shop assistants/shopkeepers think you're going to steal something, and to feel like you have to buy something even if you don't want to, to prove that you hadn't just gone in to shoplift?

I get this nearly every time I enter a shop.

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47% Normal
Based on 19 votes (9 yes)
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Comments ( 10 )
  • ellnell

    This happens to me.
    Could just be my social anxiety making me overly anxious though.
    It only really happens in small stores because in those it feels like the owner is just standing there staring at your every move. Or if you have to leave a store emptyhanded.
    I once got falsely accused of shoplifting even. It was very awkward. However when the guard searched my bag he couldn't find anything so it was probably more awkward for the shop clerk who had accused me.

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  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    so dont steal nothin

    prove em wrong

    yall aint obligated to buy nothin

    if yall converse with the people there and theyve got decent attitudes and knowledgable about the products id be more inclined to wanna support em

    if theyre gonna sneak around and monitor yall like a criminal they can fuck right off

    and this is comin from a feller who looks like a homeless person but has cash to burn

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  • strawberryfieldsforever

    I always feel this way.

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  • Imnotokay

    haha this is just how I am in the store, I have crazy anxious and everything, Its either normal/okay, or we're both not okay :)

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  • cupcake_wants

    I agree with donteststuff. If they did confront u for shoplifting you're Scott free. You have no obligation to buy anything.

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  • raisinbran

    You must have a guilty conscience about something.

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    • That makes me feel like I have a guilty conscience, already.

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  • I go in knowing exactly what I want, analyse everything in minute detail, carefully weighing up price/quality/appeal/usefulness, then after 20 minutes walk out having bought nothing at all.

    And all I had wanted was a plushie keyring.

    I look shady as anything, poring intensely over the kiddie toys. But I just have really particular criteria in mind.

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  • dimwitted

    What makes you suspicious looking? Do you wear a hoodie and sunglasses?

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  • Iszzy123

    Ur inoccent till proven guilty and why should u give them ur money if they don’t have what you want
    Don’t guilt ur self and make asumsion about what they might be thinking

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