When the gym is empty and someone gets on the machine beside me

Is it normal to get annoyed when I'm on a cardio machine at the gym and there is almost no one there and a person comes in a gets on the one beside me when there are six other machines just like it, and it is especially annoying when they act like they are trying to compete or race? I don't really care, but when I'm doing my own thing, this is annoying. Does anyone else get annoyed by this?

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Comments ( 7 )
  • RoseIsabella

    This reminds me of something unpleasant that happened to me at the gym once. I was doing cardio on the stationary bike, and all the bikes were taken except for one to the right, but then again maybe they weren't I can't quite remember. The main thing I remember was that there were two girls to the right of me, an empty bike to the left of them and me of course. Well, this lumpy ass guy comes up, sits on the bike in between us and starts working out.

    Now all of this sounds harmless enough, but he smelled so bad, stupid bastard! I guess I could have gotten up and moved but I wanted to finish my time on the machine and see how I did. The way I see it I figure I was there first. So I took my towel and covered my mouth and nose with it so I could continue with my workout; it was obvious that his stench had nauseated me. The two women to the right of him we're starting to giggle and smile at each other. He appeared to be visibly embarrassed, but yanno what?

    I honestly hope he went home and cried himself to sleep that night. I think its disgusting that a person can go around in public, particularly in a place like a gym where people are exercising, sweating and breathing heavily then expect other people to put up with their God awful body odor. I honestly wish I would have said something to him like, "you stink, thanks for ruining my work out!"

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    • (s)aint

      I'm surprised at this! You are usually so nice to most people in your replies xD

      Where else but a gym would you expect someone to smell sweaty and nasty? D: Or was it the stench of a week unwashed?

      One of my exes was on the heavier side and he could shower, put on deoderant and yet smell awful within a couple of hours anyway.

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      • RoseIsabella

        It was the nauseating stench of very poor hygiene. I want to be kind and thoughtful towards others, but nausea is a mighty powerful thing, my liberated Scandinavian friend.

        I get so disgusted when someone has really bad body odor that makes me physically ill and their just going about their day like life is all sunshine and roses.
        *has a flashback of a wilted flower garden*

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        • (s)aint

          Haha! You are far from alone. A lot of people have troubles with others foul odour. I just could not care less myself xD

          I don't think they are aware of this themselves D: Whenever I smell the SLIGHTEST tiny bit I frown deeply at myself and fix it. I can't stand MY OWN smell, but others are usually acceptable.

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          • RoseIsabella

            I'm the opposite, I don't mind my own body odor, but I don't care for the smells of others. I never go anywhere without a shower or a bath.

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  • Avant-Garde

    Yes. In my experience, the other person wanted to get to know me and form a type of friendship. I wouldn't have minded being friends with her, she seemed like a friendly girl. Unfortunately, I forgot her name and the last time I saw her, I had completely forgotten who she was.

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  • handsignals

    I know, right!

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