When you get a private lap dance for $60, is it normal for her to be really mean

So I had a lapdance with this bitch who was a little overweight but still hot... afterwards she got really greedy, nasty and mean... it actually hurt my feelings a little bit that she treated me like I was an asshole. I'm a really nice guy. IIN?

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Comments ( 7 )
  • leggs91200

    $60 for pussy you ain't even gonna get?

    You need to stay out of those strip clubs. Nothing good will come from going to one. Even when they do act like they are friendly or want to maybe date it is just because they want your money.

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    • SwickDinging

      I never got the appeal myself. I'm female though so there's that... But the thought of paying someone to pretend to be interested, in front of a load of other guys, sounds like a huge turn off.

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      • leggs91200

        Men will do some pretty silly shit in the name of trying to get some "action".
        Usually in a strip club there are a bunch of other equally clueless men who doing the same thing - paying for attention.

        For the age group that typically goes to strip clubs, they probably work a job where $60 is an entire day's wages.

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  • IrishPotato

    Sounds like bad service, go complain to the manager.

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  • EnglishLad

    Nice guy who calls women bitches for hurting his feelings...

    Yeah, maybe you are hurt about how she treated you, and maybe you didn't deserve it because you're a client paying for a service, but that's not going to get you any joy on the internet when you come crying for help.

    Stop crying over spilt milk. It happened. Let that be that.

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  • Nicole20

    I'm guessing you lost your load all over her so yeah, she had a right to be pissed.

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  • JellyBeanBandit

    I'd make a complaint to the manager. If she were a waitress or something you'd do it then, makes no difference that she's a stripper.

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