When you were a kid, how earnestly did you believe in god/religion?
Choose the statement that best describes your attitudes and beliefs regarding religion in your earliest childhood memories of such thoughts and feelings regarding God, scripture, sin, heaven, etc.
I apologize for the awkward wording in some cases due to the character limit for the options selectable.
If you want, in the comment section, tell us what your religious beliefs are currently.
My family was atheist/agnostic | 14 | |
I was made to fear God and to feel guilty about sinning | 12 | |
I believed in God, but did not fear the consequences of minor sins | 6 | |
I believed in God about as earnestly as I believed in Santa Claus | 9 | |
I believed that religion was truth, but wouldn't stake my life on it | 3 | |
I'd have considered myself religious, but didn't like going to church | 8 | |
I feared punishment for deadly sins, but not the minor ones | 1 | |
I'd pray and think of loved ones in heaven, but not much beyond that | 4 | |
I thought of religion as fantasy/fairy tales | 4 | |
Though I whole-heartedly accepted God, the bible seemed like BS | 5 | |
What some put down to karma I took as divine retribution | 1 | |
My understanding of religion was vague, but I was skeptical generally | 4 | |
I renounced religion when I realized its biases against minorities | 2 | |
Part of the guilt I'd feel when I misbehaved was religious shame | 2 | |
I only really paid any heed to God when it came to Christmas presents | 3 |