Where did the dirt & water come from that make life possible?

The earth was a ball of molten lava, then it cooled leaving a big rock. (millions of years ago) So where'd the water and dirt come from.

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Comments ( 14 )
  • MonteMetcalfe

    Home Depot.

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  • litelander8

    Those little volcanoes at the bottom of the ocean that spew boiling water.

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  • bigbudchonga

    That what is

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  • Tommythecaty

    From giant moon rocks that float through space. They be crashing into everything, spilling filthy dirt all over shit.

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    No one knows. I get annoyed by the arrogance of ppl who try to pretend they have all these answers. Humans have always thought they knew how the world was made and they were always wrong. Theyre probably a bit off now. Until someone makes a time machine I dont take them that serious.

    Instead of listening to the explanations on how we got here look into the methodology used to come to those conclusions and you'll see there is logically a lot of room for error.

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    • up_my_ass_boiz

      until someone directly observes it, we can't say that oj simpson was a murderer. that's how you sound rn

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      • 1WeirdGuy

        Comparing how the world was created to OJs murder isnt a fair comparison and you're just being petty by trying to draw a parallel there.

        But since we are already here you can look at the methodology they used in finding him innocent and decide whats more likely. But at the end of the day you dont know for sure thats why the standard is "beyond a REASONABLE doubt"

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        • up_my_ass_boiz

          you disingenuous spawn of satan and his daughter, you retarded piss-drinking pig-ignorant breadsticks for brain carnival barker antifreeze shitting nincompoop.

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          • LloydAsher

            Wow. You got him. That will totally change his mind by insulting him. Good job.

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            • up_my_ass_boiz

              im not here to convince someone who's too stupid to be swayed by facts anyway, im here to use him as a verbal pinata for my own amusement

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        • up_my_ass_boiz

          right, and science has a MUCH HIGHER STANDARD, you retarded crayon munching amphibian shitcock. science uses whatever methods are at your disposal to create a narrative that is MOST LIKELY THE CASE and is subject to change as new evidence becomes available. a fucking c student in community college earth science could poke holes in your logic, you inbred turd. these are people who have studied the subject much more in depth than you'll ever study it, with much greater tools and resources, both technological and intellectual than you'll ever hope to possess, who have likely done original (and PEER-REVIEWED) research in order to get their fucking degrees, and, no matter what you have to say about their supposed arrogance, they stand on the shoulders of giants and are unafraid to admit the collaborative nature of their work. You drown in the piss of giants and fancy yourself the equivalent of Noah for learning to dog paddle in it while only swallowing one gulp per minute.

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    • LloydAsher

      Yet we humans have come along way from directly preciveable phenomena.

      We know that certain elements are unstable and that they turn into other elements when they "die" by using the concentration of the stable elements we can surmise time.

      You'll like this factoid. Old shipwrecks are valued to this day for their steel. Why? Because before 1940 there wasnt nukes contaminating everything with trace (extremely trace, like a few atoms per square inch) amounts of radioactive material on everything. For certain scientific instruments their parts come from melted down pre 1940 ship parts. Because the ocean and rust prevented exposure to the faint amount of radioactive fallout.

      Why was that factoid important? Because if we gave enough of a shit about the instrumentation to dredge up old ships just for their iron and steel that says something for the constitution of the testing parameters.

      I'm not saying trust the researchers I'm saying trust the math. Cause and effect. Plus earth doesnt have to be 5000 years old for the bible to be true. What is a day for god? For you and me its 12 hours. For god it can be as long as he says it is. For us mortals that may as well be forever.

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  • LloydAsher

    Pretty much... it started 2 billion (with a B) years ago.

    The earth was pretty much on fire after the moon was formed from a mars sized planet crashing into early earth. Meteors landed with ice in them.

    When the tempeture of the atmosphere was leveled out enough where water vapor was trapped. It rained and rained. And rained some more.

    During this primordial soup stage (that lasted around 500 million years) early life developed at the very bottom of the ocean, siphoning minerals from undersea geysers. Photosynthesis evolved allowing carbon dioxide to be processed with sunlight to create glucose (sugar) and oxygen. Which ininvertably led to an ice age (or two) which killed 80~90% of life. During such time marine life developed into multi cellular forms (possibly because one cell chose not to digest another cell that created energy, incorporating it into the first multicellular life) all the bacteria and life broke down hard minerals into more avalible micronutrients.

    When sections of ocean dried up or became mountains that carried the nutrient rich soil to the coastlines. Where basic flora managed to develop (lichens, ferns) sharks evolved around this time. The land dominating animals at the time were insects due to the oxygen over abundance (8 foot centipedes) Trees evolved from said ferns. Those trees spread throughout the world. Fungi didnt evolve yet so trees got buried and not decayed, leading to coal deposits (fun fact the average debth of coal deposits is only around 150 feet) and continent spanning forest fires. Caused another ice age. Oxygen levels came back down to "normal" levels. Insects started to shrink and then get eaten by the dinosaurs. From then to now is pretty documented.

    To bring it back to the point. The land is slowly getting broken apart by the flora, that when they die are broken apart by mushrooms and fauna, which in a never ending cycle create dirt. Which is inorangic and organic matter that's mulched together. As for fresh water... it rains, there is an underground water level. Lakes are below that water level. Oasis are in the lowest part of the desert. The water you just consumed was in the urethra of a dinosaur at some point. As for the dirt. Most of the dirt you see now is relatively new with it being 2 million years old.

    Little side note. Sharks are super freaking old. As the above pointed out they existed before trees did. In fact they existed before Saturn got its rings.

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  • raisinbran

    From my ear and toenails

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