Where do women prefer men put their load?

My wife and I just bought a 44 foot trawler. A boat of this size can hold a whole load of waste. Much of it is grey water (shower, dishes) runoff, but we do create blackwater, (toilet sewage) that needs to be disposed of. We are allowed to release the grey water near the marina but obviously not the black.

My wife has a problem with us releasing our waste at sea, as is the normal protocol. She believes there is a practical way to bottle it up and put it in a landfill or something like r.v. people do I guess. She thinks disposing of our waste at sea is worse than on land. Her best friend also said dumping our load at sea is horrible. Is this a female thing? It has to go somewhere...Offshore makes so much more sense than on land.

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Comments ( 2 )
  • A troll with a trawler, makes sense.

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  • Nickvey

    i wonder were fish shit all the time ? at your wife's house i guess.

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