Where do you draw the line on animal abuse?

Re: Abuse and suffering of any species of animal.

Select an option that best describes fits with your own feelings:

It's unacceptable for ANY animal to suffer at the hands of humans. 120
Only if the animal has a certain amount of intelligence is it bad. 5
If it's NOT a food source for us, then it should be treated fairly. 36
As long as it's NOT a pest or nuisance to humanity. 29
Other (Add a comment) 17
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Comments ( 20 )
  • justanordinarygirl

    Even our food sources should be treated fairly. I mean, we should treat them like royalty. After all, they provide us with the meat and nutriance we need so why abuse them? Why treat our food source so poorly? That would just put stress on the animal causing the product to be of lesser value seeing as the emotional levels and stress put a great toll on the meat. Why abuse the very things that we keep alive? How would you feel if you people used you for their own pleasure and abused the fuck out of you while they did it? Hm? Some people really need to reconsider the damage that they are doing to this planet and its inhabitance.

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    • justanordinarygirl

      *Why abuse the very things that keep us alive?

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  • Vyzr

    Its wrong to abuse any animal! Why would you want to abuse a living thing? If you were used in fights or for food im sure you wouldnt like it so why do it to something innocent like animals? Dog fighting is ridiculous! Dogs always have the most loyalty for you and then they're used for selfish reasons and get hurt because of the dog fighter. Now pit bulls have a bad rep cuz people use them for that and its stupid cuz its the owners fault. If you wanna abuse something you should be ready to be abused or die.

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  • Oh, so if it is food we should be allowed to be horrible to it? you guys are fucked up

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    • PillowHumper

      Of course not, but its called fucken Food. slaughter houses properly treats the animals and gives them a fast and painless death.

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      • darli-mianca

        not all of them,if you've seen the videos
        i saw its crazy..i dont want get into detail
        but it was thousands of poor baby chicks on a conveyor belt.they just looked around like what was going on and didnt know what was gonna happen to their friends. animal abuse is neglect and physical torture,when the animal absolutely does not like whats happening to it

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        • abc14

          I dont want to be nerdy but you mean cockerels, not chicks. cockerels are young males, chicks are young females. males are considered useless in the food industry

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  • disthing

    You get those hypocrites who claim they're totally against animal abuse and that harming an animal in anything but self defence is disgusting...

    ...Then they'll see a spider, squeal and stamp it to death.

    Fuck those people.

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    • ...And sometimes they wear leather shoes.

      A lot of women's cosmetic products not only are tested on animals, they contain animal by-products; like "lipids" which, particularly in the less expensive drug-store brands of make-up, comes from animal fats. Gross, huh?
      That's how lipstick and lipgloss is made - think about that the next time you're smooching a pretty girl. ;)

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  • Golden

    Animals should always be treated humanely and with respect whether or not they are 'food'. Think about farm animals, especially past generation farms. I had family that grew up on farms and they cared very well for their animals even if they were being raised for food. In fact, it was hard for the kids sometimes, to know their parents had to kill a favorite chicken or pig, of course this was a different age (the depression era) and so you ate what you grew and you were lucky for that. Same for Native Americans, they very much respected the animals they ate.

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  • Shadowmiss

    Do unto animals as you would with they do unto you

    in other words, if you wouldnt like to be beaten, dont do it

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  • i agree with looney and just..girl but the lowest of the low is to cause an animal pain for fun or entertainment, bullfighting cokcfighting dogs etc or using animals in films and they are mistreated. when they are the only ones in the production who are not acting, hate that

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  • Hoppycosh

    Ummm... this is a stupid poll. The word abuse says it all. It's a NEGATIVE thing. No one, I repeat, NO ONE should be abused (animals nor humans of any kind). People that torture pets may eventually go up the ladder and hurt humans. Abuse is no joke folks.

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  • derpyderp

    No animal should be treated cruelly.
    Animals used for food, etc should be treated well while they are grown, etc then slaughtered as humanely as possible.
    The recent videos from Indonesia made me furious!
    I would like to treat some of those people the way they were treating those animals!

    The only living things I kill are mosquitos, flies, (sometimes) spiders, etc & even that is done super-quick...

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  • omglookitsagoat

    I tried to be vegan once so I wouldn't support animal abuse in the food industry, but I realized it's not healthy and I need meat.

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  • myweirdself16

    i cant kill a spider without feeling bad for it. so, basically to me slaughtering any living creature inhumanely is abolishing to me.

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  • la_uva_mojada

    cock fights and people who fight pit bulls and what not make me sick

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  • ErikTheBadger

    i think unless the pet is bad and has to be punished (STILL BAD IF YOU HIT THEM!) like spraying them with a spraybottle nobody should ever raise a hand to a pet unless its to pet or feed them

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  • escapeford12

    PillowHumper (66458)
    whatch the movie "food inc" and then tell me that these animals have a painless death, in the movie you can hear the animals cry and they are left in their own shit until the die. btw they dont clean them after they slauter them, they just spray the animals with chemicals to kill the e-coli, but clearly that doesnt work if you noticed all the e-coli outbreaks in the past years

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  • stardogchampion

    There's people in my neighbourhood who own illegal dogs and pittbulls,penis extensions basically they use them as protection....drug dealers and scum really and they punch and beat they,re dogs to toughen them up...I dispise these people and anyone who hurts they,re pets or any other animal abuse.verbal warnings,clicker and treat training but /ike those rim jobs,ll tell you,aggression breeds aggression and only cowards hurt animals....and Jeffrey dahmer....lol once you harm a animal it never forgets and it becomes mentally scarred and the purpetrater spends an eternity in hell!!!(i hope)

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