Which are cuter: bobcats or canadian lynx

Bobcats are also referred to as Red Lynx.

I think they’re both beautiful creatures. But I think the Canadian Lynx is more attractive. I prefer their thicker, silver fur over the bobcats reddish fur. I think lynx’s ear tufts (pointy fur tip on top of both ears) are adorable.

I actually want to move to Michigan or Maine so I have a chance to see both in the wild.

Bobcat 2
Canadian Lynx 7
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Comments ( 18 )
  • bbrown95

    Both of them are so adorable! 😻

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    • They are beautiful cats.

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      • bbrown95

        That they are!

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  • Anonnet

    I had to Google it*. I can't really tell the difference between their faces or ears, but the Canadian Lynx has fur for miles. That thing's so puffy, I actually forgot it's a potentially-dangerous carnivorous animal. Look at it, its paws are HUGE!

    So yeah, I voted that one.

    *I actually did a Bing search and was quite surprised when I typed in "bobcat" with safesearch off.

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  • ospry

    Aww, poor bobcats. You guys are still pretty too!

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    • They are beautiful. They look like an overgrown tabby.

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    • LloydAsher

      I liked Bobcats. It's a preditor I perfer the one that looks more predatory not the one that looks like a sized up housecat.

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  • Vvaas

    i like lynx's a bit better bc like you said the fluffier fur and the longer ear tips are cute

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    • I agree. Cold weather animals just look prettier in my opinion. I wish I cuddle with a Canadian Lynx now.

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      • newnormal

        Cold weather women too. I love white women with big butts

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  • newnormal

    I like servals and these two have shorter tails making them somewhat odd to look at.

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    Go to youtube and past

    Bobcat Kills Rattlesnake While Fighting - 1147348

    Its crazy

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    • LloydAsher

      Just unlocked my truck door with a coat hangar. I'm so proud of my creativity and stupidity.

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      • 1WeirdGuy

        I ALWAYS roll my window down abit when I get out to where its muscle memory. I also take one step onto the steps and reach back in and pull my air brakes again.

        I one time locked my truck in bumfuck Alabama and my phone was locked in there and it was pouring down rain only like 40 degrees outside. Whats crazy is I know I didnt press lock idk how it happened. But yeah i always crack the window before I get out because it was very embarrassing my company had to call a locksmith.

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        • LloydAsher

          Thank god a vape thus lower the window down at least a tad. Didnt think about it until I was out and locked out. Better still that would of made me run out of schedule plus the fee to break open my door.

          My usual deal of how I dont do it is lock my doors only by manually locking it with my ignition key. But I was on a street and thus was fuckint around on the passenger's side and messed up my rythem.

          As a contingency I did zip tie a spare key somewhere on my truck in an non obvious part so I wount have to do that shit again.

          Been pretty good at my airbreaks. Only times I forget is to push them in when I get driving, which is usually self solving.

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          • 1WeirdGuy

            Duuude I know its always when something breaks your rythm. Thats why i do the brakes twice and theres been a few times over the years I did catch it on the 2nd attempt. One time I hook up to a trailer to pull doubles and as soon as I turned the air knob on the back of the front trailer to give air to the back trailer it started moving. So I ripped the red gladhand off the back trailer and it stopped. Thats the biggest fuck up of my career so far. I caught it fast but someone saw it and pretended they didnt.

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  • Somenormie

    Don't know what the heck they are.

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  • Crocotta1


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