Which choice is worse....

....being on the top deck of a double-decker bus, fully occupied, which is going 60 mph towards a low overpass that it definitely won't clear....OR....

....being in a regular charter bus, at full occupancy, which is going 60 mph towards a cliff that drops 50 feet into a cold, rocky bay?

Both buses are going to meet their fate. You are sitting in the exact middle row, equidistant from front and back.

The charter bus going off the cliff. 52
The double-decker that will hit the overpass. 52
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Comments ( 22 )
  • lc1988

    I'll take the cold rocky bay. Maybe reenact some titanic calling out Jack while floating on a tire. More entertaining death.

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  • OCDC

    The bus going towards the overpass, most definitely. An accident like that happened just a few miles from my house and I believe only one person died. I suppose you have more of a chance to see it coming and at least duck under the seats, or do something to protect yourself? Also, if you're sat in the middle, the bus will have slowed considerably after the initial impact.
    However, if you were to fall over the side of the cliff, not only would you have to deal with the fall, but also the fact that you're in a bay and therefore, there may be a chance of drowning.
    Neither sound like a great day out to me though...

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    • Yeah but the bus probably wasn't going 60 mph.

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      • OCDC

        Oh no, it most probably was. It was on an A road, so speed limit is 60 and most vehicles push it a bit.

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  • Everyody has to drop dead someday,so whats the big fuckin deal.

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  • Aleks85

    I think you'd be less likely to live going off a cliff so that's the worse choice.

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  • Randomer246

    the cliff because if im lucky i might survive

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  • myownopinions

    I would choose the double decker bus. It just seems like I have a higher chance of survival. I could try ducking to the floor, jumping out the window, or running down the stairs. That and I don't think the driver would be stupid enough to ram the overpass at 60 mph.

    If it was 100% certain that I was going to die, I would go with the cliff. It has less people and I have 50 feet to do something with the last few seconds of my life.

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  • Saycheese

    Uh... I don't think I would live either of them. But The double decker bus most likely. I could run at lightning speed down the stairwell to the bottom to see if that would save me, if not then it was nice seeing everybody.

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  • Frosties

    I'd choose the top of the double-decker bus. Because to get up there, I'd have had to have gone up some stairs. The same wonderful invention can be traversed in the other direction, bringing me to the relative safety of the lower deck.

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    • Thing is, you don't realize what's happening either at all or until it's far too late. Also, if you get up and try to move, you will probably be worse off on impact that if you had just stayed seated.

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      • Frosties

        This bus is no fun! Who chartered this ride? I want to write them a strongly-worded letter!

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  • Shackleford96

    Is there even the slightest chance that I would survive either one?

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  • TerryVie

    i'd go with the overpass...in hopes it'll "screetch" to a stop before "reaching" my place.

    Because i assume i can't jump up and run to the back?

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  • Anime7

    Going off a cliff. I'd run all the way to the back of the bus and close my eyes. With my eyes closed tight, I would try to quell the frantic world around me. I would be completely engulfed by the silence. I would think of all the pleasant times of I've had in this world and what I could have achieved. What I would miss the most. How I never experienced what it feels like to fall in love. How I never felt my son's or daughter's hand as we both say that we love each other. How I never saw the world and all that it had to offer. When I'd least expect it, death will welcome me into his arms.

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    • pi_man_31

      I would run all the way to the front of the bus and scream "FUCK THE WORLD!!!" all the way down

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    • tommy81

      I'm not sure if the brain would be able to reflect on the past in a situation like that. I think fear and adrenaline would pretty much take over. Not to mention, that there probably wouldn't be enough time. I'm going to go out on a limb here and guess that the thought that most people would have running through their heads, while approaching and then going over a cliff at 60 mph, would be something along the lines of, "AAAAAAHHHHHH!"

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      • Anime7

        Well I'm not like most people, at least I think I'm not.

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        • the_true_troll17

          IIN that you don't think that you are like most people?

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    • My god you are depressing

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      • Anime7

        Ya I sort of got into the moment. I did not mean to be depressing.

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  • blackalica

    Tell the bus driver to stop? If the brakes are dead, then jump out the fucking window. If jumping out the window is going to kill me, then i'll stick my hands in the air and die with a smile.

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