Which classic sitcom was better?
Two of the most popular sitcoms of all time. But which one do you like more?
Friends | 8 | |
Seinfeld | 19 |
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Two of the most popular sitcoms of all time. But which one do you like more?
Friends | 8 | |
Seinfeld | 19 |
I have always loved Seinfeld, and thought it was funny as Hell, but Friends just never did a thing for me.
My father swore up and down that Seinfeld was Jewish propaganda. But I really hated Friends
I hate sitcoms! Especially if they have a laugh track.
I don't need movie zombie canned laughter telling me when the joke happens. If you have good screenwriters, the viewers will recognize a good joke and laugh at it.
Having a laugh track in your comedy series is a prime indicator you do not understand comedy.
I was obsessed with that show as a kid. All my budgies were named after characters cos I had zero fucking creativity going on.
of all the cast everyones elderly or dead except jamie farr who looks absolutely exactly the same except his hairs white now
fuckin uncanny how well hes aged
also (seen it ona meme) since klingers parta mash and mash got picked up by fox who got bought out by disney now klingers a disney princess
Hahahaha he's the prettiest princess.
Tween me was so dumb, when I had to get a second female budgie name...I went with Radar and not Klinger. Fuckin moron.
We have several episodes played daily here. It's currently up to the later episodes. They just weren't as good as the old ones with Trapper and Henry.
I hated Seinfeld as a kid but now I love it. It's very relatable, probably one of the most realistic sitcoms ever.
I love George Costanza! I would be his best friend! Ridiculous and dumb things are always happening to him. "George is getting upset!" I would be friends with all of them! Kramer is wild! Yeah, Seinfeld.