Which country in west africa would you rather visit?

If you were given a chance as a good hearted human which country in west africa would you go to help and why? Not forgetting the mosquitoes, war, poverty and struggles/dirt.

Nigeria(Miss World-Agbani Derego/Wole Soyinka) 8
Ghana(Former UN chairman Kofi Anan) 15
Liberia(Ellen J. Sirleaf-Nobel prize winner/president) 2
Senegal(Akon) 1
Cape Verde 7
Togo 0
Cote d'Ivoire(speak french) 7
Benin 1
Guinea 5
Guinea Bussau 0
The Gambia 2
Niger 5
Mali 3
Sierra Leone(creoles) 3
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Comments ( 29 )
  • xpiecemealx

    Stick to the North West Coast. It has less conflict going on right now, also less AIDS.

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  • flutterhigh

    I am loling so hard at those helpful 'descriptors'.

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    • flutterhigh

      Senegal (Akon)


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  • Who_Fan4Life

    Wow, so many Third World countries to choose from, I don't know where to begin!

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    • jnfdn3

      Start by getting some info/news on google and wikipedia

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      • livefastdieold

        Who_Fan was making a joke. His sarcasm was hinting at the fact that Africa is sketch and that he would rather go to a non third world country where his life wasnt in danger. As for me, I have fun anywhere, I was planning on doing a little tour around the middle east in search of some excitement. Maybe even hit up the pirates off the coast of east africa.

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  • dappled

    I have a handful of friends from west Africa but I also have colleagues who have been there on holiday. I know the image a lot of people have is of starving children but it's not quite the truth. And thinking of places such as Cape Verde as a tourist destination is probably a better way of getting westerners to redistribute a little of their wealth than charity is.

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    • Crudhouse

      Yeah it's the Africans that are propagating images of starving children all over the media. Idiotic white racists do that.

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  • White_October

    I heard in the Cape Verde islands tourism is coming up, they already call them the new Canaries (refering to the Canary Islands north of them, wich are a popular tourist destination). So I picked that one.

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  • GoraIntoDesiGals

    Hmm none of those places inspire me. I prefer Asia.

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    • Of course you do, cos you're white.

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      • Jfdp

        Going to Africa is in general more for your rough and tumble countryside adventurers i.e people who love nature and know about animals, know how to fix up cars ect, Asia is way more urban overall, and any western citygoer can feel right at home with all the big cities, bright lights and nightclubs, all the comforts of ciclization while still being "mystical" enough fits better on your yuppie style adventurers with cash to burn

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      • GoraIntoDesiGals


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  • Jfdp

    Any really, just watch out for Guinea Bussau as theres like a coup there practically every 18 months, and the northern areas of Nigeria are pretty unstable now )Think Boko Haram) Foreign aid workers are frequently kidnapped in Africa and ransomed for money by rebel factions, and do please watch for Malaria, Yellow fever and Typhus all of which are a huge issue in this part of Africa

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    • You have vast knowledge of the demerits in africa, I'm surprised you don't wanna go there.

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      • Jfdp

        I went to school in south Africa so a huge part of my school curriculum concerned African things in general, and im also studying political science and anthropology (In the same place) So naturaly a huge pert of that curriculum focusues on African topics too- but you know generally just look countries like Nigeria up on BBC and youl have all the info youl need

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        • With the way South Africa is perceived from nations other than her, you would think she's an exotic nation, well developed with city lights and all that. Maybe its the same reason why people flock to SA for holidays. right?

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          • Jfdp

            Basically every country on earth has got a shiny, touristy area that they love to show off, the real world is when you actually see the state of the city centers, Third World doesn't mean no cities, it just means crappy ones

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            • jnfdn3

              I understand your point, but thats how development starts. If countries like Nigeria would develop a touristy area that would be a good start.

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  • Is this a real offer to go,or what?Whoever posted this shit can't be for real.

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    • You're a nicompoop for not understanding the question

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  • qwertasdfgzxcvb

    Ghana is a great place! Loved it.

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  • anti-hero

    Ghana is my favorite on the list.

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  • Crudhouse

    Love it when white cunts make fun of the state of third world countries, when, even now in the 21st century, the biggest global force working against the development of the same countries they raped for a couple of hundred years are white countries.

    Then you see the polls that ask 'Is it normal to feel that blacks are more racist against whites than whites are against blacks?'.

    Yes, the colored people around you love the fact that you guys have most of the amassed wealth and power in the world and that a lot of you shitheads keep a 'we're superior' mental argument nicely reserved in your minds when in arguing with a colored person.

    And finally, yes, nothing will change when wealth and power shifts to Asia around 2040/50 cause we absolutely love white racists.

    On the poll, I'd love to go to Nigeria. Great country with a lot of opportunity and rapid development

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    • jnfdn3

      Preach brother!

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  • DeliaRG

    Though the Liberian people put themselves in their own mess (-_-)... I've gotta stick with my roots i guess.

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  • mizeka

    Don't know enough about them to decide.

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  • AngryDude

    J'ai envie de visiter la Cote d'Ivoire.

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  • lc1988

    I read a book about Mali written from an anthropologist's point of view. It seemed like a neat place to visit.

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