Which country is better? usa or china?
If you happen to live in one of those countries, DON'T VOTE, please. I want to see what Non-Americans, Non-Chinese think about this whole USA-China rivalry.
USA | 30 | |
China | 6 | |
Neutral | 8 |
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If you happen to live in one of those countries, DON'T VOTE, please. I want to see what Non-Americans, Non-Chinese think about this whole USA-China rivalry.
USA | 30 | |
China | 6 | |
Neutral | 8 |
Well the usa doesnt have slavery anymore so we are at least better than china in that regard.
I'd say America is better in most regards. More freedom, more variety, richer, all popular-culture comes from there, etc.
Yeah but I still like to advertise the fact that china does actual slavery still.
People cannot say that a country is better than america if said country is still using slavery.
It's the 21 century. Jesus
Are you referring to the actual physical Chinese slavery of Uyghur and other groups, or just the lack of freedom to speak and assimilate in protest to the government in a totalitarian state as slavery?
Both should probably be acknowledged when the haters of the States focus on slavery and genocide from hundreds of years ago as an problem and don't recongnize how great western countries have made it for all races, sexes, genders, sizes, and ages.
It is ironic how progressives trash western countries for not doing enough for oppressed people when it is only western countries that even aknowlege the concept that people could be oppressed.
Oops, I didn't read the last part before I voted. I am American so I have a colnflic of interest. In all honesty though, Chinese that live in China won't be able to vote because of a Communist totalitarian government control of their internet.
USA, China sucks!
Everything is made in China, the quality of everything has dropped, communism and a virus with a corona.
China used to be really cool back in the days, like 110 years ago, before the Emperor was removed. Not so much anymore. America, to an extent, has lost it's cool too though, but compared to China, it's cool as fuck.