Which country listed is the safest for female travelers?

Obviously, there are places that are dangerous for both men and women to travel to, but this poll is strictly about travel for females. Even more specifically: single, white, English-speaking, female travelers.

Also, I realized that there are other countries that are safer, but I want you to pick one from this list. (If you would like to see other countries on the list, make your own poll).

Pakistan 2
Turkey 15
South Africa 14
Congo 1
Russia 35
Morocco 3
Saudi Arabia 9
Mexico 14
Afganistan 10
Haiti 1
India 13
Somalia 5
Egypt 5
Tunsinia 0
Brazil 14
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Comments ( 132 )
  • anti-hero

    You can get raped anywhere.

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    • anti-hero

      Just a note to everyone that read my comments on this post yesterday, I was in a bad mood and acted like a jerk. I am sorry for that.

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    • Shackleford96

      Haha! XD

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    • Austalien

      ^This is the truth^ I think Australia is the safest on the Earth it's the outback you have to be on guard from though lots of stupid tourist die here from the dumbest shit like swimming in croc & shark infested waters always use common sense and it should be all good.

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  • GoraIntoDesiGals

    What 5 trolls voted Afghanistan?

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    • DarkMatter

      Shut up I know many people from Afghanistan. They are very nice

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  • iEatZombies_

    I'll tell you once I've traveled to each one and learned it's customs.

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    • nobleserpent

      You get a Thumb sir.

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  • Dad

    Why would a female want to go to India?
    I can just see all the men gorking at her in the street and where ever you go. Seriously they always stare at white girls, they don't even cover up their emotions at all.

    OMG a white girl walking down the main street of India, quickly everyone (meaning free men only of course) stop and stare at her, with a real stupid look on our face.

    Oh those India men, every girls dream!!!

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    • frankiestrange

      I'm 19, and a few months ago, I was on the train, on my own on my way back from University in London. An Indian man came to sit next to me. He was about 40-45 years old, and he started asking me questions. He asked if I was married, to which I obviously replied no. He told me I was very pretty, and asked for my number and told me he'd like to see me again. I told him I didn't like that I idea and that I wouldn't give him my number. He asked my age after that, and I replied honestly, to which he replied he thought I was 15. (I have a very young-looking face. And thinking about it now, it seems very dodgy for a 40-45 year old man to be asking for a girl's number to meet with her again if he assumes she's about fifteen, but you know) This was just an example, haha.

      I completely agree with you there Dad. I really don't know why they do it, and I would never go to India, haha! It's not just the men, but have you ever seen An Idiot Abroad with Karl Pilkinton when he goes to India? This is off topic entirely, but it's hilarious and I highly reccomend it. :)

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    • I know it's not on the list, but Italy is just as bad :P (especially if you're blonde)

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  • Avant-Garde


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    • thinkingaboutit

      haha. no.

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    • nobleserpent


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      • Rin✿


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        • nobleserpent

          Of course. Kenya not see that was obvious?

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          • Rin✿


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          • I Bolivia.

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            • 1000yrVampireKing

              I love how you put all the Muslim countries and high crime rate areas. I am guessing you must really want to get raped/killed or become a Muslim. Lets see "Meets a Muslim" or "get killed". Try a English speaking country. ENGLAND!

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          • nobleserpent

            Bah my spelling is terrible.

            *Kenya nazi

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            • Gasmasker

              Glad you corrected yourself there! Had me worried for a second.

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  • Imsupernormal

    Who the fuck voted Russia? They have the highest rape rates in the world.

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    • 1000yrVampireKing

      I think the op made this to troll us.

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  • nobodyspecial

    Definitely not South Africa.. Not a very safe place at all.

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    • Lynxikat

      Doesn't South Africa have one of the highest rape counts in the world?

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      • nobodyspecial

        We probably have one of the highest crime rates in the world!
        There have been a few cases of police randomly pulling women drivers over and sexually harassing them. Obviously nothing gets done because of the corruption in the police force.
        But yea, rape is extremely high here. Women don't drive alone at night neither can they walk down the road without having to wonder who's watching them. Anyway it's a part of life here and we adapt.....

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  • NeuroNeptunian

    It is rated as either the worst or second worst country for females to live, next to Pakistan. I would imagine that it is because they treat females like shit.

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    • Boo!

      I agree. My friends wanted to go there and I've warned them dont ever go there unless you have a man and people you know living there. Not a place for women. I visited india and the only thing I like about it was all those temples. My indian friends feel the same, india needs to change for the good of women in particular.

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    • So you think it's the safest? I am confused.

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      • NeuroNeptunian

        Fuck, sorry, I misread the question. Long day.
        Most likely South Africa, the rest of the countries (most of them) are countries in which is it culturally stressed that women are nothing but property. I would not travel alone, let alone travel alone to a country in which most women are still considered property. That's crazy.

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  • jondoerandom

    Not being xenophobic, but they're all pretty bad women-rights wise. there are chances that you can go to any of those places and be fine, or you can get raped on the first night.

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    • How observant of you. These countries make most of the popular lists regarding unsafe countries for female travelers, that's why I put them in the poll. Some of these places, I would like to see, but I can't because I am female and I don't want to risk my safety in that way. It's a bummer that because I am born a certain way, that I am limited to where in the world I can go, safely - compared to males. I wanted to see if anyone thought these countries are actually safe enough to go to. It has been my dream since I was nine years old to travel to India, but I am slightly afraid to.

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      • dejaentendu!

        India is pretty bad actually, but make sure you travel with someone and just be slightly alert and you'll be fine.
        People really gawk, even if you're ethnically Indian (I am), but it's just one of those things you need to deal with. Is it fair, no?

        I spent a summer in India, and while it was amazing fun, I felt a lot better with other people and going out alone was completely out of the question.

        But don't worry about it too much. Be smart and travel with someone else.

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      • jondoerandom

        Why don't you travel with somebody? Like another guy, or a mixed group of friends?

        I agree, that's not fair just because you're a girl. However, we don't make the rules, really. So unless you travel with Saudi Arabia and decided to parade with a mini-skirt, having a companion or a group might really make things simple and safe for you.

        India is awesome if you like hiking, I mean -the nature is breathtaking. I haven't been there, but my friends went.

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      • Eat a dick. Goodbye.

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      • 1000yrVampireKing

        Why do you want to go to a middle eastern country? Do you know how hot it is down in the middle east? Not to mention the sand. If you want to go to a wasteland you can go anywhere in the west. Russia is cold so go to ENGLAND or CANADA. If you want to get shot go to mexico. Mexico is unsafe for anyone thanks to the drug lords running the place.

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  • dappled

    Vatican City / Holy See.

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  • Anywhere that is dangerous for women are dangerous to men. If a place is dangerous, it isn't just a woman danger zone.
    The whole world is a dangerous place, you can be victimized anywhere, anytime, any gender.

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    • NeuroNeptunian

      I would imagine that parts of the world that see women as property and men as superior to them (much like you do) would be much more dangerous, as a female could easily be put to death for refusing sex with another man, whilst a man would not likely have that trouble as no native man would admit to anyone outside of his circle of influence that he is gay, let alone ask that man for sexual favors.

      When we're talking about a country in which women can be persecuted just for speaking their opinion loudly in public? Hell yeah it's more dangerous for women. A foreign man is just a nuisance. A foreign female is an opportunity. I wouldn't dare travel alone, let alone travel alone to a country in which I could be sent to prison indefinitely because another man saw my leg, a problem that a male traveler would more than likely not have for most of these countries.

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      • Pity. Just like most people, you think that I see every woman beneith every man, regardless of me saying otherwise. I have always said, as a gender males are superior, not that every single man is better than every single woman.

        You are implying me a sexist when you are saying a foreign female is an oppurtunity and a foreign man is a nuisance? Erm, excuse me? You are implying I'm sexist? I could sit there and say the same about women, since they "need" inventions made by men to do even half the work they do today, but that would be sexist, right?
        A man is an oppurtunity, a woman is a nusiance...Oh, it's only sexist when men get seen in the better light?

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        • flutterhigh

          Are we reading the same comment here? Nothing about what Neuro said implied that you're "sexist" or that she thinks that you "see every woman beneath every man". She (pretty calmly) explained that there are many more parts of the world in which women are seen as inferior to men, and as such, it tends to be dangerous for women more often than for men. Nobody is saying that only women get persecuted.

          Also, you entirely misunderstood her nuisance/opportunity comment. She was saying that in other parts of the world, a female tourist is seen by criminals as an opportunity to sexually harass, whereas men are often seen as impediments to that. She was not saying that men are inherently nuisances or that women are full of opportunities. I realize English isn't your first language, but try not to jump to conclusions.

          Furthermore, your original comment is off topic. OP is asking as a woman, which countries may be harshest on women. You cannot seriously argue that South Africa is just as dangerous for men as it is for women. It has one of the highest male-on-female rape statistics in the world. So no, this isn't another story you can turn into a gender flame war.

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          • KeddersPrincess

            I think ItDuz can turn anything into a gender flame war.

            "How do you feel about peanut butter"

            ItDuz: Men are not given enough peanut butter in society. Peanut butter is an invention made by men which others tend to overlook as they let their emotions dictate their logic. When I wrote a poll about peanut butter, most women disagreed that chunky peanut butter was better, therefore proving my theory that women are too afraid to admit their wrongs, when logically chunky peanut butter is better.

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            • flutterhigh

              I lol'd.

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            • Lynxikat

              LOL, that's great, man. Loved it xD

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            • I actually found that pretty funny myself. Thumbs up to you.

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          • "I would imagine that parts of the world that see women as property and men as superior to them (much like you do)"
            If you don't see someone as thinking the other gender is property or superior to the other, then I am amazed.

            I never denied that it is worse for women in some areas, I was simply stating that it is bad for males in those areas aswell, not worse.

            If that is what she meant, then I was wrong, and I apologize to you NeuroNeptunian for not understanding that.

            English is my first language, both conclusions were not clear. She didn't mention what she meant, she didn't mention what the woman is an oppurtunity for, so wouldn't I be jumping to conclusions anyway if I was to jump to what you said she meant without her stating that it is what she meant?

            I "was" trying to say that the world was dangerous for everybody, implying that we should look out for eachother, but hey, fuck you ItDuz, fuck you for thinking we should all help eachother out, this was a woman matter, when it happens to women, it only happens to women, only when men are victims of something to we change the lable "male" to "humans".

            So no, this wasn't me trying to make this a gender flame war.

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            • flutterhigh

              As for your first point - I missed that, my mistake. And I thought you told me months ago that English wasn't your first language. I guess not.

              But as for the rest:
              "I never denied that it is worse for women in some areas, I was simply stating that it is bad for males in those areas aswell, not worse."

              And I'm saying that's completely irrelevant. OP is asking because she is a woman who is presumably weighing these choices for herself. That's why it's absolutely unnecessary to bring this debate in here when OP is basically just asking for travel advice. For herself, who is a woman. I can't see how you don't understand this. So yes, this is you trying to make this a gender flame war. Just like every other time the word "female" or "male" is mentioned anywhere.

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        • NeuroNeptunian

          I fail to see how I am a lesser being for "needing" inventions by men? How am I a sexist by "needing" what men have created? Every time you post, you speak of women as if we are all from the same breed of trash- overly emotional and disrespectful whores whose purpose and meaningfulness in society is less than that of a disposable napkin.

          A female in a foreign country is an opportunity, because that's what all females in said countries are, opportunities. They are property, they are an opportunity to get laid or being a punching bag for assholes, and foreign females are that same opportunity. Males traveling abroad are a nuisance, they are simply there and they are unwelcome but ignored, assuming average travel and political conditions in said country. Yes, these countries can be dangerous for men, but they are more dangerous for women, on average, statistically and otherwise.

          Because of the virtue of your thought, that men are superior to women, I would be going to a country that would see me as property, something to be owned, an opportunity for a fuck. I have a successful job in a field dominated by men, everything I own was purchased by my money, the inventions I use, I bought and they were not invented by the male gender, they were invented by a male or group of people, don't tell me not to take credit for the achievement and oppression of females and then turn around and give the entire male gender credit for the achievements of a few males. That's bullshit. I work as hard as the men in my company, I am delaying child-bearing so that I may earn my OWN living, and if you want to talk statistics here, most men in EVERY country are my intellectual inferior, so how am I inferior to the male gender because I am a female?

          If you're going to sit here and bitch about how all women are nothing but trashy, disrespectful whores, go right ahead and be my guest. If you're going to sit here and speak of us as if we sit on our asses all day long and contribute nothing to society, go right ahead! And please, do continue speaking of men as if they are weak-willed pussies that are victims of the horrible female agenda, roll tide, buddy! But don't sit here and tell me that you are not sexist in the least bit and don't sit here and tell me that the female gender can not take credit for the oppression and evils committed to us by the male gender and give *your* "superior" gender credit for all of the achievements of males! Don't piss in my face and tell me it is raining outside, pal. I know how you feel about women and so do you. The least I would think I could expect is a little honesty but if you're going to piss in my face about it then there is nothing left for you to talk about. We both know the score, here.

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          • I never said that was why you were sexist, I said that you were sexist for saying a foreign male is a nuisence and a foreign woman is an oppurtunity. I might of got that part wrong, in which was explained to me by someone else.
            When I speak on my subjects I don't mean every single woman, and I've never called women whores.

            Yes, I misunderstood that part, so I apologize.

            I said as a group males are better, I never said every individual male is better than every individual woman.
            I never said all males should get credit for it, I am saying that men are more likely to create more complex things in technology, etc.

            I have to dissagree with you there, you are saying you are one of the smartest in the world, or implying that most men aren't as smart as women. Most men in every country is not your intellectual inferior.

            I have never said all women are, you took the emotional response and assumed I said all women are like that. I have never said women don't contribute to society, I have said that men progress society more with their inventions, etc.

            What? Are you serious? So men that are victims of women are weak-willed pussies? Go fuck yourself. WHo do you think you are insulting all those men that are getting victimized by women because if they defended themselves they would have a strong chance of being charged? It's people like you that make me have these views.

            No, we both don't. Females are still, even to thi day, the majority of my friends. If I hated women, why would I keep female friends?

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            • NeuroNeptunian

              You speak of men as if they are all victims of some horrible female agenda, not I.Telling me to go fuck myself and then accusing ME if giving the emotional response? No. I will respond however I seem fit, to anyone who finds it in any way logical to use the argument "Males are superior to feImales but not all males are superior to females" make up your God damn mind already. Don't generalize and then pick apart minorities and call it a valid form of argument.

              And dear God do something about your interpretation of the English language. I did not say that I am smarter than all males. While I'm fucking myself, why don't you reread the statement. Statistically speaking, I am of higher intelligence by most males in every country, hell, more so than most people in every country. I states males in general to poke at the irony that they see me as inferior in such countries. If I thought you'd get so pissy and blame me for your anger at society id have clarified.

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    • bananaface

      Not really. Some places view women as inferiors, and therefore treat them in ways which would be unthinkable if done to a man.

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      • Yes, I never said that it is the same for men that women get treated, I am saying that harsh punishments would more likely be in places that treat women badly that there would be other laws that punish men.

        For example, I think it's Iran, the place in which women have to cover themselves, men aren't allowed to wear anything that shows them to be powerful such as expensive clothing and jewelery unless they do have power. A man's image of power is like a woman's image of beauty.

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        • dom180

          By way of dismantling your example, female tourists MUST cover up entirely apart from the face and feet. Male tourists must NOT wear shorts, but that's about as strict as it gets. That gives them a fuckload more options than women.

          Also, it isn't about limiting the image of beauty for women and the image of power for men. It's about limiting the power of men and women, just the women get limited much more. Basically, it's oppression, and women get the short end of the stick.

          If you want to compare how male and female tourists are treated in Iran in terms of dress code using an easy and visual comparison, read this webpage about it. Men have 3 short lines of instructions, women must obey several paragraphs.


          I know I've spent far too much time dissecting your one example, and I'm sure you could have picked a better one that actually demonstrated your point well. In your example, yeah, men and women are both subject to a dress code. The difference is that the women's is oppressive, and the men's is hardly a blip.

          Whether it's actually dangerous is another matter; if you follow the rules - which are easy to follow - it isn't. I'll give you that. But it could be enough to make your trip unenjoyable if you're a woman but enjoyable if you're a man. It isn't fair at all. Exercising what ought to be basic human rights is more dangerous as a woman in Iran than it is a man, because women are more restricted. They can do less than a man and get equal punishment.

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          • Like I said, I never said women don't have it worse in those places, I was simply saying males also have their harships, and for some reason everyone has jumped to the conclusion that I am trying to say men get treated worse. Like I keep saying, anything trying to state men being the victim of something end up making people supporting females feel like I have opened an attack on them.

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            • dom180

              Only in the sense that everywhere in the world is dangerous for everyone to a small extent, which is such an obvious point that it doesn't need stating. Admittedly obvious points do sometimes need to be said, but that's not the case here. I don't see why you'd bring it up unless you had the aim to start a gender war.

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    • KeddersPrincess

      Especially my house. That is...if you're a man ;)

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  • Elmanta

    You shouldnt go to saudi arabia its beautiful and all but driving is prohibited for women

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  • 1000yrVampireKing

    I notice you did not pick a log of English speaking countries. I know this has to be a troll. How about England? Canada or America? Maybe even japan or china? What made you pick the countries you did? I do not think most of these places even speak English. You just picked these choices to mess with us right?

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  • 1000yrVampireKing

    Do not go to Mexico(drugs and crime)
    South Africa
    Saudi Arabia

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  • Severus'sDaughter19


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  • stupidassholeguy

    I voted for Congo as a joke. I really think Mexico would be the safest.

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  • drugsrbadmkay

    The more I travel to other countries, the more I like my home country.

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  • Carlosolrac

    Brazil would be a very good place to go but the problem here is the stealing we have case of rapes but it's not that high.
    But the thing here is that not only "gringos" get the violence it happens for whoever is here, not only for travelers but watch out wherever you go, because you can suffer anything in any country of the world... even in Europe and USA there have been cases why there wouldnt be in other countries?? You get me?
    Everywhere you go there have been cases of any kind of violence, the thing you have to do is to go to crowded places thats a place really difficult of happning something.

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  • ToxicCrayons

    India by far. I can't believe Russia has received the most votes - it's very dangerous. I'm also shocked that South Africa and Egypt have received any votes at all. I've been to Egypt, but luckily I was with a few family members and a tour group. I was harassed by locals. I can't imagine what would have happened if I went alone.

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  • Santa'sUlcer

    Nothing personal against the majority of the people of Egypt, but DO NOT - I repeat DO NOT EVERRRR go there unless you go with someone else. I went to Egypt a few years ago by myself (stupid move) for the Abu Simbel festival and it was a nightmare in the city. Aside from the less than favorable sanitary conditions, most of the men (the younger and middle-aged men) were very creepy, stalker-ish and there's always someone trying to sell you trash. If you go to Egypt, you're actually safer and better off going to stay with the "uncivilized" traveling Bedouin tribes... the majority of people in the city are just too damn weird an creepy.

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  • Austalien

    This poll is funny anyone that voted clearly hasn't got a clue whats been going on in all those countries >_>

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  • theaverageatheist

    it's a difficult decision between Russia and South Africa...
    I've been to South Africa mabe if you go too the slums alone it's dangerus, but other than that it's like a not so rich Australia.
    i've never been to Russia but it's UE, i think it depends where if you are in mosco, fine.
    some where on the sothen border, not so.

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  • Squambly+

    HA HA they put Haiti. That's a laugh.

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  • belbel000

    I chose russia because you specified the type of woman you were talking about and there are a lot of white people there, so I thought it would be the safest.

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    • belbel000

      I just read a comment that said russia has the highest rape rates, so I change my vote to south africa.

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  • frankiestrange

    I know this isn't on the list, but I thought I'd share the story anyway. I have a friend who went to Thailand for a short while on a business trip. As soon as she got off the plane, men came up to her, showing her men's driver's licences and asking who she wanted to sleep with. She was confused and scared so she politely declined. After hearing this, the men asked her if she was into women and showed her photos of some women and their driver's licences. She again said no, and trying to get away, they asked one more time. They began showing her photographs of children and asking if she'd like to sleep with some of them. She was terrified of these men and managed to get away in the end.

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    • Seriously? Wow. I spent a month backpacking around in Thailand. I found people where a little aggressive with trying to get you to spend your money, especially since I went at the end of the tourist season when most of them were a little more hard up for out of town coin. It's a fairly safe place if you don't act stupid though. It does smell really bad there, but the food it fantastic.

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  • Angel_in_a_Glass_Dress

    Well the only place on the list I've been to is South Africa so... I can recommend sticking to the well populated areas, such as the malls etc.

    but above all... be mindful of your surroundings.

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  • Finding_Peace_In_A_Mad_World

    I think they all pretty have the same level of danger.

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    • They do, I did that on purpose.

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  • IrishPotato

    Why don't you go with a companion or a group of friends?
    I know, it's not fair, but we don't make the rules do we?

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  • zchristian

    You should probadly check which of them has the lowest crime rate.

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  • nightmare28

    Out of all those places Russia is the best choice.

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  • GuessWho

    many of those are straight off the "most dangerous places for travellers" list

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    • shade_ilmaendu

      I'm pretty sure that's why she chose these places. Kind of trying to find out what's the worst of the worst in terms of dangerous places to go.

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  • none of them, dont leave home

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  • flutterhigh

    Since you're limiting the question to females, by "safe" do you mean least likely to be sexually harassed? Least culturally oppressed? Most accommodating?

    Primarily Islamic countries may be difficult to visit because of the major discrepancies in cultural gender roles. Saudi Arabia, Morocco, Pakistan, Afganistan, Somalia, Turkey, Tunsinia, and Egypt have very high Muslim populations. Just something to consider.

    South Africa, Brazil, Russia, and Mexico are pretty high on Wikipedia's list of countries by homicide rate. But then again, those sorts of statistics tend to be fairly skewed, and several of your countries aren't listed.

    Other obvious considerations are the state of Haiti after its earthquake (hint: not too great yet), and I'm pretty sure DR Congo is still fucked up by war and political upheaval. Afghanistan is still not quite stable either.

    My recommendation would be Turkey. It's economically surprisingly stable compared to Europe and the rest of the world, and it's absolutely beautiful to boot. Crime isn't too bad (though I'd keep my wallet safe when you're walking through the street shops), and I think there were some incidents of terrorism in the last few years, but as far as I know it's calmed down.

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  • My pick would be India, but since I'm the Poll Creator it won't let me vote.

    I've known women who've been attacked (beaten and robbed) in Mexico. It doesn't seem very safe to me.

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    • Avant-Garde

      Do you mean "safest" by culture or by government standards?

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      • Safe, as in you don't have to worried about being physically assaulted, robbed, or kidnapped by the locals or their police in the middle of the day.

        :) Hope that helps clarify.

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