Which country would you like to move to or visit?

Ok so I'm getting tired of the United States and just really want to get out for a while. I hope to take a trip to Ireland in the near future when I have enough money with a few of my friends. I love the older time look and environment with the castles and historical sightings.

Although I truely would love to travel the world too. I love all the different cultures out there, even though some of them I know for sure I wouldn't be able to handle or know how to act.

Do you plan on ever moving to another country or just visiting to just get out, if so which country and why?

Italy 5
Ireland 4
England 12
Scotland 0
United States 12
Egypt 2
Greece 2
France 3
Spain 5
Japan 15
China 3
Russia 6
Australia 11
Turkey 0
Hungary 2
Argentina 0
Chile 0
Brazil 1
Cuba 2
Iceland 2
Greenland 0
Mexico 0
Canada 6
Peru 0
New Zealand 5
Netherlands 4
Poland 0
Madagascar 2
North/South Korea 2
Philippines 0
Puerto Rico 0
Jamaica 0
Finland 3
The Bahamas 1
Taiwan 2
Other 13
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Comments ( 26 )
  • Imsupernormal


    I'm sick and tired of Earth. I want to go space-traveling and visit another planet. I feel like I was born 100 years too early. LoL :(

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    • NoraBaker

      Me too! Me too!!! I can't hear the word "travel", never say it too loud close to me. I'll be all packed and ready to go in a matter of minutes. Now space-travel, I'm there already!

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  • ItsOnlyJustMe

    I want to head back to Japan one of these days.. but I'd also like to go to Europe one time.

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  • AssBurgers

    I would love to live in the States. I went to LA in 2001 when I was 9, for three weeks...my Mom had a friend out there & it was great. Haven't been back there since but I'd like to at least visit New York, Chicago, New Orleans and Miami.

    Unfortunately, emigrating to the USA sounds pretty difficult :(

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  • NoraBaker

    I can't even choose! I've been to 9 of the countries listed and lived in 3 of them. Given the opportunity I'd definitely start exploring Asia and Oceania, both of which I've never visited. Now do we get free tickets or something?

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  • Avant-Garde

    I would like to move to either France or England. For travel.... I would really like to go to Germany and Japan.

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  • NicoleAl`

    I love living in southern California but if I was forced to move, then I'd definitely go to South Africa. Plenty of good surf spots with beautiful weather and very little humidity.

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  • LarkaA

    Oh, I wish I could choose more than one. I really had trouble deciding between Japan and England. Went with England in the end though. If I move there, I won't have to learn a new language and it's close enough to a bunch of other countries that I want to visit, so I'd be able to travel. Plus, Sherlock Holmes, Doctor Who, Harry Potter.

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  • qwertasdfgzxcvb

    I would say come to Australia! But come at your own risk, most Australians don't like Americans. We especially hate when you say G'day and try to be all aussie, it's not going to happen. But Australia is a beautiful country with great people! So if you're not an arrogant, rude or loud American then come on down! Hate to be blunt but you ought to know.

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    • watt_bro

      So to put it simply Australians are racist why would I want to go there if every one hated me

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  • mae94

    japan was the best place i visited

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  • anti-hero

    Puerto Rico, is not a country. Not trying to be a dick, just saying. I lived there for 2 years.

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  • Captain_Kegstand

    There needs to be an "all of the above" option.

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    • Saycheese

      Yeah, sorry about that. I was thinking of putting that option but some reason completely forgot.

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  • cookiesaregreat

    Me and my family plan on moving to Indonesia in a few years. Indonesia is mint.

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  • joybird

    If you like Ireland you would love Poland as it's even more 'primitive' with beautiful architecture, history and friendly people (not as friendly as the Irish though).

    Other than that I love Cyprus but it has become very commercialised now.

    I'll stick to travelling between Ireland and Scotland :)

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    • NoraBaker

      I loooove Poland! I haven't been to Ireland though. :(
      Nor have I been to Scotland. Both seem beautiful from what I've seen on tv/movies. The most gorgeous landscapes!

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      • joybird

        Absolutely. However, my sister in law lives in New Zealand now and she says it is very similar to Ireland although we don't have volcanoes :o)

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        • NoraBaker

          Cool! Thanks for the info. Coincidentally, that lonely vote for New Zealand is mine! Haha. Since I wanna go everywhere it just gets really hard to pick. ;)

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    • Saycheese

      My parents had went to Ireland for their anniversary one year and they loved it. They sure made me jealous!

      Plus I would love to go to Scotland and England.

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  • Saycheese

    That's weird. Does anybody else notice that when they approved of this topic that the votes were deleted?

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  • Shackleford96

    I am not sure where I would like to go, but I know that I would like to go somewhere someday. I have always dreamed of saving up a small pile of money, and then moving to a different country and living like a king :)

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    • Austalien

      Thailand is perfect for that :)

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      • Shackleford96

        Interesting recommendation, thank you :)

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  • Jweezee

    I live in the U.S too, but i'd like to live in australia. I'm a scuba diver and would love to dive the great barrier reef. Also, the people seem friendly and their accent is awesome. And i find a lot of Australian women attractive too. G'day.

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    • WolfDog

      You might change your mind when you look up the world's deadliest animals, we have the majority of them.

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