Which cult is your favorite?

Which of these cults is your favorite, or which do you subscribe to? We'll leave out the virtually hundreds of sub-cults under each cult(Protestant, Methodist, etc.).

Christianity 34
Islam 14
Hindu 0
Buddist 10
Judaism 4
Babism 1
Baha'i Faith 0
Rastafari 5
Mandaeans 0
Sumaritinism 1
Unitarian 1
Sikhism 0
Shinto 2
Taoism 0
Gnosticism 1
Ayyavazhi 1
Confucianism 1
Other 13
Athiest (no such thing as a supreme being) 48
Agnostis (I don't know if I believe or not, undecided) 33
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Comments ( 56 )
  • darren3

    Wicca! I forgot you too. I'm am sorry Wicca. Your belief system is as valid as any other and over looking you is entirely on me. I am sorry.

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  • BoredGuy

    Sorry to disappoint you but atheism is neither a cult or a religion.

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    • thehelpinghand

      thank you i am the only meshugenugh whom bloody clicked judaism stupid gentiels hate me

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    • re·li·gion   
      a set of beliefs concerning the cause, nature, and purpose of the universe, especially when considered as the creation of a superhuman agency or agencies, usually involving devotional and ritual observances, and often containing a moral code governing the conduct of human affairs.
      a specific fundamental set of beliefs and practices generally agreed upon by a number of persons or sects: the Christian religion; the Buddhist religion.

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      • BoredGuy

        So... you are agreeing with me.

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    • darren3


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  • mateo


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  • Flowers

    I think it's offensive to call decent religions 'cults' ._.

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  • 4392Moron



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    • darren3

      Christianity is a cult.

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  • YourLittleVampire


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  • wesley22296

    I voted other.

    I think it's a beautiful thing when a person can find joy and peace in any form, even in a religion. When they want to share it with fellow members of these "cults" then that is what's called "fellowship" and is amazing. If one wants to spread their belief to another, then they must do so in a loving way and not necessarily present it as the absolute and definite truth. I hate when religions do this, it's so intimidating and we wouldn't have church burnings if not for abrasive, incoherent religious people. People also hate religion because their personal experience with it has been negative. It's quite sad, if you ask me.

    I'm neither atheist nor agnostic, and definitely not a member of any religion. I believe in God, but you probably wouldn't call it that when I explain it.

    There *is* a supreme being. This is not one that determines whether we go to heaven or hell (both places that I refuse to knowledge the existence of). Science is in full effect and is what "God" works behind. I believe that it created the universe, and of course, indirectly, created me. I do not worship it, but instead am aware that my existence is something very important and is owed directly to it. I am thankful beyond belief for the universe where anything is possible. God does not intervene, which sometimes is tough. There are multiple alien races scattered all across the universe, (the end of the movie "Contact" keeps popping up in my head)and humans think that we are the "chosen ones" and this is absurd. But, we are in complete control of our own destiny. God has no hands but ours.

    Please note that I called God "it" and not "He". If I called God, "He", then that would imply that it had person-like qualities. When really, the God I believe in works on a much, much, higher level.

    However, I also believe that God does not throw dice. Some sort of master plan is definitely in place, and science is the method by which God chooses to work.

    Good and bad were not created by God, they are concepts made by man through millenia of trial and error based on actions by other people and their reactions to them. God doesn't punish, but it *is* essential to treat your fellow man with respect and yourself. Even though I refuse to identify with Christianity, Jesus did say "Judge not, lest ye be judged." I like the prophets of various religions because they all have things to say that are applicable to a person's life, regardless of their religion.

    I don't have a name for this belief system, but it sure isn't a religion. But when you leave out all the bullshit from all the conflicting religions and look a little closer, it seems a little bit stupid not to at least acknowledge some type of universal force.

    I apologize if you think this is too long a response, and I applaud anyone who made it this far.

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  • haha, these aren't cults. They're just a big list of religions.

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    • darren3

      Someone already made that statement (about a dozen times).

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  • Thio

    Wicca. (Why is it never on the poll?! ;_;)

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  • darren3

    I forgot Mormons. Sorry Mormons. Sorry Joseph Smith. Sorry Mr. and Mrs. Smith.

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  • sweetz90

    Religion is not a cult...this poll is offensive

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    • BigKahunaBurger

      Pick up a dictionary. Religions are just cults that are widespread enough to have been given sanction by government.

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    • darren3

      I am sorry Sweet. Perhaps you could explain the difference for me.

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    • godly

      sorry but all religons were cults that grew into religons

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  • bleach_baby

    "Cults", lol. Who just started freshman philosophy class?

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  • Malice27

    I like how atheists push there bullshit theories and what not on people of faith but once those said people say or do anything dealing with their religion the atheists are up on their high horses spewing out judgment....I hope you all have fire retardant suits, I heard it gets hot in hell.

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    • darren3

      If you were being sarcastic this would be funny.

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  • darren3

    I found Sweets reply so interesting that I decided to check for myself. I'd hate to offend anyone. Merriam-Webster dictionary say:

    CULT noun, often attributive \ˈkəlt\

    1: formal religious veneration : worship
    2: a system of religious beliefs and ritual; also : its body of adherents
    3: a religion regarded as unorthodox or spurious; also : its body of adherents

    RELIGION noun \ri-ˈli-jən\
    1a : the state of a religious
    1b : the service and worship of God or the supernatural
    2 commitment or devotion to religious faith or observance
    2: a personal set or institutionalized system of religious attitudes, beliefs, and practices
    3: archaic: scrupulous conformity: conscientiousness
    4: a cause, principle, or system of beliefs held to with ardor and faith

    Synonyms: credo, creed, cult, faith, persuasion

    Notice the third synonym, "cult".

    I forgive you sweet for your error. Not knowing what a word means often causes confusion. That is of course unless you don't use a dictionary or choose to take a writing and alter it so that it conforms to your person beliefs.

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    • dappled

      The words religion and cult may be synonyms, but that's not where the story ends. Cults are generally thought to be secretive, manipulative, extremist, or just plain weird. You could understand why someone who followed a religion would not want to be likened to being in a cult.

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      • darren3

        I think manipulative and extremist make my point that they're the same. And don't each of the above groups generally find the others belief systems "weird?" Some worship cows, some despise pigs, some believe there are virgins waiting for them if they kill themselves for their religion, some believe you can become pregnant without sex, some believe that multiple wives is normal...shall I go on? And those are the ones you call religions. The cults are no less "weird." I humbly submit that the term may not be your favorite, but it is no less accurate.

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        • dappled

          I may have been too subtle. Look at the last line of my reply again. This is less about definition than about consideration for other people's feelings. I made the assumption that you understood. I'll phrase it instead as a question.

          Do you understand why someone who followed a religion would not want to be likened to being in a cult?

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          • darren3

            I understand, but don't feel the term is any less valid.

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            • dappled

              Actually you've already answered it in your post to Valkeer. I'll leave this one alone now.

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            • dappled

              I agree with you about validity. What I'm curious about is why you'd knowingly set out to upset religious people. Unless it was just a mistake.

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    • mizeka

      Honestly, what is your problem?

      Oh, and never try to prove your claims with a dictionary. You just make yourself look stupid and uneducated... But that's too late already, I think.

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      • darren3

        Is that really your argument? Well crafted. Anyway, I don't have a problem, but appearently the term I used offended some. I'm just explaining why its appropriate. If you have a viable argument please type away, but just insulting me only weakens your position.

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    • Bartholomew

      You're arguing what its literal definition is. Sweet, Dappled and BoredGuy were all arguing the connotation of the word "cult" which tends to be negative. Therefore it is oddly confusing to create a poll pointedly religious but to deem each subscribed religion a "cult." And that's been the point of conflict here because doing that seems oddly antagonistic. Sorry to drudge this up after about a month of it being finished. We each our entitled to our opinion. My choice would've been Mormon. I accept your apology though on behalf of the greater Mormon community, for leaving it out. Haha.

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      • Bartholomew

        Excuse me, Mizeka*** not BoredGuy. I was reading the wrong post.

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  • disthing

    Nothing like religion to get the IIN debating society salivating huh?

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  • LittleLover


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  • In my Vocabulary , Cults are where people come together to share a certain religion and belief. BUT the word " Cults " are mostly used for people that follow demonic stuff like satan etc.

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    • darren3

      That is the popular misconception, BUT you are wrong friend. That's just factually incorrect. Some do worship Satan (Manson believed he WAS Satan), but the biggest, most well known cults worship God and believe their cult's leader is his Messiah. In other words their leaders are the equivilent of Jesus or Muhammad:

      Hare Krishna believe in the God Krishna, Scientology believe that its followers can also be Muslim, Christian etc.
      Moonies believe that the founder Sun Myung Moon is the Messiah.
      KKK are "God fearing" Christians.
      David Koresh believed he was God's Messiah. Jim Jones believed he was the Messiah of God.

      Thank you. Try the veal.

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  • BigKahunaBurger

    I have a slight problem with the description of 'Agnostis'.

    I wouldn't describe someone who is simply undecided as being agnostic. Agnosticism is about acknowleging that humans lack the capacity or ability to understand the ultimate truth. Whether there is a god or gods is always deniable; we can never know for certain. I also wouldn't describe it as a cult as I do not follow any particular teaching, I just come to my own conclusions based on the evidence in front of me - with regards to the existence of gods, absolutely zilch.

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    • darren3

      Again, I am aware that Agnostic and Athiest are not cults/religions, but they belong on a list of belief systems.

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  • wesley22296

    @Enizzle I was referring to the scene in Contact where the woman says that if there's only one race in the universe, it would be an awful waste of space. That's all. I realize that Contact is fiction, but that last line is something that really spoke to me.

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  • howaminotmyself

    My favorite...tough choice. I'm going with the "cult of personality."

    However you know the word "cult" has a negative connotation. And you aren't surprised that people are taking offense. In fact, I think you want to upset people. That isn't a very nice thing to do. Does it make you feel better about yourself to poke fun at something that makes another person feel better about life? Now I don't like proselytizers and it sounds like you are doing something similar. If you aren't hurting anyone, I have no problem with your belief structure.

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  • Dubu_girl

    I'm actually, technically, atheist, but I chose Shintoism because I really like the mythology of it. Not a big fan of Christianity or Scientology though.

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  • you forgot paganism. Out of all religions, it's my favourite, although I'm religious (i just don't believe in anything)

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  • darren3

    While I don't agree with much of what you wrote, it was well said. Thanks for the response.

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  • Enizzle


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  • Enizzle


    while I agree with most, if not all, of your post, there is one thing I simply cannot, nay, WILL not, give any crisibility whatsoever, and seriously damages your argument.

    The movie Contact.

    Seriously, her fcking father? Dude...what the FUCK.

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  • spoon4d


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  • darren3:

    In the future you might show more respect towards religion as a vast majority of us believe in some kind of faith and to have someone call it a cult doesn't endear you to anyone :)

    But yeah there isn't much difference between a religion and a cult other than one's popular and the other isn't. Still, it comes off as an attempt to paint religion as strange when you call it a cult.

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    • darren3

      Thank you for your reply and of course there was sarcasm in my wording and use of cult, but it was more in a sense of humor than to offend. But I love a good discussion about theology. It's to bad most "believers" can't take the term cult with a grain of salt. Personal attacks on my intellegence don't strengthen an argument. It only shows that the attacker hasn't been able to form an intellegent argument so they resort to insults. And since I probably am more educated about their religions than they are I'd love to debate.

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        "I am not unintellegent".

        This is what is known as an ironic spelling fail.

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  • thank you darren3 i will say mormons , because of the underpants that gives me a smile

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  • It's a small shadowy force known only to few around the world. I will breathe the name but keep it safe, keep it secret.

    I am something they call a "Protestant".

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    • darren3

      Thank you for a normal response (even though your one of the three major divisions of Christianity) ( -;

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  • darren3

    Heavens Gate, Scientology, Solar Temple, Hare Krishna, Children of God, KKK, Branch Davidians, Manson Followers, Peoples Temple. I AM SORRY. I over looked all of you! I am sick over it. Here you good folks are, following a belief, spreading the word of...something... and I just go and forget to add you to the list. PEOPLE OF IIN. DON'T OVER LOOK THESE VALID BELIEF SYSTEMS. Vote early! Vote often!

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  • Enizzle

    In the beginning...God made made the earth. It I often said that mighty god rested on the seventh day. Lo, and hearken to me, for just as David begat Isaiah, who begat Josepg, who begat Jesus, Jesus so too did begat. Jesus begat the New Covenent, the Way. However, this story based upon our savior has been skewed over the thousands of years since it's enactment. Read my words now, for I am one of His latter day prophets, henceforth known as Jerry. Heed my stories of the one you call Jesus, and know the wisdom I bring to you all.

    Jedus Johnson was born to a virgin mother. She claimed no blood had been shed on her and Joeys consummation, due to the fact that whilst drunk one night and trying to climb a fence, she fell onto a fencepole. Her name was The Virgin Mary-Sue. Joey of Memphis was Jedus Johnson's father. Upon visiting Graceland, Jedus dropped "of Memphis" from his name, as much to Joey and Mary-Sues shame, Jedus had no love for Elvis.

    Upon being expelled from his fathers house due to the heresy of anti-Elvis posturing, Jedus travelled the Southwest. He was an odd figure. He drew masses to his presence. He could outdrink and outfight the best of us. When Jedus Johnson came into a bar in his heavenly jeanshorts and red flannel wifebeater, and flashed his 12 toothed smile at us, we became entranced. This truly was the son of god. He drank with me long into the night, and in the stupor of moonshine drunkenness, confided in me that I was to be his first Apostle.

    We travelled all over in search of a crew for Jedus Johnson. Johnny the Brawler, Shotgun Jeff, Jimbo Rodriguez (who Jedus and I both questioned his line of descent) and Beerkeg Jimmy. Shotgun Jeff was a survivalist, abd preached to the masses online the coming doom of America through Afr-American treachery and the dangers of homosexual influence. He would catch rabbits for us to eat and build fires. Jimbo Rodriguez, with his brown skin and stained wifebeater was our lookout as we beer-ran 7-11s. By the grace of god, we were never caught.

    Jedus Johnson healed the sick, like the time he helped saw off old Mabels diabetes swollen left foot, or when he pulled out Shotgun Jeffs impacted tooth. He preached the loving ways of god as me and the apostles drank and snorted glue in Jimbos trailer. It was after his most famous sermon, "The Sermon on the Dodge Ram 350" that he confided in us that he was destined to die. We gathered at a last supper, where he served us the finest shrimp Louise and all you can drink budweiser. We watched the Indy 500. And he any us away so he could meditate.

    Part 2 of the Gospel of Jerry to follow later.

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