Which girl is the prettiest combination?

Brown hair/ blue eyes 105
Brown hair/ green eyes 86
Brown hair/ brown eyes 83
Brown hair/ hazel eyes 47
Black hair/ blue eyes 73
Black hair/ green eyes 58
Black hair/ brown eyes 56
Black hair/ hazel eyes 14
Blonde hair/ blue eyes 98
Blonde hair/ green eyes 47
Blonde hair/ brown eyes 26
Blonde hair/ hazel eyes 9
Red hair/ blue eyes 37
Red hair/ green eyes 83
Red hair/ brown eyes 15
Red hair/ hazel eyes 14
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Comments ( 31 )
  • wigsplitz

    I think you can make up an ideal picture in your head about eyes and hair but when it comes to real life, you don't dismiss or exclusively date anyone on that particular a standard. You never know what that one thing is that will initially attract you to a person, and what those things that will keep you seeing that person again and again will be.

    I've never heard of anyone saying "oh she was perfect for me except she had the blue eyes instead of the brown so I dumped her..."

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    • jeremybrown50k

      OP, did you ever hear of red hair, black eyes?

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  • Hi.

    For me it's not really about the eye/hair color combination. Each girl is unique and I've seen stunningly beautiful sexy girls of pretty much all combinations. I grew up in LA and have dated many models, etc.

    What you are asking is kind of like asking a guy to tell you which girl has the sexyist body while the girls are standing behind a lighted sheet and we can't see them, we see just their outlines/figures.

    A guy can instantly tell you:

    She's a 10, she's 2, she's 5, she's 9, she's 7, etc.

    Meanwhile you drop the sheet and they all have different skin colors and are different races.

    Hmm. Interesting most guys may have a skin color/race preference but they have no problem recognizing which girls have hot and sexy bodies and they want to have sex with them if they don't know the girls race / skin color.


    Yes some guys have color preferences but really a beautiful brunette is as beautiful as a beautiful blonde, redhead, etc.

    A hot girl is a hot girl and guys want em.

    I don't think there's a male alive that can honestly say he's only and always attracted to a blonde with blue eyes and he's never felt horny or attracted to a brunette with brown eyes or whatever. It's not reality. It doesn't exist. If it does, the guy has some disorder.

    I also feel that one reason blondes get more attention thus more dates is because they standout because there are less of them in society.
    Also the opposing color factor (an ocean of brunettes vs a few blondes) can play a key role here:

    If you had a black/dark piece of paper and you sprinkled a few white paper bits on top of it then you took a look at it you may notice you're really focusing on the white bits in the foreground. You're probably not focusing on the dark parts in the background. The reverse may also be true. Bright white paper background and a few dark blotches or dark paper bits in the foreground and you're focusing on the foreground and not the background. If the reverse is not true then it probably means the human eye is naturally drawn to lighter colors.

    Look at things you read :
    Dark background with light text OR light background with darker text.

    When you walk into a room be it a bar, club, school, whatever, there's mostly non blondes so people naturally look at them because they stand out from the background or it's because blonde is a lighter color than all other hair colors and it may be that the human eye is naturally drawn to lighter colors. Probably how the eye works, just like the paper example.

    Just like if you had a room full of blondes and there was only 1 or two brunettes. Guys would probably glance more at the brunettes more often because they're standing out and they are rare. But right now if you performed this experiment it may not work because our society has conditioned us to know that blondes are more rare and thus males may think of them more sexually desirable and valuable. The more exposure of this kind of thing (rarity)-Think if 98% of the girls in society were blondes and only 2% were brunettes probably the stronger it would be. Then it would be the brunettes (or red heads) that guys would consider the big score because of their rarity and not the blondes because 'everyone screws and marries a blonde' and even most of the girls they've dated were blondes making them 'nothing special'. The guys that could bag the few brunettes would become the object of admiration and jealousy of the other 98% of guys that get stuck with the lowly common blondes which everyone else (the losers) has.


    People place value on rarity be it right or wrong. Acquiring something that most people can't get often makes someone feel better about themselves. Kind of like how wealthy people spend foolish amounts of money on art. Things that absolutely do 'nothing' but make them feel special and unique which is what many people want. I should say it's also true that those things can be investments, but seriously spending millions for a painting is foolish. You could invest that money in real estate or stocks as an investment but there's no uniqueness to that and so you're nothing 'special' in the eyes of the wealthy because ALL OF THEM have rental properties but not many of them have that one of a kind painting.

    If you've got the 'only' Vangough, Renoir/whoever suddenly you're 'SOMEBODY SPECIAL' in your group of socialites and you receive praise and attention for this. That gets guys laid and earns the respect of other guys too because he was the guy able to 'bag' the one of kind rare object of desire.

    It's the rarity that makes it cost so much. If there thousands of originals of the same art then it wouldn't be rare and 'everybody' would have them making no one or the art valuable or 'special' in the eyes of art enthusiasts.

    That's the reason why many guys throw money away buying a really expensive car:
    It's foolish to spend $400,000.00 for a Lamborghini or $1.4 million for a Bugatii or is it?

    That guy gets laid by a lot of hot girls and impresses people and that's what he wants.
    If that's the only way he can do that, then to him it's worth the money cause he's getting what he wants.
    Girls give it up for him because girls know he can 'bring home the bacon' and be a good provider buying them things and provide a great house/lifestyle in exchange for sex and companionship.

    Often times that's probably the only way a lot of those guys can lay hot girls. I often feel bad for them because guys like me don't have to spend a dime on a hot girl for her to get down and dirty :)

    I should add that people also have different values for money, again the rarity thing comes in.

    If you're broke or don't make much money you may think it's insane and incredibly stupid to spend so much money on car - more than most people's homes cost.

    If you're wealthy and have millions of dollars it's just a drop in the bucket and no big deal.

    Short supply = great demand = high cost.
    Over supply = low demand = low cost.


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    • Nghakzeli

      Wow such a post. Very true . Haha

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    • regisphilbin

      man, what a post. congrats on winning the internet!

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  • o_0

    I love blue eyes and the person having brown hair with blue eyes looks awesome!!

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  • puddingpop

    You can't really tell which of those is the "prettiest" combination since the rest of the facial features are just as important when it comes to beauty. You can't tell anything by just looking at hair color and eye color alone. It's almost as asking what skin color is the most attractive.

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    • davesumba

      False. OP is asking which one people prefer, not which group of people are generally prettier. Like asking if someone would prefer a blonde or brunette. I for one, could fall for a girl with any combination, but I would go absolutely crazy for an attractive girl with dark hair and blue eyes, and I will add pale white skin as you don't think people can find a color of skin more attractive either.

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  • Daniel990

    Red hair with green/blue heterochromia.

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  • mateo

    stay away from the gingers unless your a ginger......bitch

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  • kasaikitsune12

    I would love to have a girl with red hair and blue eyes.I have red hair and yellow eyes

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  • pizzabrowniesushi

    the one with the great smile that make everything ok and make you want to be better and don't play games with you or try and tear you down.

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    (red hair and hazel eyes)like me i have light red hair nd i am gourgeous<3

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  • thegypsysailor

    Well, this poll surely puts that dumb bitch who thinks every male in the US is brainwashed by Hefner and Playboy, into thinking only blue eyed blondes appeal to American guys, in her fucking place. Dumb feminist cunt.

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  • thegypsysailor

    Any combination can be beautiful, but for me a blonde will always get my attention first. Don't know why, haven't a clue. Add blue eyes (or green, but I obviously couldn't choose both unless I was dating Kate Bosworth), rather than brown and I'm putty in their hands.
    So a blue eyed blonde of 5'2" and I'm helplessly in love, forever.

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  • robbieforgotpw

    Any girl with a butch cut

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  • Seustewart

    Tits n ass

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  • narutothesouleater

    Call me crazy but, i don't like natural hair. I prfere streaks or anime type of hair. I do watch a lot of anime so this could be a factor.

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  • Nightmares

    Why only natural hair colours? I don't like any of them.

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    • LethalBurger

      Natural is best...

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  • i have balck hair and i have eyes that have a color between black,brown and hazel....... i dont really know!!!!!!

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  • I heard somewhere that in a couple hundred years, green eyes will be extinct :(.
    I know theses eye colours don't exist outside of fiction, but I like yellow/goldish eyes

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    • Apparently there is such a thing as amber eyes...

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  • Juicedrink

    Blonde with blue eyes is getting old as the prettyiest combonation of looks but it is still pretty. I really like red hair with green eyes.

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  • My natural hair color is a medium brown and I have brown eyes. My hair is dyed red and black. I hope I have an alright combination.

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  • Paul

    None of the above. Correct answer: big tits and nice ass.

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    • You are so mean

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    • theAnomilyGuy

      Cliche or not, I still had to LOL :)

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    • wigsplitz

      lol that's what I thought the choices would be like!!

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  • PandaGirl

    Were you really so desperate to know the answer to this poll that you would spend 35 minutes typing out all of the combinations?

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    • Juj

      If it takes you that long to type in those combos.. I'd be more worried about yourself being that naggy that you had to take 15 mins to type that comment.

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