Which group of people do you believe is the most discriminated against

I am curious who most people would believe is the most discriminated against in general. (at work, school, in the community, etc.)

Race 50
Beliefs (religious, political, philosophical) 27
Age 7
Sexual Orientation and Behaviours 39
Gender 9
Physical Disabilities and Conditions 22
Mental Disorders 23
Deformities / Disfigurments 28
Unusual Personality Traits 21
Other (comment) 6
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Comments ( 82 )
  • NeuroNeptunian

    I think weight discrimination is possibly the most acceptable form of discrimination right now. Even people who are pro-gay, pro-diversity and so on often jest about people who are fat. "No black chicks" is seen as unacceptable but no one bats an eyelash at "No fat chicks".

    I'd say at a close second, people talk a lot of shit about others for their religious views and political views and that's acceptable as well. Even "tolerant" people are known to bash others for their religious or political preferences. However, this isn't really a problem IRL from my social experience (not in Cali, anyway) SO I will go on to say...

    Sexuality/Gender, especially among younger people and middle aged people. Here in Caliberalfornia it's not a big deal but back south, it was still seen as creepy or really odd for a guy to dress as a girl, act like a girl and want to be a girl or for a guy or girl to be openly gay. I doubt it's ONLY the south. It's probably more widespread than that considering that I am sure a lot of people still find it to be unnatural.

    At third, I'd say social class and race come at an even finish. Quite a few people view welfare recipients or people who are of lower monetary value or income as lazy, undriven and so on. It's worse if you're ethnic and receiving public assistance. People will lump you in with that po' black/Mexican on welfare stereotype. Rarely do people mention race when it's a white family.

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  • Darkoil

    The single group which is probably most discriminated against would be the over weight, one armed, one legged, black, quarter mexican, quarter french, quarter asian, quarter indian, jewish by birth, scientologist by choice, gay transexual midget who also suffers from tourettes.

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    • suckonthis9

      Full of divisions.

      I can help.

      The single person which is probably most discriminated against would be the over weight, one armed, one legged, person of mixed descent (Bantu, Hispanic, Celtic, Han, Navajo), born in Israel, religious by choice, gay transexual midget who also suffers from tourettes.

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      • Darkoil

        I'm so confused right now...

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        • suckonthis9

          By changing a few words, I have helped the fictitious individual cited, from being as susceptable to discrimination.

          Does that help to ease your confusion?

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          • Darkoil

            Nope, I am now even more confused :)

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            • suckonthis9

              Every person discriminates (don't lie, you do too). Please look up the definition.
              Discrimination can be either a positive, neutral or negative attribute (to varying degrees).
              Harmful discrimination, usually occurs through generalizations propagated by ignorant individuals or groups.
              By simply changing the terminology (why was it hidden?), to a more technically correct form, and one without divisive words, it forces those persons who have chosen to remain ignorant, to become more knowledgeable in the subject. This, in turn, then enfeebles the uneducated argument from these persons, thus lessening the attack surface. This will also make it more difficult for these persons to recruit others to their 'cause',

              Does this help?

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  • kingofcarrotflowers

    Fat people should be on the list. maby?. The hatred held towards people who are overweight isn't as strong as most other forms of discrimination but so many people I know that are not racist etc find fat people funny.

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    • suckonthis9

      The use of 'race', in this context is now Archaic.

      Please see my explanation below.

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      • SuperBenzid

        No one cares spammer.

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        • suckonthis9


          Many people do have a concern about your vulgarities.

          Please correct yourself.

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      • anti-hero

        Aren't all of your standard lines archaic at this point?

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        • suckonthis9

          Please stop, and think, before you 'speak'.

          Do you have a valuable contribution to make?

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          • anti-hero

            Do you? lmfao.

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            • charli.m

              Ack you beat me to it :)

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            • suckonthis9

              Yes, actually.

              Please do not use textese, where it does not belong.

              Thank you.

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  • anti-hero

    Guys who rub their dick on people's lunches in the break room fridge. I have been fired 6 times. They won't accept my lifestyle choice. When will we have our equal rights and stop being discriminated against? *Falls on knees and yells to the heavens, shaking fists* When God, when???!!!

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    • suckonthis9

      Which deity are you referring to?

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      • anti-hero

        Your respect level is still at zero.

        Please direct all other questions to my lawyer.

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  • VioletTrees

    Must we play Oppression Olympics?

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    • disthing

      Don't you think it's funny that the question requires us to discriminate between those who have been discriminated against? IS THERE NO END TO THE DISCRIMINATION D:

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  • Justsomejerk

    Honestly? Short/little people.

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  • disthing

    Varies from country to country, city to city, even street to street. It also fluctuates wildly depending on the decade. Then of course there is the subjectivity of discrimination and its severity - one person's light-hearted ribbing is another's deeply offensive attack.

    So my answer is this; I don't think there would be any benefit in considering this question at great length. I don't think we should rank discrimination, push it into some kind of definitive hierarchy or attempt to quantise something so subjective.

    In short, what's the point in discriminating between the discriminated? Why bother? :)

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  • michaels4p5


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  • squeallikeasacofpigs

    Well.....looks like the fucking Battle of Gallipoli is going down in the comments right now.

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  • dom180

    It depends where you are in the world, I think. Speaking from just my local area, I think Neuro has a great point about discrimination against fat people being seen as the most acceptable. There is also a lot of stigma against people with mental or physical disability. In terms of what I've seen on the internet, the highest frequency of disgusting prejudice is directed at Muslims/the Islamic faith, but there is a lot of horrible things said about gay people too. Discrimination based on sex and sexuality is often completely legal. I'd usually go into more detail because it's an interesting question (even though it's an arguably counter-productive one), but I'm not in the mood today.

    EDIT: Remembered a documentary I saw weeks ago about the horrific treatment of homosexuals in countries like Uganda. If we're talking globally, discrimination against homosexuality is abhorrent. Not saying it's the worst because I have no idea, but it is truly terrible.

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    • suckonthis9

      You have used two related terms, which divide people from a particular branch of the Abrahamic religions, from other people who also believe in the teachings of Abraham. These also divide these people from people who have other religious beliefs, as well as dividing them from people who are not religious. The use of these terms might be offensive to some people, whether they are religious, or whether they are not religious.

      Why are you creating divisions in society?

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      • dom180

        Those people are creating their own divisions, and then further divisions within those divisions. I'm merely discussing the implications of those divisions between those who believe in the Abrahamic God, not creating the divisions.

        Anyone who is offended by the mere mention of different beliefs can continue to be offended for all I care. They are the ones opposing a harmonious society by wishing to be willfully blind to the realities of divisions within society. They cannot create a harmonious society if they are willfully blind to current social divisions.

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        • suckonthis9

          Very well put, and clearly understandable.

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  • dirtybirdy


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  • shuggy-chan

    Poor people, duh

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  • 1000yrVampireKing

    Sexuality and religion. Sexuality is one of the biggest most touchy subjects. We can not say you are straight or gay or even talk about it without a war starting. Religion is also another one. Which people justify attacking because of something that happened years ago.

    We all need to get over ourselves. Not all Germans are Nazis, not all white people are slave owners, MOST religions have evolved past the JUST WAR. In the old days everyone was sick, crazy or dieing for the most part.

    So that means we should judge everyone of you for your past crimes as well. If we look at it that way we should treat all blacks like slaves BUT THEY ARE NOT. People need to get over everyone past. Walk forward to the future.

    If a religion to this day believes in hanging people of other religions well that is fucked up. Most religions do not believe in this

    even if not agreeing with a certien group of people. Not all people with stupid parents are stupid. Not all children coming from criminal parents are criminals. Not all people coming from doctor parents are going to be doctors.

    We all need to stop blaming everything for things they can not fix. It was not our choice to be born into the family we are. It is not our choice if we black, white Hispanic. Move forward to a productive future.

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    • suckonthis9

      Please describe a "black" person.

      Please describe a "white" person.

      These are both so-called 'racial' categorizations.
      Please read my response below, why the term 'race', and it's effects, should be considered Archaic and not used, in this context.
      We are all people of various tribes.

      There is, in reality, no such thing as a "black" person, or a "white" person. Just people with a varying degree of skin pigmentation and some minor dissimilar genetic and physical traits.

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      • SuperBenzid

        Even with just a skeleton you can tell the difference of a Caucasian and an African. So yes there is a real difference at the physical level.

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        • suckonthis9


          Many persons who are "African", are descended from various Caucasoid tribes.

          And ALL Caucasoid people are descended from the Khoisan tribe, from Southern Africa.
          I'll be willing to wager, that you can't tell the two skeletons apart, in a blind test.

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          • suckonthis9

            Do you know what the primary difference is, between a Khoisan person and a Caucasoid person?

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            • SuperBenzid

              They don't have a nasal sill? It's a pretty dead give away.

              Also you couldn't be more wrong about Caucasions coming from the Khoisan. We come from the non-Khoisan branch of evolution as do all out of Africa populations. I think you must of read a Mitochondrial DNA tree incorrectly. Seriously go back and look it up.

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            • searchingnow

              Let's hear it.

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          • anti-hero

            I don't think you could see the bones in a blind test.

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            • suckonthis9

              4 a : made or done without sight of certain objects or knowledge of certain facts that could serve for guidance or cause bias <a blind taste test> — compare double-blind single-blind
              b : having no knowledge of information that may cause bias during the course of an experiment or test <physicians blind to whether the test drug is administered>

              You were blind, and now you can see!

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  • Discrimination only exists because we class things to begin with.

    It's like racism. Some hate blacks, but the problem is that they are called "black". The people who hate them do so due to the distinction of them being called "black" and others "white". They treat them different because the whole world has given them a "difference".

    If you call them a "black person" you're a racist. If you use the word "racist" then you believe in race being a real thing and are therefore racist by proxy.

    Everyone at IIN is a "non affective" racist at the very least.

    If you define something it's going to be compared in both negative and positive ways to everything else, discrimination is a mixture of both.

    We have idiots who call everybody ignorant, but lack the common sense to use the word correctly. We need to discriminate sometimes, a 90 pound woman should not be a cop for instance, she will get herself or someone else killed. You'd find plenty of people who'd say you were ignorant for discriminating, but it's a valid discrimination. The accuser of ignorance is almost always the more "ignorant" one. The FACT that not everyone has equal ability means that discrimination is very necessary, otherwise we'd have a blind surgeon, a retarded pilot, and a police force full of lesbian corpses created by vicious street killers.

    Take the good, take the bad, and use it accordingly because you haven't been so far.

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  • Daugenstein2

    I'd have to say it's a tossup between sexual orientation and disability. The reason I say that is because I have Asperger's. I've experienced discrimination for being on the autism spectrum, and I've also experienced homophobia for people who mistook me for being gay like a lot of Aspies are. That's why I absolutely abhor the military and will never do business with them again.

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  • Kiddles9

    Well I don't know for sure which group is most discriminated against, it depends on the persons point of view. Like to me I don't think there's all that much racism anymore actually I think it's reversed in a sense. But if you talk to someone who's black they will say racism is still in affect. But the one that is completley acceptable to do is discriminate against fat people, almost everyone makes fat joke and judges fat people. If somone said 'Being gay is a choice' or 'Women should be seen not heard' or 'Black people are dirty' That's not acceptable anymore. People mad at you for miles and rightly so.
    But with fat people you here all the time 'Look at the whale, should it be in the ocean?' 'Mooo!!!' 'What a lazy fatass' and the old 'Yo mama's so fat...' jokes. I've heard to many to count, and people justify it making fun of someone by saying 'Maybe it will help them get of their ass for once and do something'. There's no word for it like fataphobia, or fatism. Because people really don't care about fat discrimination.

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  • Honourbound

    I voted other. I annoy the other kids through intelligence, honour and arrogance. They are the typical poor, they hate their betters.

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  • bemah

    all of them

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  • SDDA

    On one hand I say race, because even though we are all becoming more equal, there is obviously discrimination and genocide still occurring in our world. And there are still so many countries where people are not equal still. But on the other hand, race plays hand in hand with religion, with the Jews and Muslims. Both mean the same thing, really; both race and religion are different cultures.
    I believe people are most discriminated because of religion and race because, I mean, you just have to find one of those Hitler Nazi videos on Youtube and just read the comments. Der Ewige Jude, which, yes, is on Youtube, would have to have by far the most horrific comments. Worse than the video itself.

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  • AbnormallyAwesome

    I guess it really depends on your social environment. If you're among very young or dumb people they'll judge you based on your looks and what others say about you. Then when you get older people will judge your believes and political opinions.

    Me, I'm most afraid to talk about my faith. I don't deny it when I'm asked, but I try not to talk about it. Sometimes I even laugh when people make fun of things I believe in so they don't suspect anything. I hate myself for that.

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  • KeddersPrincess

    It was between "unusual personality traits" and "mental disease". I went with "unusual personality" because no one is has a movement for these people, nor do they want to except them into society. Everybody is just ready to judge because they just don't fit in.

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  • SuperBenzid

    I think the soulless, or red heads as they like to be know, should be on the list.

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    • suckonthis9

      Please describe the Physical properties of a 'soul'.

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  • kingofcarrotflowers

    sorry didn't read the comments i've just repeated stuff.

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  • NothingxCrazy

    Beliefs, mainly because everyone has a different set that they follow. Politics and religion are two things that are constantly at war within themselves. They are two of the largest causes of war along with all kinds of destruction on this planet.

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  • CheyChey

    Here it's disabled people and people with HIV/AIDS. It's very rare to see someone being discriminated against because of their weight, well being super skinny is undesirable. Racial discrimination is often seen from old people whichever race they are they don't like to.associate with other races because of what they experienced in the past. Here gays and lesbians are discriminated severely & there are laws in place where you will go to jail if you have sex with a person of the same sex.

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    • robbieforgotpw

      Homo sex should be illegal, it's not natural.

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    • suckonthis9

      'Race' in this context, is now Archaic.

      Please see my explanation below.

      Please use 'people' or 'tribe' instead.

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  • Fabulous

    Jizzcore fans. Mainstream will not accept us for being too "pornographic" and much of the porn industry refuses to accept us as well as they don't like the violent aspect of sexuality. Well horror and porn can fit together and thousands of people love jizzcore. You can't hate for that.

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  • suckonthis9

    I believe that the term "race", is not a "group of people".
    It is ambiguous, and should be avoided.
    I also have a conviction that this term should be relegated to the dustbin of Archaic words, for the following reasons:

    1 : a breeding stock of animals
    2 a : a family, tribe, people, or nation belonging to the same stock
    b : a class or kind of people unified by shared interests, habits, or characteristics
    3 a : an actually or potentially interbreeding group within a species; also : a taxonomic category (as a subspecies) representing such a group
    b : breed
    c : a category of humankind that shares certain distinctive physical traits
    4 obsolete : inherited temperament or disposition
    5 : distinctive flavor, taste, or strength
    Origin: Middle French, generation, from Old Italian razza.
    First use: 1580

    From an etymological standpoint:


    Etymology 1

    Of uncertain origin. Perhaps from Old French haraz ("culture of horses"), or of Germanic origin; cf. Lombardic raiza. Another theory is that the word came from Medieval Latin ratio (the nominative, as opposed to ragione from the accusative rationem, which nonetheless was attested with a similar sense to razza in the late Middle Ages; ratio also came to mean "idea" or "conception of something" in Ecclesiastical Latin), and underwent a change of ending later from an original form *razzo, or else derived ultimately from generatio through apheresis. See also Spanish raza.

    Etymology 2

    From Latin raia.

    Etymology 3

    From Latin radius.


    Etymology 1

    Unknown. Possibly borrowed from Italian razza (cf. other Romance cognates such as French race, Catalan, Occitan, and Portuguese raça), or according to the Real Academia Española, from the same source as the second definition below "ray, beam", "cleft, fissure". [1]

    Etymology 2

    From Vulgar Latin *radia < Latin radius.



    raia f. (plural raie)

    ray, skate (fish)



    radius (genitive radiī); m, second declension

    ray (of light)
    staff, rod
    spoke (of a wheel)

    I do not believe that any of this aptly describes "a group of people".

    More to follow: Please have a little patience, before the brain-dead jump into a tizzy, then you can present your counter-argument...

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    • CheyChey

      YAWN! sorry :)

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    • Stop using the word "archaic" all the time, I'm glad you discovered it for yourself, but it isn't new to us.

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      • suckonthis9


        I will stop using that word, just as soon as everyone stops using words and contexts which fit that description.

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        • They don't use words and contexts, they use words within a context.

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          • suckonthis9

            However, many words have more than one contextual definition. Some of these have been usurped, often incorrectly, to represent outmoded thoughts, ideas or concepts.

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    • suckonthis9

      From a definitive standpoint:

      1) I agree that humans are animals (Species: Homo sapiens sapiens). However, almost all humans breed, therefore, it does not aptly describe "a group."

      2a ) A family.
      fam·i·ly\ˈfam-lē, ˈfa-mə-\
      1 : a group of individuals living under one roof and usually under one head : household
      2 a : a group of persons of common ancestry : clan
      b : a people or group of peoples regarded as deriving from a common stock : race
      3 a : a group of people united by certain convictions or a common affiliation : fellowship
      4 : a group of things related by common characteristics: as
      c : a group of related languages descended from a single ancestral language
      5 a : the basic unit in society traditionally consisting of two parents rearing their children; also : any of various social units differing from but regarded as equivalent to the traditional family &lt;a single-parent family&gt;
      b : spouse and children &lt;want to spend more time with my family&gt;
      6 a : a group of related plants or animals forming a category ranking above a genus and below an order and usually comprising several to many genera
      8 : a unit of a crime syndicate (as the Mafia) operating within a geographical area

      "Common ancestry" and "clan", I agree with. Please use these terms instead (where applicable).

      There's that word 'stock' again:
      (2) : a dull, stupid, or lifeless person

      This I agree with!!!

      But in all seriousness,

      5 a : the original (as a person, race, or language) from which others derive : source
      b (1) : the descendants of one individual : family, lineage &lt;of European stock&gt; (2) : a compound organism
      c : an infraspecific group usually having unity of descent
      d (1) : a related group of languages (2) : a language family

      I do not believe that any of us are "the original."

      An "intraspecific group". Yes, this does apply, but how would you describe that group, without using vague, general or inaccurate terminology?

      A "crime syndicate", I agree with!!!

      I do not believe that "family", is an acceptable definition for "race". This should be struck down, and nullified from the record.

      More to follow...

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      • suckonthis9

        2a) Tribe. ***This I agree with, and should be the preferred term, instead.

        People. This is a sound general description, but it does not aptly describe any particular group of people, without a noun modifier. Acceptable for use, with or without the noun modifier, but "people" is not a "race", in this context. Struck down. This should also be nullified from this definition.

        'Nation belonging to the same stock'?
        Which nation(s) does this describe, aptly?

        2a) Tribe or people. (Just please use either of these, instead).

        More to follow...

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        • suckonthis9

          2b) A class. A class system, is a human invented societal system, and has nothing to do with human physical characteristics. Yes, they might have shared interests or habits, but I do not think that this constitutes a 'race'.
          That leaves us with 'kind', or 'kind of people'.
          Which kind? What type(s) of unique characteristics do they have?

          I do not think that 'shared interests' or 'habits' has anything to do with any particular 'race', as individuals from different tribes can and often share these.

          2b) A kind of people unified by shared physical characteristics.

          But which characteristics are unique to this group of people?

          More to follow...

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          • suckonthis9

            3a) I believe that the statement under '3a', could refer to any human, as humans quite often do interbreed or admix with one another.

            1 : a group of usually domesticated animals or plants presumably related by descent from common ancestors and visibly similar in most characters
            2 : a number of persons of the same stock

            3b) Most humans, do, in fact "breed".
            Are humans 'usually domesticated'?
            It is no longer 'presumed', but has been proven that all humans are descended from (actually, more than one) common ancestor. This has been proven through genetic analysis. If you wish to remain ignorant of these facts, then you are quite simply, ignorant.

            3c) I do not believe that we do, in fact, technically, categorize humans (except brain-dead idiots).
            Therefore, Humankind shares certain distinctive physical traits.

            4) Obsolete.

            5) Does not apply to any group of people.


            Simply use 'tribe' or 'people', instead. It will prevent many problems.

            Please let the clowns in now.

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            • charli.m


              Why should the whole world change its terminology to accomodate you?

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