Which group of people wears masks the least often in your area?

So yes. This is essentially racist, I guess.

I am currently living in a large, multiethnic city in France. I am not French, but I am white. Here, masks are obligatory on public transport and inside all areas where a distance of 1 meter cannot be kept between people who do not live together. Local government has mailed a free reusable, washable mask to every resident and has provided others at various collection points in the city.

The thing is, every time I go on public transport (bus, subway, whatever), I notice one thing that infringers of the mask-wearing rule have in common. They are usually black and look younger than 40. Occasionally there will be Middle-Eastern young people not wearing masks - and rarer still, one might see white boomers without masks - although the latter are normally drunk, homeless or mentally compromised in some way. Mostly, though, the maskless commuters are black.

Now, it is known that black and ethnic minority communities are the worst hit by coronavirus. What I don't understand is, wouldn't it make more sense for them to be extra vigilant, in that case? Or is not wearing masks a symptom of a lack of vigilance, which might be one contributing factor as to why these communities are so hard hit? I just don't know.

Is it just me, with my racist eyes picking out black people especially? Is it just that this city is different from other cities? Is it just that French African communities are different to other black communities? I wish I could know.

Please complete the poll according to where you live. You do not need to state your country.

Black young people 2
Black boomers 0
White young people 3
White boomers 10
Middle-Eastern young people 1
Middle-Eastern boomers 0
Asian young people 0
Asian boomers 0
Nearly everyone in my area is of the same ethnic background. 6
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Comments ( 25 )
  • noid

    Both white and black people wear and don’t wear masks where I live

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  • FromTheSouthWeirdMan

    I heard Trump yesterday asked all Americans to wear a mask. I predict that now that Trump said to wear one studies will come out in a few days saying that masks are ineffective and racist.

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    • Correction

      If Trump said to wear one, that means anybody who doesn’t wear one will be labeled a traitor who is going straight to hell.

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  • Winstonall

    I live in Canada and there are very little covid cases, i live on a decently small island with 870,297 people on it, there are 3 confirmed cases on my island and they are all hospitalized getting the best care because they are top priority. The only people is see wearing masks are really old people.

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  • Iluvcox

    where is the category for stupid, selfish, ignorant people? that's the group of people in my area not wearing masks

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  • LloydAsher

    Only people who do wear masks in my area are clearly liberal. Which is fine but theres a clear seperation of charicter for those who wear a mask vs those who do not.

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    • Ugh, that's one reason I'm glad I'm not living in that country any more.

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      • LloydAsher

        You walk into a bar here and no one will be wearing a mask, you will also be highly judged for wearing one. We are a small community getting covid is a minute risk vs the dumb shit we already do.

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  • ThatOneGuyYouNeverWantToMeet

    Almost no one (regardless of age, sex or race) wares them here (TN).

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    • SmokeEverything

      Tenessee has very sketchy numbers if you look at day-to-day new positive cases. Entire weeks where the number is exactly the same every day.

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      • ThatOneGuyYouNeverWantToMeet

        I can believe it, hardly anyone go's anywhere here. Almost half the malls closed years ago, rarely see house parties & other then restaurants almost nothing is packed (with the exception of large gatherings like concerts & sporting events)

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        • SmokeEverything

          I mean what are the odds you'd have exactly the same number of case positives multiple days in a row?

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          • ThatOneGuyYouNeverWantToMeet

            Could be someone's just to lazy to change it.

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  • Tommythecaty

    Only asians wear masks here.

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  • Ummitsstillme

    I haven't seen a disproportionate mask or non mask wearers based on race where I live and where I have traveled. More dark skinned people getting covid is likeley due to melanin and vitamin D.



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  • litelander8

    Black people in my area are super serious about wearing masks.

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  • ArrestThisMan

    Funny enough I thought it would be black people, that's how it was about a month ago. And I was with them Tbh, as an aloof and unkempt white person. Now I've only noticed a couple (white) boomers who do not wear it, but it is required now. I got a free paper one last month that I've still been using

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  • Wryladradofft

    Very few people in my area have been wearing masks at all, regardless of race or age

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  • SwickDinging

    I never see anyone wearing masks in my area.

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  • Mammal-lover

    Blacks in my area wear them the most. Usually middle aged white people who csnt figure it out. Much to my amusement a post on Facebook showed some fat white bitch holding a baby and it said the baby has covid. Please wear your masks. What tickles my funny bone is the fantasy aint even wearing her mask right in the photo wich is highly suggestive she she didn't in genersl caught it and then gave it to her child. Fucking hell is it funny. Probwbly a protestor to during all that jazz. God damn is it funny stuff.

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    • Ummitsstillme

      We have heard about the blacks in your area...

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      • Mammal-lover

        please you haven't heard shit.

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  • COVID-19

    In my country it's illegal to go out in public without a mask.

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  • TheBlindInquisitor

    everyone in my area the Inland Empire is taking the masks and sanitation seriously we have idiots sure but the numbers are low.
    to my Knowledge the Inland Empire we only have 25 thousand infected and 337 deaths in the whole region which is a population of 2.something million the cases are spread out.
    we have had the numbers low since this thing started.
    even then im surprised a lot of people regardless of race is following the guidelines as best as people can to keep the virus under control.
    some places are even open be it certain places nobody is really trying to go out unless they need to.
    I work for amazon and they have done things to help keep employees safe from infection and my siblings and cousins say their jobs have done similar things for them.
    One of my cousins works a restaurant/bar and anyone who comes in has to wear masks and in low numbers.
    one of my sisters is a nurse but nobody infected with the coronavirus has been at the hospital were she works.

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  • Wow, it's really different depending on the place, then. This is interesting!

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