Which guitar whould i buy?

I am a beginner and I am learning since 8 months. Till now I have learnt basic scales, chords and bar chords.
I have a basic cheap acoustic guitar and I have realized that I love playing electric.
Being low on budget I have come across two models.

1. Fender Squier 0310005506 Bullet Fat Stratocaster.

2. Epiphone LP Special II Les Paul guitar.

The models fit in my budget but its all the money I have.

I would be grateful if you help me choose the right model for me.

Fender Squier 0
Epiphone LP special II 3
I have a better suggestion in comments. 4
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Comments ( 8 )
  • Leonard_Hatred

    A guitar made from an old tennis racquet

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  • dytrog

    A old Martin. But you can't afford one.

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    • There is no use suggesting someone a guitar one can't buy.
      A bit of advice. It's "an" old Martin.
      I wish you understand and learn to appreciate what IIN community is about.
      Wish you the best.

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  • richardgerecameinmyass

    Epiphone always seem to be of better quality than squire. Although bullet fat strats are awesome. Why not just save up your money for a good while and just buy the real deal...either a Gibson les paul or an american made fender strat with jumbo frets. You will be looking at at least 700 dollars to a grand and over depending on the year and specific model though. But the money is well worth it. You get what you pay for.

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    • I am one of people who can never spend 700 or 1000 dollars on a guitar no matter how much they want to. I have family priorities. I would have to stay with cheap ones.

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      • richardgerecameinmyass

        Oh I see. Well I would definitely go with the epiphone then. It is better quality than squire. At least in my personal experience with both. Squires tend to have less sustain and sound a bit "tinny." The epiphone is at least made by Gibson..which is probably the most respected guitar brand out there. It is as close to professional quality that you can get if you are not willing to go outside your budget. Good luck. Oh and and use ernie ball size 9 guitar strings if youre a beginner and then move up to size ten guitar strinvs once you start to build up callouses on your finger tips.

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  • ifuckhandsignalsdaily

    the Les Paul looks way cooler.

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  • mysistersshadow

    I don't know if they have got better but the Squires used to come with terrible tuning pegs they wouldn't stay in tune for 2 minutes. I tried to learn with 1 a few years back and it was to frustrating.

    A friend loaned me a Ibanez strat copy that is a beginner type electric and it plays alot better. Stays in tune great. Its the 1 that comes in the package deal with the guitar and practice amp and a few other goodies. I've gotten good enough that I can follow along with most songs reasonably well and I've only been playing for about a year.

    But you probly get better advice on a musicians forum than here.

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