Which human achievement was more impressive for it's time?

Which of these achievements is more impressive?

The giza pyramid was built in 20 years ( 2500-2400 bc ) 18
The Colosseum was built in 8 years ( 72-80 AD ) 2
The Empire State Building was built in 15 months ( 1930-1931 ) 4
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Comments ( 8 )
  • 1WeirdGuy

    Pyramids for sure. They'd be hard to build even today.

    Also a unrelated point of interest theres pyramids and other similarities between places all over tje world that supposedly didnt have any contact.

    The trident you see (the medical symbol) is a symbol that was in ancient japan, peru, india, and egypt all at the same time as other similarities they shared. Theyre not supposed to have had contact but they had so much similarities in architecture and symbols.

    So its possible in my opinion 10,000 years ago they were traveling the ocean and trading with eachother.

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    • AsterBean

      You mean the Staff of Hermes. Also called the caduceus. It's a beautiful symbol. I quite like that it has a double helix, the same graphic used for DNA long before DNA was defined. Before Christians decided snakes were evil, most cultures saw snakes as a symbol of death and renewal and rebirth. It makes sense for healers to use this as a symbol for their profession, regardless of location.

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      • 1WeirdGuy

        No that is another symbol also that shares similarities between these antient cultures. I was talking about the trident.

        But it is not just one thing that they shared similarities between. You can explain away them all individually yes. But when you put all the similar symbols and architecture and ways of building things together it seems like too much to be a coincidence to me that they all came up with this themselves at the same time without contact.

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        • AsterBean

          I am not familiar with any tridents being used as medical symbols, only snakes. Which sometimes appear as a three pronged staff, but it's still based on a snake.

          But the shamans of the world are well aware of our interconnectedness. Aborigines of Australia and natives of southwest north America have shockingly similar origin stories. At the time these were being told (pre-dated written word) there is no reason to think these cultures had any knowledge of each other existence. Except in the astral plane.

          I'm not certain, but I do believe there was another person, ignorant of Alexander Graham Bell, who was developing a phone like machine at the same time. Alex just beat him to the punch. You see this often. There is a book called The Art & Physics that discusses this as well. Major movements in art pre-date major scientific breakthroughs.

          We are far more connected than we are aware and the more technology connects us, the more we forget how to do it alone.

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  • Tommythecaty

    Pyramids without exception.

    It’s still not perfectly explainable given the weight in some sections, just incredible.

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  • GaelicPotato

    Empire State Building lmfao doesn't even pale in comparison

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  • Anonnet

    Hard choice, but I went with the colosseum. Moving giant blocks is cool n' all, but the colosseum's architecture is a fantasy. The imagination that went into designing a building like that is clearly impressive, while a pyramid is just kind of mysterious.

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  • ospry

    I was watching a sort of mini documentary on the pyramids and historians are pretty certain that they moved the blocks that would make up the pyramid without using wheels. There's a reason they're one of the 7 wonders of the world

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