Which is better?

You're 25 years old:

A) You slept with 200 people one night stands. No relationships.

B) You slept with 5 people, those 5 people were serious relationships.

-A- 5
-B- 33
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Comments ( 8 )
  • Grunewald

    Personally, I'd be pretty messed up either way.

    It must be quite hard to have 5 serious sexual relationships by the age of 25. Each one would only last a year or two years. When you break up after a serious relationship, the pain isn't minor or short-lived, either. Four failed relationships would make for an awful lot of heartache between the age of 16 and 25. That is, assuming you became sexually active as early as was legal - and many people don't.

    To me, this question is like asking whether you'd like to stick pins in your eyes or pour bleach down your ears. If I had to pick one answer, I'd go for A. I think it would leave me in less emotional agony.

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  • Irizu3748392746483938

    Definitely B. 5 is better than a whore.

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  • Cable4nerds

    I say B.

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  • Boojum

    On the face of it, having had 200 one-night-stands by the age of 25 does suggest that there might be a problem; I'm sure it's well above the statistical average. But actually, even if the person waited until they were 18 to start having sex (which, given their interest in it, is probably unlikely), that works out to be an average of 29 hook-ups a year, and so roughly one every other week over that seven year period. Which, as far as I'm concerned, really isn't all that outrageous.

    It seems to me that what's more significant than the number of sexual partners is the fact that there was never any emotional involvement with them, not even over a period of a few days or weeks. That could be due to various issues, some of which might be serious, and some of which are not.

    I'm sure the other scenario is much closer to the statistical norm, and I don't think there's much more to be said about it.

    As for which is "better", I don't see how that can be determined, since it all depends on the people. If they're as happy as anyone can be with their lives, they feel positive about themselves, and they're satisfied with the amount of sex they're getting and the quality of it, then it's good, and nobody has the right to tell them that it isn't.

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  • dinz

    'A' comes with a free side of STDs and a large platter of crabs. YUM

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    • hauntedbysandwiches


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  • Somenormie

    I pick B.

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  • MyZephyr

    The great thing about sex and STDs is that you've no guarantee of staying disease free with option B either

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