Which of these have you practised?

As a child I practised being blind to see how awful it would be. I carried out my experiment for about 15 minutes, just in my home, not daring to venture outside.

Have you ever practised any of the following to help you appreciate their problems and how other people treat them?

Being blind 76
Begging 5
Being deaf 5
Unable to talk 19
Being old 4
Physical deformity 9
Other (Add a comment) 8
Unable to walk 17
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Comments ( 77 )
  • Seen a lot of people pretending to be deaf and blind by walking around while using a smart-phone and earphones.

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  • I love to practice being blind. Sometimes when I'm walking down the street, I'll close my eyes and see how long I can keep them closed before I bump into something xD

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    • Oh and sometimes I'll mute the news to see if I can lip read. Never works.

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  • SoccerStud88

    i practiced masturbating with my weaker hand. its tougher.

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    • thatsfunnyshit

      It's not as fun either!

      Thread starter here should practice spelling!

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      • What spelling do you mean?

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        • thatsfunnyshit

          Practiced, not practised.

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          • 'Practice' is a noun you idiot! As in - I have a private doctor's practice.

            'Practise' is the verb. As in I practise being blind / spelling / etc.

            Don't make a fool out of yourself commenting on things you know nothing about.

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            • thatsfunnyshit

              Wow, Now I am an idiot. That is quite mature of you. I stand corrected. I use the "US English" way of typing I guess.
              Please forgive me for challenging your intelligence.

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  • ive never practised any of those things..but i have had an ear infection in both ears and it fking sucked

    p.s. are you allowed to swear on this site? it just seems so weird 4 some reason that people dont do it

    and what are the numbers beside our usernames??

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    • MrSchizo

      Look at these comments below. They say fuck a lot. Just answering questions...

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    • Hmmaybe

      People do do it, but not much. The numbers are a unique id and can also be used to tell how long a user has been on the site (the lower the number the longer).

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  • Rufus

    I pretend to have autism on a daily basis.

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    • 4392Moron

      Just read your statement, I know you posted two months previous, but joking around with autisim is no laughing matter. A good friend of mine has a son with it and he is always totally miserable, so is she.

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    • Hmmaybe

      I do have autism on a daily basis :| (well, I have AS which is a branch of autism).

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  • I used to tape my thumb to my index finger when i got bored, thank fucking god for opposable thumbs

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    • 4392Moron


      Do not like the way you used that gross word in front of my God and Saviour.

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      • shuggy-chan

        well i know ur a moron, but lighten up. ppl say must worse shit about religions everyday, just to be a**holes. and i was under the assumtion that jesus was ur saviour, and god was the father, but hey what do i knw

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        • 4392Moron

          Will lighten up, Jesus is my Saviour and God the Father, but also states in the Bible that God and Jesus are one. Jesus came to this earth with His Fathers Spirit. Thanks for the nice response.

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      • flutterhigh

        I agree, god fucking hates opposable thumbs.

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        • 4392Moron

          Hey Man:<BR><BR>I know that you made this previous post to bother me, and it somewhat did. I know that you obvious do not believe in the loving and saving nature of God, but It does bother me a tad when I see someone purposely Blaspheme the name of God. In closing would like to state, that your opinions are just as equal as mine. Please take care my friend and have a great up-coming weeks-end.

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          • Oh my fucking God. Want to know how much I blaspheme and still believe in Him? A lot. He hasn't struck me down yet.

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            • 4392Moron

              Hello Ma'me:

              Personal statement, to me you cannot take God and down grade Him and still believe in Him. I know that alot of you are using the F word in front of His name to bother me, but since I have gotten a New Commitment to God, I am not letting it bother me. So Ma'me please have yourself a great weeks-ending and life. I do not want this topic to end up in a rip-roaring fight with anyone. But my opinion is that I do not like the F word in front of His name. Like I stated previously your opinions are just as equal as mine. Take care my dear friend.

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    • wigsplitz

      I LOVE the smell of Scotch tape. LOVE.

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  • Katywompus

    When I'm really pissed at my husband I make a very convincing mute.

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  • drugsrbadmkay

    I like to practice being anally raped just in case I ever get sent to juvie.

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  • jondoerandom

    I still think my eyesight distracts me. yes, there are meditation techniques that teach you to sort of "disable" certain sense but completely ignoring it. but i still like closing my eyes when i need to think.

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  • TerryVie

    I pretended to be mute. I kind of have a light fetish for mutes, and wanted to experience that myself as a teenager. So during my first ever solo holiday(1 week) i didn't speak a single word up until i run into a girl that could do sign language...the gig was up after 4 days.
    It was an interesting(and embarassing) experience.

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  • ?Tiemeup?

    I pretend I'm a girl and walk around my house in a bra, thong, blouse, pantyhose, skirt, wig, makeup etc.

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  • mateo

    at least your parents were in a position to take care of you at any point in their lives....when i was 13 i could disappear for days and no one would say a word or even realize i was gone

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  • FreeWilly69

    I currently have a joint issue which means I am unable to walk properly and have a limp :(

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  • skyeracrystal28

    I closed my eyes and tried to feel my way around the house one time...just to see what it'd be like. I missed my eyes very much.

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  • maddog546

    I've panhandled when I was homeless living out on the street.Nowadays I don't see them as much in my town.Guess not much money to be made anymoer these days.

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  • Tehboss

    i like to walk with my eyes closed but it's amazing to do it in a crowded space even if people look at you funny wen you stop being blind and bumping into them XD

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  • derpyderp

    I "practice) not being able to walk every day , as similar to someone above I have a bad back injury, which causes bad pain in my back & legs, causing me to limp, etc.
    & when I was younger also tried many of the options for short periods of time.

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    • 4392Moron

      Sorry to hear about your problems, but I have to state that I am in the same boat as you are. Damaged discs and nerves. I do not know if you know about this, but I just recently stumbled over it, but if you take 2000-3000 units daily of Vitamin D and Calcium it will help your back problems imensely. Plus 500 units of K.

      If I have bothered you please forgive me. Just wanted to drop to you some advice that is helping me. Been using it for 5 years now and I am like; {really close}, to my old self. All the pain is gone, in my discs, my nerves don't act up. If you want give it a try, hope you do, and if you do, hope it works for you. Take care. :D

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  • lc1988

    I like to pretend I have diabetes to get out of doing stuff.

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  • 4392Moron

    Chose being old, because I am there. 58 ain't no Spring chicken!

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    • wigsplitz

      Damn, that old and you still haven't learned anyhting?

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      • 4392Moron

        What do you mean by that nasty remark? "That old and I did not learn anything yet?. For your information I have learned alot. Learned how to get my fucken ass out to work at the age of 14, work auto assembly until I was 56. Have a loving and wonderful Hubby for 41 years, and 2 perfect twin sons 36, plus I have self taught myself several computer programmes. So please state back what you mean in your "world" by that remark, I would greatly appreciate it.<BR><BR>If you are refering to things in the different gross and disgusting areas then "YOU ARE CORRECT THAT I HAVE NOT LEARNED ANYTHING."

        Maybe you could learn something, when you typed in ANYTHING, you transposed your "T and H"

        PS: I can sense it now that you are going to state that I spelled programmes wrong, I did not, that is the "English", Canadian spelling of it.

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        • MrSchizo

          I love the way you spell fucking. Fucken. Like chicken. Imma start spelling it like that!

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          • 4392Moron


            Here in my part of Canada when we were learning obscene words, we were taught to us fucken as our version of fucking. The way I was raised on the Line at Chryslers. Like I stated, started Line at 14; {actually 13-1/2} through 56.

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            • MrSchizo

              People don't realise acknowledging other cultures is not only more sociable than being a racist @*#% but it is more enjoyable too. You get many more friends by treating others as you would like to be treated yourself.

              I'm sure you agree

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            • MrSchizo


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        • MrSchizo

          Why the hell is everyone so arsed about spelling here? Really pisses me...note my creative use of swear words. Art, if I say so myself.

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        • wigsplitz

          Just poking at your intolerance. It wasn't meant to be a nasty remark at all.

          By the way, could you tell me what are 'things in the different gross and disgusting areas'? I'm being serious.

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          • Tehboss

            yes we all want to know of this delicious gross and discusting areas thing

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        • Pay no attention and don't take offence. I assume he's joking but good for you on all you've achieved in your life!

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          • 4392Moron

            Thank you ever so much my friend, for being on my side of sorts. Really appreciate it, and I don't anymore take what anyone states to me in a slight negative manner found out from the past that arguing does no good. And thanks for the compliments, of sorts. Please have yourself a great weeks-end and life my friend.

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  • wigsplitz

    I've always kind of want to have the balls to practise begging, but it's too dishonest for me to even attempt without an actual need to do it.

    I don't have to practise being blind, I'm virtually blind without my glasses or contacts. I've had quite a few experiences with not being able to find my glasses or dropping a contact lens, oh it's terrible....

    I've had to attempt to communicate with people who didn't speak my language, in rather trying circumstances...so I guess you might say I tried to communicate without talking. (If you must know, one time I was kidnapped by a couple Albanian men when I was 15 and had run away from home to NYC-among other events...) The Albanian men, I could only identify with them through a rap cassette they were listening to-Onyx-Bacdafucup)

    I have extreme back injury which I acquired in my late 20's which I joke causes me to move like I'm 80. There's been times when I literally couldn't get out of bed for 10 minutes of trying, hurting like a motherfucker the whole time, and having to use a cane to get anywhere.

    NOT pleasant, but it can teach patience, empathy and perseverance.

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  • Whichcraft

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    • wigsplitz

      The flute.

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  • webs

    I don't have to practice, I live it. I'm a 28 yr. old college student who lives with his mother so I know exactly how it feels to be disabled. It's not the same as being physically disabled, but going by this money-loving, money-grabbing, capitalist society, I'm am disabled b/c I'm always broke.

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    • Get a job like the rest of us and be thankful you have nobody relying on you.

      Stop feeling sorry for yourself, there are so many people worse off than you!

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    • 4392Moron

      Hey Webs:

      I totally 100% agree with "Anonymous" get off your lazy but and get a position, even if it is only at a Fast Foods Establishment, better than not working and sitting in your parents Flat barking because you never have any buckaroonies to spend. By the time I was your age, I all ready had under my belt 14 horrible and dirty years working Assembly Line for Chryslers in Windsor. I had home problems, quit my education, live 3 years with my Uncle until I was able to stand on my own two feet, that means at 17 I was totally on my own. You are nothing but lazy.

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    • wigsplitz

      You speak like your situation is out of your control.

      1. Why are you 28 and STILL in college, and STILL at your parents, and complaining about it?

      2. Why are you broke? Plenty of people go to college AND have a job.

      3. You blame society for only valuing you based on income, yet you can't justify your own lifestyle/existance without factoring in your lack of income? So, who's obsessed? You or society? Both? Do you have anything to offer besides income??

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      • 4392Moron

        Hey Wigsplitz:<BR><BR>Very well put statement to Webs! The one above.

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