Which of these is most annoying?
Somebody eating loudly | 40 | |
Somebody talking loudly | 11 | |
Somebody being a slob | 9 | |
Somebody being a judgemental arrogant twit | 92 | |
Something being too loud | 17 |
Ask Your Question today
Somebody eating loudly | 40 | |
Somebody talking loudly | 11 | |
Somebody being a slob | 9 | |
Somebody being a judgemental arrogant twit | 92 | |
Something being too loud | 17 |
Somebody eating loudly x 100
Or wierdly, someone moving anything of mine.
Without a doubt, arrogant twit. I don't really mind slobs that much. And although loud people can be very annoying, arrogant people piss me off very much. And they're being judgmental too! ARGH! They are one of, if not, my least favourite type of person. Just thinking about them makes me a bit angry, I'm not sure why, but ARGH! KFNGHRKEL[rlgk#ojni. Holy mackerel, I need to calm down.:O
The judgmental twit.
Sometimes they like to say shit like "I am just being honest" to cover their butts. Well of course you're being honest, but that doesn't make what you said OK or any less rude, so deal with the consequences or don't say anything.
Sometimes I have friends that will literally bash the shit out of me for my religion. They will stand there and shit talk me and when I tell them that they are being immature, they'll give me some "All religions are bullshit I say this about all religions", that doesn't make standing there and insulting someone and their beliefs and telling them that they have shit coming out of their mouth right.
This has also happened to me regarding my telling people that I go to college or am a security guard, they say something rude and insulting and then try to make my negative feelings towards their statement invalid. Yeah, maybe I am an ignorant, unenlightened or less intelligent idiot for feeling offended by someone telling me that security guards are idiots who can't do anything else in life or that I am wasting my time and money in college, but I have a right to feel offended and trying to make what you say less jackass'ed by trying to invalidate my feelings and trying to make me feel bad about myself for being offended only proves how big of a twit you are.
I have no problems with people thinking negative thoughts about someone, whether it be teen Moms, religious folk, people of a certain fashion, etc. But either keep it to yourself or be prepared to deal with the consequences of what you say, even if they be losing a friend or being seen as a twit. No "It's just my opinion" or "I'm just saying how I feel" makes your statement any less rude, especially if no one asked for your opinion, so either accept that, don't try to make someone's feelings and reaction seem invalid and unjust or don't say anything.
Ugh people eating loudly with their mouth open is gross and annoying especially with chips crunch crunch UGH my dad ate like 2 bags of chips in one day and thats how he eats... gosh
i hate people who eat like horses and cows.... and i just cant stand them...
For some reason I can block all of these things from my mind so that they don't bother me except for the loud eating, which my whole family does. *sigh*
Arrogant and judgmental people. Even though in a hypocritical way I am somewhat judgmental myself, but normally only to those who deserve it.