Which of these kinds of people do you consider the lowest scum?

I'm trying to do a survey on here. What I really want to know is which of these folks do you consider the worst of the bunch and which do you consider the least bad of them all. If you can, maybe you should list in order who you think is the biggest form of sucking scum on Earth from lowest to highest.

Pimps 3
Human traffickers 68
Con men 2
Mobsters 3
Drug dealers 2
Poachers 8
Gang bangers 6
Wife beaters 13
Sadists 6
Animal abusers 40
Rapists 39
Child molesters 123
Thieves 2
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Comments ( 94 )
  • Hmm.

    Woman abuser on list? - Check.
    Child abuser on list? - Check.
    Animal abuser on list? - Check.
    Man abuser on list? - Ch...Oh.

    I have half a mind to say man abusers purely based on the fact that atleast the other issues get recognition while people that abuse men don't even makethe chop for a list of "scum" next to every other group you could abuse...

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    • reminiscent

      Maybe he should have made it spousal abuse
      nit to long ago I think on britans taboos I watch an episode os a woman who killed her bf :(

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      • Yeah, I think that would of been best.

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    • RoseIsabella

      I hear ya. Domestic abusers would be a good way to say it as well.

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      • But men can defend themselves! This obviously means men can't be victims of abuse or be victims of terrifying abuse!

        (Sarcasm) lol. Seriously shocked someone was trying to make that point here.

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        • NeuroNeptunian

          Lol, my first thought after reading all of this was that as a firearm owner, I highly doubt being a big strong man would do much in the way of save you from a 5.56 propelling through the air from my M4. Wouldn't save them from potential identity theft that an ex could do. Thinking that spousal abuse is just your typical screaming and hitting scene, hell no. If that's all it was, a bottle of some good, strong pepper spray would close most domestic violence cases...

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        • RoseIsabella

          Women can defend themselves too. Obviously it's harder to defend one's self against an abuser/attacker who is bigger and stronger than oneself, but I also think there's a mindset at work here as well.

          If a person was abused or neglected by his or her parents he or she is more like to be either an abuser or a victim. Also people who witnessed one or both parents abuse one another are more likely to be involved in domestic abuse. Substance abuse by one or both parents also plays a very large role in the cycle of abuse.

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    • Daugenstein2

      Maybe that's because usually men are in a better position to defend themselves than women and children are.

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      • Oh, I may also add, is a man being abused not worse than a thief stealing?

        Your argument here is that "It's not as bad, so it's not here" which then defeats the justification of certain crimes in this poll being involved as they are not as bad as others such as a thief is not as bad as a mobster.

        The poll involves things that aren't as bad as other ones things on the list but giving us the option to choose which ones are worse.

        So your arguement falls apart.

        So basically what you're saying is "You're allowed to pick things lesser than others on the list but the fact that male abuse victims are not in this list while abuse against all other living beings are is because men can defend themselves"...Which is a contradiction to the post itself for involving criminals that are worse than others.

        The fact that you accepted a contradictory argument to the post for not having a male abuser option, to me, illustrates exactly WHY abusers of men should definitely be on this list, as people will make excuses for men not to be portrayed as victims despite men being more likely to be trapped in silence of their abuse with extremely little help to get out of that abuse or even be acknowledged as a victim compared to all the other groups involved in the poll.

        The fact that I already got a thumbs down for saying excluding a group of criminals attacking men specifically should be on this list when all other groups of criminals targeting every other living being is on there while you get a thumbs up for making an excuse to exclude criminals that abuse men while groups harming everyone else also shows why I such a group of criminals should be up there.

        But hey, who am I to sit there and say that excluding abusers of men from a poll about the "biggest scum"? We all know that abuse against men is not even comparable to a thief, right?


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        • derpyderp

          Shit duz!
          You get your ass handed to you by a woman once or something? :p

          I don't THINK I disagree with everything you say about men's rights, or whatever it is you're always preaching about on here (I'll be honest though, I often can't make it through your whole comment(s) when you go all "meninist"), but shit-damn you really get into it at any opportunity don't you!

          I definitely agree that women are capable of abusing men but I personally see it as a lesser issue than men abusing women.
          You're gonna fucking love that I know! ;)

          My reasoning is simply due to a man commonly (not always) being physically larger & stronger.
          Plus I'm a man who had it drilled into me from a young age that there is never an excuse for a man to hit a woman. Never...
          Before you ask - no, there's no excuse for a woman to hit a man either.
          There's rarely an excuse for anyone to hit anyone, let's be honest.

          But it will GENERALLY (not always) be easier for a man to protect himself, escape the situation & he's also less likely to be as seriously injured when abused by a woman IMO.

          My 2c...

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          • Nope. I'm just aware that as a guy, if I was in this situation like many men are, I'd want someone spreading awareness of male victims.

            Whenever I see male victims being neglected when the subject is victims, then yeah, I use that opportunity to mention why that's wrong.

            Well, I don't really agree. Given that men and women are reported to be victims of domestic violence at the same rates, some studies reporting women are more likely to be abusive, and how most men don't come forward about it, I think that men being abused is worse in a lot of ways such as how men can arguibly be said to be the majority of victims, they recieve very, very, very little help when they're a victim due to so little being available to them, and how people would still minimize it and say it happening to women is worse, I think men have it worse in this subject.

            You use the part about men being stronger however you do not take in to account that women are prone to using weapons and throwing objects to abuse their partner, which I would consider worse than a man's hit.
            Your only reason is that men are physically stronger but considering what I said about weapons and all the other factors weighing in against men when it comes to this, I think it's fair to say there are more negatives to being an abused man than an abused woman.

            I don't think you grasp how domestic violence tends to work. You're seeing it as merely a physical confrontation rather than abuse and fear. Sure in a fight a man can do that but when it comes to domestic abuse when one is in fear of what would happen if they tried to escape or their situation in life at that moment, it isn't that simple.

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        • And let's not forget that it's basically suggested that men aren't even permitted to defend themselves in any way in a conflict involving women or minors.

          A 15-year-old girl attacks an adult man with the intention of causing him great bodily harm. WHAT can he possibly do in response that won't earn him the contempt of society?

          "She's a little child, why would you hit her?! For fuck's sake, you're a grown man!"
          Uh....yeah. So what did you expect him to do, power-lift her off of him?

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      • Says who? A man is at more risk to having his life more effected by abuse from a woman than the other way around given how men are often seen as the abuser even when they call the authorities on their abusive partners and then have more risk of being the one charged for abuse.

        Women have so much systemetic power in this subject that can be used to charge men for abuse for looking for help against an abusive wife.

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  • disthing

    Mobsters tend to be involved in the drug trade, sex trafficking (children and adult), theft, murder, sadism, rape, conning etc. so they could easily fall into a few or more of those options.

    I mean, the brutality of the cartels in South, Central and North America is so widespread and destructive, to me the other options on the list pale in comparison when taken on their own.

    Because of that, I'd go with mobsters.

    I think it's kind of ridiculous people think animal abusers and child molesters are worse than the mafia...

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    • Daugenstein2

      Very true! I imagine Russian mobsters are much worse because those guys are actually ex-special forces who fly below the radar. They're involved in every one of those things as well as pirated software and kiddie porn. The Russian mafia in my humble opinion is about as unscrupulous as it gets.

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      • disthing

        I think the various Russian mafias are pretty bad - and get away with a hell of a lot, due to the corruption in Russia. But I wouldn't say they are worse than the cartels.

        Do you know about Honduras? It has the top murder rate in the world, almost entirely due to organised crime. Not a week goes by without another couple of beheadings, shootings, tortures. The corruption is so deeply rooted that it would take the dismantling of the entire government to start to solve the problem. The Honduran cartels control the drugs flowing into Mexico, the Mexican cartels control the drugs flowing into the US and so on. And many of them will be ex-police officers, ex-military. Some of these cartels are the equivalent of small armies.

        But anyway, not necessarily worth comparing like for like; they're all nasty organisations who end up involving themselves in a lot of the worst crimes in society.

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        • Daugenstein2

          I have an idea what's going on in Honduras. It sounds like a great place for my vampires to go on a feeding frenzy.

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  • handsignals

    How come I'm not on that list?

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    • RoseIsabella

      Brownie troll points! Represent!

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    • Daugenstein2

      Because trolls can always be dealt with.

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  • TaylorSlippers

    Murderers should be on here, it would be a definite pick.

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    • Daugenstein2

      I agree. That being said, most of these people ARE murderers in some way, shape, or form.

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  • clevelandashkenaziatheist

    Human traffickers psychologically and socioeconomically destroy thousands of people each. That's why I voted them the worst. For the second most picked option, there's sure not much of a discussion about them.

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    • Daugenstein2

      I agree. They're despicable vermin that need to be eradicated from the gene pool.

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  • flowerchild94

    It sucks that I can only vote once.. but I mean for me child molesters, animal abusers and rapists are the lowest scum, not to say the others aren't bad as well.

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    • Daugenstein2

      Well that's okay! You can always voice your opinion on here regardless.

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  • dameda

    Animal abusing is the worst thing. I can't stand it.

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    • Daugenstein2

      That's cool! I'll buy that. I have zero tolerance for people who abuse animals, too.

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  • The simple truth is that we're all subject to bias regarding this matter; for example, I have personal experience with liars and bullies, so quite naturally I'm going to develop a deep aversion to such characters.

    I would also like to mention those who steal from the poor (including tax collectors), as well as anyone whose attitude toward interpersonal relations can be described with the following words: "Only the feelings of me and mine matter one whit so we're going to treat you like trash and then actually get offended when you dare to respond to our abuse with an attitude."

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    • Daugenstein2

      I can understand where you're coming from. I'm trying to prioritize the list for my book about vigilante vampires who kill only bad people so I can figure out who they should target the most.

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  • Avant-Garde

    Child molesters.

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    • Daugenstein2

      I think most people would agree with you.

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  • kayleeberry101

    I can't rank them as I think MOST are even BUT I think thieves and drug dealers shouldn't even be on this list as they're not nearly as bad.

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    • Daugenstein2

      Sometimes drug dealers and professional thieves do other evil things in between.

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    • Daugenstein2

      I'd say most people would probably agree with you including me, but I'm doing this because I want to write a book about vigilante vampires who feed on only bad people. Sometimes they get hungry and can't kill child molesters who they go after most, so they have to improvise. That may be where the thieves and drug dealers come in should they not meet any of the other kinds of turds on that list.

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  • palepunk

    It's not a matter of which is the most evil because most of them are just different kinds of evil.

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    • Daugenstein2

      Yes, but evil also has different variations. I'm asking YOU which ones you think are the most evil starting from the worst to least bad in order.

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  • TheChakraMantra

    I say poachers, and before people jump on me for not caring about humans (which, to be honest, I actually really don't), think about it logically:

    Kill wildlife = potential of killing off an entire species = killing off a species = the species' that eat that species go hungry + the species' that the first species eats start to overpopulate and drain out all the species' that THOSE species' eat = death everywhere in the wild, much sad times = us (humans) loose natural resources = humankind dies

    Criminals don't mean crap if our species doesn't even exist. So technically speaking, poachers have the worst possible impact, out of all those on the list.

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    • Morgan_Freeman

      You're a special kind of stupid.

      Narrated by Morgan Freeman.

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    • Daugenstein2

      No, that makes perfect sense. I like the way you think. Poachers actually do threaten not only the ecosystem but the entire food chain and balance of life. That's good! Two thumbs up!

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  • thegypsysailor

    You forgot to include the clergy, for lack of a better word, no matter what religion. They get my vote. All are hypocrites, many are child molesters including Mohammad and many take advantage of their position of authority for their own ends.

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    • kayleeberry101

      Stupid comment alert.

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      • thegypsysailor

        Another religious, mindless drone, I presume.

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    • reminiscent

      Just because you are religious doesn't meen you do these things. And people who do these things tend to use religion to hide behind.
      also I think people forget the time period in which Mohammad lived...where young girls were wed to older men often. Take romeo and Juliet for example she was to be wed to a much older man at first. Not saying its ok just pointing out how long ago mohammad lived.

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      • thegypsysailor

        The point of my comment about clergy was that those people tell others how they must live their lives but choose not a live by what they preach.
        As for marrying younger in other times, 8 or 9 was NOT an acceptable age for marriage, even back then.

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        • reminiscent

          Well they arnt really Christians.

          I think he married her young by asking permission from her father who agreed but had sex with her after she had her first period. ..dont fully quote me on that im not 100% sure.
          Also it should be noted all his other wives were much older.

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          • thegypsysailor

            Decency isn't only a christian value.

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            • reminiscent

              True ...tho im not sure what that has to do with what I said

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    • Daugenstein2

      You don't have to be a member of the clergy to be a child molester and not all clergy members are pedophiles.

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      • thegypsysailor

        The point of my comment about clergy was that those people tell others how they must live their lives but choose not a live by what they preach. Never said all; WHAT i SAID WAS MOST, if you can READ, about child molestation, though I do believe personally that ALL are hypocrites.

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  • KnightOfChivalry

    I'm very old fashioned so I would defiantly say wife beaters or males who abuse females or new born babies.

    I think that any man who harms a woman and does not take care of her is a heartless sicko! and there is a special place in Hell for males who exploit or harm the female!

    I AM SO MAD!!!

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  • RoseIsabella

    They're all scumbags!

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    • Daugenstein2

      That goes without saying, but I think you and I would agree that some are bigger scumbags than others. I'm trying to tally up ideas about a book I'm writing about a clan of vigilante vampires that feed only on bad people and who they should hunt the most and whom the least.

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      • Why not have it that they hunt them all down when they can? Your question, if vampire vigilantes, should be which type of criminal is higher in percentage, because vampires would have to hunt to stay alive, and obviously if they are moral vampires they will only feed on the bad but need to feed every day due to still being vampires, so preferebly would hunt down the criminals that are more frequently around due to there being a larger supply of blood to feed on.

        Kind of like if they specifically only hunt one type of criminal yet such criminals aren't frequent enough to feed from on a day to day basis, then they're going to starve, but if they pick certain criminals that are around more than most, then they have more of a feeding supply.

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        • Daugenstein2

          Right you are! However, I would think there would be enough bad people for them to feed on. If they live like drifters and move from place to place, they're even more likely to meet scum. I'm trying to ascertain though which ones they should go after the most and which ones they should improvise with if they can't go after the worst kinds and they need to feed.

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          • I suppose, but you said there will be a clan? So it would have to feed a large amount. So to me, I think a good storyline would be mobsters. It would open up to good stories such as mobsters then realizing the threat and a sort of gang war takes place and possibly could open up to a continuation that the vampire clanbecomes a mob family themselves far later in the story or at the end which gives them more potential to feed when killing targets or opposite mob families.

            Who knows, could make it a dark story ending where the vampires try to be a mob family to target evil mobsters but as the troubles of the lifestyle start to arise, they start doing slightly evil acts on behalf of the mob family they have made and then become the type of mob families humanity have had, making the dark ending that they went from typical evil vampires to moral, good vampires, to target bad humans which results in them dwelling in to the world of bad humans and they, in a poetic way, become human in the sense that their evils are not of thesupernatural type but of the type of the living, the evils of mob families.

            Just my thoughs on it. Ofcourse, it's your project so no need to even consider what I say. :)

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            • Daugenstein2

              That's good! I like that. Thanks for the suggestion. :)

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            • disthing

              I like this idea too - since in my estimation mobsters are the worst in this list anyway.

              Sometimes people, often police and military, form vigilante groups to combat organised crime outside the law.

              For example, in Brazil and other South and Central American countries, there are 'death squads' who undertake extrajudicial killings of gang members. They will essentially step in when they think law enforcement have failed and murder people they think deserve it.


              A vampire equivalent of a death squad exploiting communities where organised crime is rife would be interesting. The common people might celebrate the vampires for going after the criminals making their lives hell - but what happens when the supply of criminals runs dry? Maybe they turn into the very thing they were killing; they start trafficking humans in to feed on, they start controlling the supply of blood like its a drug (cocaine for example).

              I mean, that would take the story in an interesting direction, provide some twists and turns.

              I can't imagine OP's story lasting very long if all it revolves around is them hunting down child molesters and rapists, castrating them and drinking their blood. That'd get boring pretty quickly.

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      • RoseIsabella

        Yes, thanks for the insight.

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    • kayleeberry101

      I don't think drug dealers or thieves are the same as the others.

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      • RoseIsabella

        I was thinking the same thing to be honest.

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      • Daugenstein2

        I agree. Some of them do that out of necessity. However, I think drug kingpins are right up there with the others.

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  • reminiscent

    Pedophiles and human trafficker it was hard to pick as human traffickers also target kids under 18.
    but I generally find people who hurt others mentally told physically pretty disgusting

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    • disthing

      You should make a distinction between pedophiles and child molesters.

      The former is a term purely denoting someone suffering from the mental illness - they may or may not have abused anyone. The latter has sexually abused a child.

      Not all pedophiles are child molesters, and not all child molesters are pedophiles.

      I think it's an important thing to differentiate between; you wouldn't use psychopath as a synonym for serial killer, would you?

      I'm probably just nitpicking though :)

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      • reminiscent

        A bit nitpicking but I get where u are coming from.
        if they have not hurt someone...are getting help that be great. Then i wont hate you...but i hate people who do hurt children

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        • disthing

          I think that's fair!

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    • Daugenstein2

      That's fine. I understand where you're coming from. The reason I'm asking this question is because I want to write a story about a vampire. He's a good vampire who kills only bad people, but I have to tally up the votes of who's the worst and who he should feed on the most.

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      • reminiscent

        Oh good luck with your book!

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        • Daugenstein2

          Thank you!

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      • disthing

        So he's a vampire version of Dexter?


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        • Daugenstein2

          Except there's an entire clan of them. The vampire doesn't work alone. The female vampires lure the rapists and child molesters in and rip their balls off while feeding on them.

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  • DemonicFortuneCookie

    Good humans.

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    • Daugenstein2

      I hope you're being facetious.

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      • DemonicFortuneCookie

        If I had the motivation to open a dictionary, I would answer. However, I do not have that much motivation, so I will not answer.

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  • the-boogie-bum-behind

    I feel like almost every pope can fit into every category lol

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    • Daugenstein2

      Every pope?

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  • Crapper

    The welfare abusers

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    • Daugenstein2

      Oh you mean the corporate welfare abusers that expect bailouts and severance pay for their shady deals? I can see that.

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  • GiveMeAFuckingNameAlready!

    Anybody else on this list?. lol

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    • Daugenstein2

      I could only include so many people.

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  • Anonnet

    Murderers aren't on the list?

    I voted human traffickers being the worst, with drug dealers being the least worst.

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    • disthing

      I thought that was odd, too. Surely, murder is a far greater crime than most on that list? Rape, child molestation, theft, animal abuse... All fall below murder in my opinion.

      But I think OP is writing a story revolving around a group of vampires who murder people who 'deserve it'. So I guess if it was about murderers killing murderers because of murder that might seem a bit hypocritical?

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  • CountessDouche

    I would say pedos.... But if they get bit by vampires, then they'll just be immortal pedos that can molest kiddies for all eternity...bad news all around.

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    • Daugenstein2

      Well that's why the vampires rip their fucking balls off first and then tear their heads off so they can't reanimate. They can only turn into vampires if the vampires feed them their blood. :)

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  • noid

    Um, that's way too many choices. Thanks.

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    • Daugenstein2

      Okay! Well I hope you picked one that outweighs the others.

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  • gashlover

    it goes on a case by case basis for me

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    • Daugenstein2

      Really? Can you elaborate?

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      • gashlover

        it would depend on the degree of evil of each one. If someone cons you out of $20 is not as bad if you are conned and get your identity stolen. Or a pimp that is truly ruthless vs someone that only gets fair portion for his protection. It just depends, really.

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        • Daugenstein2

          Fair enough! Usually I'm thinking of world class con men. The heavy hitters like Charles Ponzi for whom the ponzi scheme was named after.

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  • Loopyloo

    how can you put drug dealers in the same category as child molesters and rapists??

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    • Daugenstein2

      Because usually drug dealers do some unscrupulous things along the way. I'm not talking about the low-level dealers. I mean the distributors and the drug lords mostly. I'm just doing a consensus.

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