Which takes longer to wear off? smoking marijuana or drinking alcohol?

Just wondering which drug takes longer to wear off?

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Comments ( 10 )
  • megadriver

    I'm a non smoker, so when I tried to smoke marijuana, I just coughed like an asthmatic and that was it. I am a drinker tho... And I can down a bottle of whiskey and a couple of beers and after 10-12 hours, I'm good.

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  • deadbeat-dumbass

    Depends on how much. Alcohol typically lasts longer than just smoking weed, but if you eat an edible, it'll last about as long as alcohol.

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  • nikkiclaire

    I have a blow and go in my car. It takes 12 hours for a 6 pack of 16 ounce beers before I blow .0

    Pots effects wear off completely in 4 hours for me.

    Now, alcohol consumption can be detected for 7-10 days by testing for enzymes that break it down. Pot take 3-4 weeks before it is out of you system.

    I stopped both 18 days ago and get tested in treatment. The alcohol enzyme was detectable on tuesday but gone last thursday. Pot is still in my system. I smoked about 3 hits off a pipe every night for about 2 months.

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  • TerriAngel

    Are you stupid?
    I've went to work drunk as hell.
    Sometimes even had to be driven.
    But no worries, by first break or lunch I'm sober.
    But, I can't smoke even one bong hit on vacation.
    Because 4 weeks later it can show up on the " random " drug test.
    Then I'd loose my job.

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  • Ummitsstillme

    It depends on your tolerance levels and the potency of the smoke/edible and drink as well as just how your body reacts.

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  • IrishPotato

    Depends on the person.

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  • RoseIsabella

    That's what I was thinking.

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  • paramore93

    I'll feel the effects of one joint much longer than I would with around four drinks. I'm a lightweight with weed though.

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  • bigbudchonga


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  • Jokars

    Marijuana for sure!

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