Which would you rather have, penis or vagina?
Excluding obvious scruples with sex, which do you think would be better/easier/more fun to have? A penis or Vagina?
Penis | 797 | |
Vagina | 1069 | |
Other (Add a comment) | 78 |
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Excluding obvious scruples with sex, which do you think would be better/easier/more fun to have? A penis or Vagina?
Penis | 797 | |
Vagina | 1069 | |
Other (Add a comment) | 78 |
Actually,it is way easier to masterbate if you are a female because you barely touch one small part. The pearl. Just brushing anything across it is enough. Masturbation is too much work if your a male,especially on the wrist and even more so if you are circumcised. Peeing is easier also if your a woman because we can also stand up but we don't need to expose ourselves in the process and scare people away. ;)
I'd quite like an interchangeable one. Sometimes it's no fun having a penis and I guess women think the same about their bajingoes.
In fact, if we all had interchangeable ones and were androgynous, the word gay wouldn't exist and would no longer be a dubious insult!
Man. That sounds like one kick ass world. I'm not gay or anything... that would just be cool
that would be crazy. I think the whole penis with a pussy thing would be weird as fuck though. It would be better if it could morph or something. Like if people could morph into anything. Like if a man could morph into a woman and a woman could morph into a man. That would be fucking awesome
Penis. And i'm a girl!
1. Peeing is so much easier as a boy
2. Masturbation, even though girls have better orgasms, its harder. Trust us boys, it takes so long, it takes much more effort. Boys can do it whenever they want, they can be fast or slow. If you want to use lube and your a girl, you can't use just anything, you have to use some phalate free, fragrance free, sugar free, embarrassing bottle that is so obvious. If not face itching, rashes, chemical burns, pain. Get the picture?. Boys can just use hand lotion, an innocuous thing which isn't obvious and much easier to get.
3. Shaving, boys its easy, up and down with a razor and some gel and you're done. Girls, you end up with cuts, razor bumps, i once ended up with a large gash down the inside of my vulva wall. And when the hair grows back, you have to go through it all again.
4. Periods, before boys complain about wet dreams and jizzing in their pants listen to this. Imagine going through horrible stomach aches, pain, feeling tired and irritable. Every month for the rest of your adult life, at least until your 50. Then pair that with the hormones that make you horny, but you can't do much because your bleeding! oh yes you though i wouldn't get to the blood!. Imagine walking around with a nappy strapped to your underwear, which could leak, and leave you mortified. Worse so this bleeding could happen at anytime.
5. Pregnancy, 9 months of your life, carrying around a huge package. Pushing something the size of a melon out of something the size of a lemon. Not smoking, getting high, drinking, drinking caffeinated drinks, going on roller coasters, eating certain foods and drinks you may love, for 9 months. Being the one to deal with this on your own.
6. Rape, yes boys. I know men get raped, its an evil thing that should happen to no one regardless of gender. But men are much less likely to be raped than women.
7. Pregnancy scares, you sit back all smiling after sex, us girls get the test, take the pill, get the procedures to prevent it, take the morning after pill. In the end if the father doesn't care, we are left to deal with an unwanted pregnancy. It affects us the most. Whether that means having to go through the horrible process of having an abortion, to raising a child on our own and having the stigma of being a single parent, or heartrendingly giving up their child, their own flesh and blood.
8. This vagina comes with less rights, less pay than men, in certain countries women are treated as lesser than men.
I love being a girl, i wouldn't change that. But mother nature certainly played tricks on us girls when it came to biology.
Any boys wanna say why I'm wrong? I am up for hearing an argument against having a penis.
I reckon you have it right, but would love to know what it feels like to have a vagina with a hard cock thrusting inside and bringing you to orgasm.
Its called a cock in everyday life.
Plus , the cunt hole is only an inch or two from the asshole , so females can take a shit and if its a big one or if they have diarrehea , they can get shit inside their fuck holes and get bladder infections.
When they are babies in diapers and they shit their diapers , if it is wiped upwards and gets in to their cunt hole , they can get infections.
I'd say the penis since we dont have periods or have to give birth to a baby
Having a vagina would make getting someone to have sex with you alot easier
I'm a boy, but sometimes I wish I was a girl, so I could have a vagina. Girls have so much more options when masturbaing, and guys are stuck with the same shit.
They may have more options but they come with more problems,so I guess your saying u want the periods and child birth and possibility of getting raped yeah that sounds fun I'll just keep my penis.
u could have sex with a horse man! Its fuckin awesome! I do it all the time!!!!!! Yay for horsies! Seriously, dude, try it, I love to have sex with horses and shit. Oh, and I am not a troll, I swear!
I'd like to have a Venis or a Pagina so I could stay home & fuck myself.
Penis would be better, because guys don't have to worry about anything getting stuck....ugh :/
let me see, the perks of having a penis are not having periods(no tampons to worry about) peeing while standing up (which i love to do) No yeast infections (ewwww!) not worrying about getting pregnant. (who wants to deal with that) penetration (hell yea!)
Vagina perks are multiple orgasims (thats about it) you choose
Don't forget that when you have a penis and you're getting it on with someone who has a vagina and they finish before you do, you can keep going! The same cannot be said if you have a vagina and you're getting it on with someone who has a penis.
On the other hand, if you have a vagina, you don't need to worry about other people complaining that you finish prematurely.
A penis. I would love to masturbate with 1. Vaginas are just not as fun it seems.
I am not gay but if I had vagina I would have fuck the brains out of every guy I met.....Total slut......!!!! Also as a man I masturbate with my hands jerking......and for women they can take anything inside that looks like dick....!!! lol
guys have lots of penis problems .. and cant get hard all the time ... im a female and always happy in sex, unless its with someone who cant last more than a few minuets ^___^ so ill stick with vagina
Plus if i had a penis thats kinda sick .. wouldnt that scare ever guy??
Women have alot of vagina issues,let's see u bleed every month gross,always have to wear a tampon gross,your pussy smells like rotten fish gross,and it takes longer for women to get off then men,where's the positives in having a vagina other then having multiple orgasms which I could care less about.
Even tho I have a penis I do wonder what would be like to have a vagina.
Ill choose penis anytime because i like pussies. If i have a vagina i have to stick gross penises in my pussy. I have penis of other men. Only mine i love.
A vagina would be easier to mastrubate with, but then you have to deal with periods and infections and all that shit. A penis doesn't have those issues but once you cum you cum, unlike a vagina which can have multiple orgasms in a short amount of time, so it's really hard to decide.
If you get horny with a pussy u don't get a huge lump in your pants which is really notisable
Penis because I have one and in a way it's simply easier. Being a woman, you have to worry about looks and hygiene more and there is less tolerance for a disheveled appearance or untidy looks. Women have to focus on looking "pretty" all the time. Also, there is the risk of rape/sexual assault that men rarely have to deal with. Additionally, if that were not enough, women are simply better looking than me are and even a lot of women would agree. Even a lot of women say that women are more beautiful than men. So, all in all being female is probably a lot worse than being male especially in western society
I would rather have a penis than a vagina but if I could choose another erotic female organ, it would have to be:
IDK mate i like both do i am not trying to be gay or anything buth i think penis is better you can pee better and have better sex
it would be great having both (penis and vagina) alternately of course. Sometimes wiht a penis, and sometimes with a vagina.
To which part of your body are you going to locate them so that your penis can bend back to fuck your vagina?
Guys cant get horny in public because there would be a massive buldge in your pants
Guys get horny all the time, at least I'm horny all the time. As long as your clothes hide the boner or you are someplace where you can cover it up somehow guys are ok as far as making an erection not noticeable. Guys get erections all the time but hide it, at least I do
LOL, I can't stop laughing! you wanna fuck you self! oh! that's really cool! fuck your vagina with your own penis!
vagina it would feel much better to me than the equipment i have now even if women do get periods at least it would feel right
besides multiple orgasms (yay!) no seriously i would choose that or both even
I'm a guy and I always want a vagina just for a day not cuz I'm homosexual just cuz it would be cool! And well I like peeing in my pants and I want to do it from a vagina cuz it would be much easier that having a annoying boner!
I don't really know. I love jacking off but I would love to experience the feeling of having a vagina
Can I just have one of each,, ? I would like them to be close enough together where I can put my dick in my pussy and fuck myself..
All these guys are saying periods are awful, and yes they are! But that's what makes us bad ass bitches! WE don't need a man, WE just use sex toys! And anyway, if it wasn't for guys thinking periods were gross, we probably wouldn't be stick things in our vaginas every month!
ive had a penis long enough and the allure of a vagina is very temping. after all women seem to really have a good time with em
Both so I could piss in my vagina. And then fuck myself and I could have sex with 9 people at once.