Which year has been worse? 2020, or 2021?

Which year would you say is the worst so far?

2020 25
2021 27
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Comments ( 199 )
  • LloydAsher

    Well within 8 months of president bidens rule we are dealing with way more shit than what we were dealing with last year.

    Afganistan, the border crisis, children sleeping under underpasses, mass inflation that's now permanent, no one is working, paper please cities and liberals thinking that's ok.

    China now thinks that we are weak and thus guarantees that they will make a move against Taiwan as their main enemy seems incompetent.

    So yeah not too optimistic for 2022 besides the red wave.

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    • Correction

      You really know that many liberals who are ok with the papers please voter ID laws? I don’t think I’ve met any, certainly no more than the papers please racial profiling law that Arizona tried to pass in 2010.

      You didn’t even mention the worst part of 2021, though, all the government overreach. Governors going full dictator and telling teachers they can’t teach anything that doesn’t fit their agenda, when they got away with that they decided to start infringing on the rights of city officials and private businesses to keep students and employees safe. Not to mention the activist judges who are letting them get away with forcing their fascist agenda down our throats.

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  • S0m3th1ng

    I hate 2018,2019, 2020(the most), 2021 and I'll probably hate the next years.

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    • Somenormie

      2020 was shit because I remember one day this was before I finished college, I had to be sent home because of the lack of teachers and everyone had to stay at home because that COVID-19 shit.

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    • bbrown95

      I hope things start looking up for you.

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    • What was bad about 2018 and 2019 though? They seem like such a nice time, compared to 2020-2021

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      • S0m3th1ng

        It was my personal experience,when my life started getting worse, especialy in 2019, this year was pure suffering to me.

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      • GaelicPotato


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        • S0m3th1ng

          sincerely it doesn't affected me, since I am not an USA citizen.

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          • LornaMae

            You really think it hasn't? I've seen you mention where you are from before and I am absolutely positive he has had major impact on our country. Hell, even our current prez is a very very veeeery poor imitation of Trump - yet another thing he fails at LOL - he's like those badly designed stuffed Pikachus you win at carnival fairs.

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  • 2021 for sure. I have aside from everything happened in the world suffered a lot with worsened anxiety and i've realized one of my friends isn't really a friend to me.

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    • Grunewald

      It has happened to me too these past two years. One of the friends I lost, I knew was an insecure person who was shifty and controlling in subtle ways, and relational drama seemed to follow her around. It doesn't feel like it, but I know I have gained stability in my life by losing her. The other breakup was more my fault - I was emotionally intense with this person in a way that no-one would have said was 'normal' for a friendship that was just 'friendship' and not something else. She didn't know what to do or say and got scared. She can't handle people with strong emotions and doesn't often show her own emotions openly. It was impossible to read her face sometimes, and I got paranoid that she might hate me or I might lose her. I saw she was scared though and I backed off; she tried to let the friendship fade; I wanted to be put out of my misery more quickly than that, and so I broke it off.

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    • bbrown95

      I also had the same thing happen to me with a friend at the beginning of the year. The end of friendships are really painful, especially when you realize the person you really liked never really existed. :(

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    • Skype101

      That's mess d up :D but I can relate to this big time .

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  • olderdude-xx

    I'd say about even...

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  • Somenormie

    Where's the both button?

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  • YE

    No offence to anyone, but I personally have enjoyed the quiet and peaceful bit of the lockdowns.

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  • ThatOneGuyYouNeverWantToMeet

    WW3 almost happened.
    USA confirms UFO's (debatable on if that's bad or not)
    Australia catches fire.
    2 volcano eruptions.
    Rick May died (fuck you covid).
    Ebola made a brief comeback.
    6 countries in riots (that I know of).
    USA on the brink of civil war.
    China on the brink of civil war.
    4 floods (that I know of).
    A Cyclone.
    2 earthquakes.
    3 plane crashes, a train crash & a helicopter crash that killed Kobe Bryant.
    Murder hornets.
    West Coast wildfires.
    2 mass shootings in canada.
    "Possible" mass election fraud in USA election.
    Christmas bombing.
    Flash discontinued.

    Taliban rising back to power after Afghanistan pull out.
    Border crisis.
    Children sleeping under underpasses.
    USA inflation.
    People refusing to work cause they are getting payed not to.
    paper cities.
    Canada & Australia going full Totalitarianism arresting people for leaving their houses, going to church/preaching out doors, having cookouts in their back yards & pepper spraying children.
    Cuba in riots against their corrupt government & being refused sanctuary in the USA. (yet they don't seem to give as much of a fuck as the Mexicans coming in)
    Some schools brought segregation back. (which I thought was funny because black people where the ones to do it)
    Some prisons allowing men who identify as female to do time in female prisons resulting in multiple assaults & rapes. (one woman getting pregnant from said rape)
    Some countries bringing lockdowns back.

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    • I thought the whole WW3 thing in early 2020 was just a joke.

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      • Correction

        Probably safe to take the whole list as one big joke. Half it’s either greatly exaggerated or complete fiction, and there’s no mention whatsoever of the Trump incited terrorist attack/coup attempt combo meal.

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        • ThatOneGuyYouNeverWantToMeet

          "Half it’s either greatly exaggerated"

          The only thing on there exaggerated is THANKSGIVING CANCELLED!!!

          "or complete fiction"

          Name them.

          "and there’s no mention whatsoever of the Trump incited terrorist attack/coup attempt combo meal."

          You claim I made exaggerated claims/implied that I lied & in the same comment claim Trump incited a terrorist attack/coup attempt? The irony is hysterical.

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          • Correction

            Lol if you think any part of that statement is a lie, you’re either trolling or delusional, or both, and there’s no basis for a conversation here. Have a nice day!

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            • ThatOneGuyYouNeverWantToMeet

              So you refuse to/can't name the ones you claim are fiction, got it

              "Lol if you think any part of that statement is a lie, you’re either trolling or delusional, or both"

              Your statement of Trump inciting a terrorist attack/coup attempt is a lie & if anyone here is delusional it's you, if not then time stamp me the part where he does in this video of his full unedited speech.

              "and there’s no basis for a conversation here."

              You're right, there isn't. Because I have videos, pictures, news reports & countless documents to back up everything I've ever said so there's no basis on my part & i'll be more then glad to share them & make you look stupid.

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      • ThatOneGuyYouNeverWantToMeet

        It was pretty much treated like one.

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  • Vinegar

    I think they are pretty even though I hate wearing masks to work

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  • anonY123

    2020 was much worse. We have a vaccine now for covid in 2021

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  • RoseIsabella

    Both 2020 & 2021 have been unpleasant thus far.

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  • Lusty-Argonian

    Both have been pretty good to me.

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  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    aside from some favorite restaurants closin and travelin bein magnitudes more absurd than i thought it coulda possibly gotten its been bidness as usual

    i got so much work lately the fuckin phone wont stop ringin

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  • bbrown95

    For me, 2021 by far. My family found out that our loved one's cancer is no longer responding to treatment and we are unfortunately preparing to lose him. I also lost a special pet and am also impending the eventual loss of another very dear pet who came down with health issues as well (they say it happens in threes, but do they really need to be back to back?). Not to mention a lot of other things, but those three are the biggest for me. There have also been positives though, such as that I brought home a pet who was in dire need of a home at the beginning of the year, and also moved into my first home (and dream home) shortly before that.

    Although 2020 was a cluster, it was a good year for my personal growth and I achieved a lot of great things, such as buying my home, gaining a lot of confidence and discipline, and having a lot of things just generally go in my favor. I guess I can't complain too much considering I am still incredibly fortunate regardless of the bad things currently going on, but these are times where you just push through to the best of your ability. I have noticed that I am becoming stronger and dealing with these things better, along with making the best of the good things in my life, but damn do I want a break from the bullshit and for life to seem somewhat normal again.

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  • BleedingPain

    2020 was shit, but I was fortunate to have a nice comfortable home to live in with financially stable parents. 2021 sucks dead ass donkey dick cause now I am working again, decided to move out and now have to do normal adulting, plus deal with the leftovers of Covid

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    2021 is a lot better for me because I was injured through 2020. And I've made a lot of money off of crypto this year with the dogecoin waves.

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