White guys dating an asian girl. biggest pet peeve
More specifically the sexual and racial fetishes that causes them to do that. Should be from love not some sick fantasy.
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More specifically the sexual and racial fetishes that causes them to do that. Should be from love not some sick fantasy.
...pretty sad that you assume someone does not love someone they are with purely because they are different races.
Hey if lady treat me right i in turn do the same. I just love women as a whole but not those bitchy types.
Not every interracial couple is like that.
However, I do understand where you're coming from. I once knew this crazy black guy who wanted to date Asian women due to porn. As in he believed porn was real life.
It bugs me too I feel like the poor girls don't know any better when they're fresh off the boat that these guys can't get white girls and they pretend they're a catch when they're actually losers
I don't think there's a problem with white people dating Asians, but there's definitely problems with white people only dating Asians BECAUSE they're Asian.
i think it's normal to be annoyed that people hold these "fetishes" and have a tendency to "exotify" Asian individuals, but it's not normal to look at every white-Asian interracial couple and assume this exotification is at play instead of true love and romance. I understand your anger at the fetishization at play in our society, though.
There was an experiment conducted in the late 1990s about sexual attraction, where people of assorted racial origins wore t-shirts for a couple of days (sans deodorant, etc), which were then placed into boxes. members of the opposite sex were then asked to "sniff" the t-shirts, and rank how attractive the felt the owner was based on smell.
One of the things that was discovered was that many people were "naturally attracted" to (the smell of) different races. One school of thought is that this is due to a genetically hard wired desire to ensure genetic diversity.
John Safran (Australian TV personality) actually did a TV show on this. He has always found that he has been attracted to Eurasians, and performed a similar experiment. He too found that he could pick his "preferred genotype" by smell.
I don't actually believe that a sexual attraction to a particular race is racist. I have had many different women as sexual partners over the years (okay, I'm a bit of a man-whore), but I've never had an Asian or a "Person of colour", as I've just never wanted to. I have friends of all races though.
Hope this helps.
How the fuck is race not a quality of someone, OP? You're just gonna say that someone's entire ancestry has nothing to do with who they are as a person?
Your petpeeve is absolutely normal, but that doesn't mean it's the correct way to look at the situation.
You do understand that your ancestry should not be a factor at all wren you date someone. It shold only be their personality. To associate race to any physical and personaltraits is racism. For example it's racist to connect black guys to big dicks and Asian women to being submissive.
Maybe some (most) Asian girls/woman are tight.
At least until after they give birth.
Happiness is -after all- a tight vagina!
Those who talk about steretotypes, people from any race do have things in common ...like biological traits n cultural expectations. I personally chose to marry someone from a different ethnicity because i find it liberating. There are no norms no expectations. You can negotiate n make your own.
I find it interesting that you assume its a fetish and not real love.
Your post is racist in the way that it assumes white euro and Caucasian males cant possibly be attractes to Asian females.
They are quite beautiful, they are respectful and very loving women who when they commit to a marriage stay in it for the long haul not look for the next best thing like most other women.
In short whats not to like.
You are proving my point. Race has nothing to do with those factors, and to associate such things to race is again racist. Racism isn't just yelling out racial slurs it's defining a stereotype associated with a race as fact when referring to oppressed races. Beauty is in terms of the individual and should be valued on race. Also beauty is based on perspective. Any one of any race has flaws, so what your idealism and fetishization is doing is just adding to backlog of problems.
Love happens when you think about that person as an individual and their race is just coicidental and not a factor.
Nothing wrong with interracial dating. But yes, everything wrong with men who have Asian fetishes.
It doesn't have to be a fetish...it could just be a preference. I like white and asian guys but it's not a fetish. It's just who I'm attracted to.
Race is not a quality in a person so "preference" is just a way for people to tone down racial fetishism. Race should never be something you consider when being attracted to someone. The idea itself is racist
I don't think that's racist at all. People do have racial preferences when it comes to dating etc. Why do you think there are interracial couples? It would be racist if someone decided not to date someone just because of their race.
I hope they didnt fall in love because of their specific races and instead looked into their individual qualities and just happen to be of different race. Well those "racial preferences" cause real problem for people. All stereotypes are false because they try group people of a certain race to a certain quality and that is bullshit both socially and biologically. It is racist because Racism isn't just yelling out racial slurs it's defining a stereotype associated with a race as fact when referring to oppressed races.
If the racial fetishes weren't true then white guys wouldn't sell them out. No racial fetish about white guys going to the north pole to screw Eskimo women. If it happened a lot them we'd see it on web sites.
Bottom line if you want easy sex go to Asia.