White "people"

Should white people apologize for there past crimes in the form of reparations and forced decolonization of the curriculum?

Yes they should 11
I hate black people 32
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Comments ( 56 )
  • PurpleHoneycomb

    Only if every other race does the same thing. Racism is present in every country; even ones that are predominantly non-white.

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    • LloydAsher

      America is abundantly the least racist place on the planet given how many minorities and cultures live here. Sure there are cases of hate crimes, but those are few and far between given that we do have a shit ton of opposing cultures living in close proximity to one another.

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      • 89pounds

        I do not believe having an abundance of race in one place makes it less racist - like if you took the school I went to, there is a giant mix of cultures and races and just people, for example there are loads of Muslims but there are still a ton of islamaphobes. Having diversity does not cancel out hate and discrimination, you could even say that in some places it increases it, as that gives more targets for those who feel the need to be trashy.

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        • LloydAsher

          I'm saying that having an overabundance that doesnt lead to super high cases of murder is a step forward. You got to realize the bubble americans live in where aparently america is the most racist country on the planet dispite most countries being made up of 99% of their native population and culture and still murder eachother over their minute differences.

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      • ospry

        Don't forget how many violent crimes are intentionally mislabeled as hate crimes. There was that Half Moon Bay shooting where an Asian man shot several other Asian people, and every article I saw on the event called it a hate crime and focused on white-on-Asian violence

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        • LloydAsher

          What was his specified problem? Because Asian isnt the most precise term and when its asian on asian I got to factor in that the big 3 asian (china, japan. S korea) powers hate eachother.

          Or was it entirely unrelated to race in that case? I dont pay attention to mass shootings as its ultimately pointless, we live in a country where free access to firearms is a cultural facet, course shit like this happens

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          • ospry

            Subsequent articles called it "workplace violence"

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  • TheAmateurStrongmanCompetitor

    why should they, these whites are not the same ones from back then, and the blacks now are not the same ones who were slaves

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    No because white people are ironically the most accepting and least racist people in the world and everyone is on "stolen land".

    Also a point of interests not all white nations colonized ppl.

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    • LloydAsher

      I mean you got Italy the least successful colonizer of them all.

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      • 1WeirdGuy

        A lot of slavic countries outside of russia never colonized either

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        • LloydAsher

          Vikings? Granted pillaging wasnt colonization but it's close enough.

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          • 1WeirdGuy

            Yeah nordic whites colonized but a lot if not most of slavs didnt have colonies. I dont think Poland for example ever colonized anyone.

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            • LloydAsher

              Because they were the ones getting fucked over. Hell the word for slave comes from the slav people that the muslims were enslaving during the 9th century.

              Everyone fucked over everyone. Dont know why people are bellyaching over shit that's centuries old.

              Hell if it happened more than 3 generations ago and wasnt a genocide. I dont think you should complain about it like it's happening today.

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  • BleedingPain

    Why should i pay someone for something I didnt do? Thats like sending me to jail for a crime i didnt commit

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    • LloydAsher

      Sounds like North Korea

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  • litelander8

    As a white person, my American lineage is poor people. No one owned slaves. So no. I’m already poor as it is and the government would rather loose 3 billion dollars then pay black people. Byyeee

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    • 1234tellmethatyoulovememore

      I'm a descendant of various slave owners and actually one founding father of the US.

      I'm still not apologizing. I'm also Cherokee and don't want an apology for the Trail of Tears towards me personally. My Cherokee ancestors who actually deserve the apology have been dead for over a century, as are the people who did it to them.

      I don't want the atrocities forgotten, but "apologies" by people who weren't even there always ring hollow to me.

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  • NeuroNeptunian

    Lol nah. Where does it stop? Who takes responsibility for what? Do we mass 23 and Me everyone to find out whose family did and didn't own slaves? Do we just say anyone who appears white is guilty?

    I'll admit I'm throwing out several logical fallacies here but holding people responsible for the crimes of their family is a very dangerous concept that has already been considered and utilized with very poor results.

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  • Holzman_67

    I think actions speak louder than words. Let’s take action, show kindness and end classism.

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    • 1234tellmethatyoulovememore

      YES. We need non-repetition of past cruelty, not hollow words!

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  • urmomxoxo

    bruh literally what is wrong with people white people these days weren’t the ones who enslaved our ancestors they don’t need to kiss at our feet because of it either it’s fuckin stupid what is wrong with yall

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  • taebby22

    This is just baiting and is contradictory of what the video is about (the viral one I'm assuming you're referencing)
    No, I will not take responsibility for slavery 200 years ago. I will always denounce racism, but I'm not responsible for things I didn't do. For the past 30 years of my life, I've treated everyone as an equal human being. Period. It doesn't need to be any more complicated than that.

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  • Tinybird

    I don't hate black "people"

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    • ObamaIfHeWasBlack

      I don't "hate" black people

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      • Tinybird

        I don't hate "black" people

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        • ObamaIfHeWasBlack

          "I" don't hate black people

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          • Tinybird

            I "don't" hate black people

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  • Millie_the_evil_saint

    Funny how you just assume all people with light skin tones have ancestral ties to colonialism. Almost like History and Geography are totally dead to you.

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  • RoseIsabella

    Your multiple choices are garbage, dude!

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  • idkyourmom27

    punish asians too

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  • Tortie_Shell

    I’ll take responsibility for whatever ignorant/passively racist things I’ve said in the past (That’s part of growing and being supportive of BLM) although I myself am not responsible for slavery and such and I shouldn’t have to apologize for the actions of people I’m barely related to.

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  • Wow3986

    Fuck what everyone here is saying. Of course they're going to say white people shouldn't apologize for the abuse pain and suffering their ancestors inflicted upon black people because they're fucking bigots. Any non-racist and decent white person would apologize for something their ancestors did even if they weren't even alive when it happened. If they don't then they're a vile racist that can go rot in hell.

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    • ObamaIfHeWasBlack

      what about people who can definitively prove no one in their family ancestry owned slaves or had anything to do with the slave trade?

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      • Wow3986

        They still should apologize because the people that owned the slaves were the same race as them. But I'm sure you won't agree with that because you're a fucking racist bigot.

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        • Millie_the_evil_saint

          They are a different 'race' actually. If you want to play that card. They decided so themselves.

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          • Wow3986

            That's blackfacing smdh.

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      • LloydAsher

        Peasant farmers for my entire family history until 3 generations ago. And that was even after we moved to america 110 years ago, after slavery was illegal for 30 years. Still peasant farmers.

        As the generations went...
        Poor, poor, poor, poor, poor, relatively less poor, upper middle class, and now my generation which is sitting in middle class respectfully.

        Far as I'm aware the recompense for slavery was paid via the civil war. And civil rights is a relatively new concept which for implementation with the racially diverse america was a challenge.

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    • Millie_the_evil_saint

      I find it repulsive and quite frankly insulting you would make any assumptions about my ancestors.

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      • Wow3986

        So you agree with your ancestors racism?

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    • Tortie_Shell

      Why should people have to apologize for their distant family’s actions, that’s ridiculous. I’m very distantly related to slave owners and I’m trying to make up for it in my actions (by protesting, supporting POC, etc.), but I’m not going to own up to something I never did.

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      • Millie_the_evil_saint

        I'm not at all related to any slave owners whatsoever. Why should I have to apologize for the crimes of your ancestors? :-)

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      • Wow3986

        Because it was their ancestors that did it so they should apologize on their behalf racist.

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        • Tortie_Shell

          Nobody should have to do that. With that logic, the family members of murderers should have to apologize for murdering people when they didn’t have anything to do with it.

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          • Wow3986

            Yes they should. So you think the family of murderers shouldn't apologize?

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  • normal-rebellious

    White people should never apologise, if it wasn't for my country I would be speaking Dutch. Being white is innocent, it's just a race and a way of thinking, black people make friends with white people and the white people join in on the party eating a chicken dinner. Black people must love it that white people sit on the armchair watching telly all day, flipping through the channels to watch horror flicks. It's all good, the real horror is when a bomb is dropped blowing up a section of the United States, it's no reason to push the panic button, plus people get curry on everything, and people have wipe it clean. There's nothing like being with black people to join in on some music, I listen to soul music, but you don't understand how much I like it and you don't listen to my likes of it. White people have been there shopping, and buying coffee, so are you going to blame a white person for eating a hotdog with mustard?

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  • KholatKhult


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  • ospry

    I saw a TikTok of an angry Asian girl who was going off about how if you have any white friends, you shouldn't let them feel like they're one of the "good" white people and that made me laugh really hard. I just pictured her talking to a white person like "Awww, who's a good white person?? That's right, you are!"

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