White people are secretly racist

I think that white people are secretley racist and it makes me sick that if someone is racist that they hide it is is normal that i would jusst rather know how you feel for real rather than hide like cowards behind smiles and lies. I have been getting strange feeling from white people at my job what do white people talk about when minorities arent arond whats the real truth please dont bring any lies over the internet i have had enough

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Comments ( 159 )
  • tinsleytemptress

    Clearly, you are racist. Allow me to explain.

    "I think that white people are secretley racist"

    Need I say more?

    Well clearly I'm dealing with an idiot so I must.
    You sir, are very racist to assume white people are secretly racist.

    Just cause I'm white doesn't mean I hate my chocolatey brethren.

    Thus I'm offended by your statement.
    You damn racist.

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    • carib_kid

      chocolately brethren???
      i oughta slap the sh-t out of you my vanilla creampuff.

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      • dalmationUntoyourSoul

        don't let the fat-asses find out you guys are in the same room. i secretly hate fatties. i talk about cheeseburgers when they aren't around.

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      • The_Gnome

        Mmmmmm vanilla chocolate.... sorry ur point was?!?! XD

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    • JinxTheClown44

      Rasism is a ugly reality this unfortunately apart of our world. Racism is fueled on ignorance. Spreading ignorance spreads foolish false hatred. However no one should be oblivious to the fact that racism is still alive and strong. Together all people should adopt one race; humanity and try to rid the world of that kind of false hatred and ignorance

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    • YumInsanity

      Shit, guys, he's worked it out

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    • sogreat1989

      Well I am truly sorry to inform you, but research supports that white people are inadvertent racist. They are subconsciously racist, and believe denouncing it absolves them of something they do not know they are. In a study, on the past presidential election when asked specific questions the research concluded 90% of White America preferred White Americans in powerful spots within the government. If that does not at least create a need to explore the topic of White America being secretly racist you are just a bigoted individual who doesn't want to open their eyes.

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  • tori

    I'm white and I'm the minority in my town. I'm sick of other races calling white people racists. Last summer there was a get together at our local park. It was advertised as black families only. What the heck! That's fine with me but see a white get together only and suddenly we are white supremists. When my kids were in high school an Italian friend of mine wanted to start an Italian club. The school board said no because it would cause problems. The other races would think it's a KKK club or something. There was the Vietnamese club, Mecha club, Rainbow club, black clubs, etc... I'm so sick of it. Get over youself. People who constantly think of racism are racists themselves.

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    • jgol

      Excluding people because of their skin color or ethnicity is wrong regardless of what the group is. That includes a Black only club or a Chinese only club or whatever. It's ok to make a club like that only if anyone is allowed to join, regardless of race. Anyone who excludes people solely because of their race is a racist, and a jerk.

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  • This_charming_man

    asking whether all white people are racist, is a bit racist in itself.

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    • artguru4u

      i totally agree.
      i'm black but by reading this question it means you also foster racist tendencies and insecurities.
      but if that's how you feel, it's just going to make your work experience miserable.
      just move on and don't let them into your life.
      maybe you haven't had a good experience interacting with white people?
      but realize there are other ethnicities that are prejudiced

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    • dalmationUntoyourSoul

      i've been wondering, will nature make a man out of me yet?

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  • Drakonski

    I'm white and I don't give a g**damn that my boss is black. I listen to him and respect him, and I'm pretty sure he returns the favor. He's grumpy sometimes, but that's because he gets worn out on the job; I don't think, "aw gee, he must hate my white ass because he snapped at me." I work with other black people in my office too, and I enjoy working with them.

    You're probably one of these homeboys that likes to stare white people down and then thinks to himself, when they react anxiously, "hmmph, racist honkies!" Grow up. We whites have had enough too. We shouldn't have to pander to anyone. We're all in the same boat. If you can't see it that way, you've got the problem, not the white people that you're so paranoid about!

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  • Juanita023

    I'm Black and I don't give a damn about what White people think of me. As long as people respect me, I'll respect them. Color has nothing to do with it. It must suck to be that paranoid though. I don't think all White people are racist, I don't think that "the man" is holding me down, and I don't feel the need to hold a grudge with White people over what their ancestors did to mine. Maybe you should give it a try. Anyway, you have to keep in mind that at the workplace, there's always going to be someone talking about you behind your back. It doesn't have to be because you're Black. People gossip all the time about everyone at work. That's just how it is.
    So instead of worrying about White people, just go to work and do what you have to do to take care of yourself, because worrying about racism is not going to get your bills paid.

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  • crushedrose

    Yea? Well i think Black people are racists too. I live in a shabby black apartment and the people there are so f**king rude. In the elevator they find some way to crack a racist comment about my race and i ain't black. I'm Chinese. So what are you going to say to that? Suck it up, discrimination is everywhere. In fact I'd rather they keep the comments to themselves rather than say it to their friend when i can obviously hear. Then they look at me with smirks i wanna cut off their face.

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  • TheEternalJew

    My problem with black people is that I am white and live in a mostly black community, and I am persecuted and teased a lot for it. However, inthe opposite situation, there would probably be a court case involved. I do not like the double standard. I also do not like blacks that do everything they can do to fit the negative stereotype, then go around with a chip on their shoulder. I give everyone a fair chance whom I meet with no prejudice, but my experience has lead me to dislike most black people I have met.

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    • jgol

      I agree there should not be a double standard. Racism in any form is unacceptable. We need to find ways to get along with each other and work together as people to further us all.

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  • Gonzo

    You fucking sicken me. The true racists are the ones that are looking for racist shit to be offended by. People like YOU is whats keeping racism in the world.

    Go die in a fucking hole.

    And what Prof3591 said.

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    • coolio75650932

      hmm no holes around exept my own but meh :3 a hole is a hole :3

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  • gummybearbandit73

    you so just contradicted yourslef
    you think white people are secretly racist.
    well thats a racist comment right there,

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  • clueless247

    im not secretly racist

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  • Shannondoaha

    I am not racist. I am against racism.
    and I am white.
    What you have said about white people is a racist remark and I don't appreciate it.

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  • nothing2

    did you know there were no black people in the first star wars?

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  • Powerfrog

    Wow, you're quite the paranoid one, aren't you? If anything, saying ALL white people are racist is pretty racist of you. Ironic, huh? I think of black people as i do white, yellow, and purple people. We're all the same on the inside, besides the purple people...

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  • Galaxy500

    I'm white and I have my share of kitchens mexicans and construction workers saying things in spanish that, tone wise, come off pretty dirty. I don't think I'm racist - I think I'm an American who speaks English.... and I don't appreciate it when mexican men think they can talk to me like that. Doesn't make me racist.

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  • blamph

    You are not normal. You are a very paranoid person who needs to stop writing run-on sentences. And learn to spell.

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  • If you are racist then you are ignorant plain and simple, and sorry but I ain't sorry to say that.

    If you think black people should go back to Africa then that makes you a lazy fuck just like all the slave owners who were too lazy and too cheap to work or employ other white people. Our white ancestors brought them here now it is our job to figure out a way to keep them here without people getting discriminated against. I hate when people talk shit about "Mexicans" or "muslims" or whatever the new fad is on what race or religion to hate.

    I'm white and by no means am I a racist. I never really thought about how hard it must be for a minority to find out if a white person is racist, it's easy for me, because normally a white person will crack a stupid racist joke or use the word "nigger" and it's all over for me to ever associate with then on a regular basis.

    It's got to be hard to be a minority in this country today, and it's a shame that white people for the most part will not ponder the idea and never think what it would be like on the other side of the color spectrum. There are not many white people like me in fact I don't believe I ever met a white person who feels so strongly about hating racism, but there has got to be some somewhere I'm sure. People like me and you can only hope that it will get better over the years and that people can live together as Americans, and be looked upon as a human being and not a stereotype.

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    • MissAimi

      you're being uptight, its a natural human response to acknowledge differences between races and even feel uncomfortable about them. by saying you aren't racist you are doing exactly what this guy didnt want, lying.

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    • hot2trot

      White people were bought and sold as slaves long before blacks. And no, it wasn't that crap they feed you about indentured servitude. Open a book.

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      • jgol

        White people were bought and sold as slaves by other white people, not blacks.

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        • tupensworth

          Over a million Europeans were kidnapped from Europe and sold into slavery in North Africa by non-white Muslim slave traders, see 'Barbary Slave Trade' on wiki.

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    • SmartAleck

      That was well said and I appreciate your honesty.

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  • arandomperson9999

    I have devised a less steriotypical test to detext racisn. if they support trump, they are racist. case closed.

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  • WasNeverHere,ButThereInstead

    Like racism doesn't exist in every other ethicity/race? Racism is found in every race. I'm sure that most everyone (if not everyone) has suffered or displayed racism somepoint in their lives (deliberately or accidently).

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  • Harlequin

    No that makes YOU racist. Most people are racist in some way, people of all colours against all colours. It's human nature, not WHITE nature, HUMAN nature.

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  • robbieforgotpw

    And blacks aren't?

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  • freeme

    White people are like the outcasts when it comes to race. The other races can identify with one another more because they have more in common, social status in particular. What seems to be happening now is we are slowly progressing into a more diverse culture and the issue of race is starting to become a sensitive subject. I think the world needs to accept the fact that cultural differences will always remain and move the hell on.

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    • dalmationUntoyourSoul

      good point. i like to think of it more as the one percent against the working class, regardless of color. every poor working stiff might as well be a black person in the 1960's the way people are getting attacked by police for having opinions, and for civil disobedience.

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  • tstern73

    White people have racist thoughts just the same as blacks do. It's pretty simple, people need to work together and get along, but don't have to be friends outside of work. Get over it and do your damn job and quit worrying about whitey already.

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  • I'm English and white but I'm not a racist at all. My paternal grandmother was actually Brazilian and my best friend at secondary school (high school) was a Filipina.

    You can't assume everybody who is white is racist.

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  • heartbrokenbutterfly

    what you are saying is very racist, think about it!! saying all white people are racist?? isnt that assuming all white people are the same? well you are no better. i am white and i only hate ignorant people. oh, and reverse racism.

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  • alyssalong21

    Well Its not so much racism but more of just living in a world of imperfection. Obviously every one is not going to be the same. People who live in a certain area of the world for a long period of time will have evolved traits for where they live. This however goes beyond just having black skin to survive in the sun better but extends to every aspect of being human.

    African American's comming from Africa - first of all the majority of these people were shipped here to be slaves and than bred yes bred like dogs ( i know its disgusting but its history) for the strongest and biggest traits. This is why black people seem to have huge dicks and look jacked and stupid. This is where the stereotype comes from because the black genes have been sucsessfully transfered by people who have had strong physical traits. Obviously in africa intellect has not been valued. Men in africa dont get women because of their smarts.

    However with white people there has been slightly more sucsess with transfering smart genes, idk if its only because gold diggers but smart nerdy men do have children and further the human race.

    and asians are fish people that came from the sea

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  • i am kinda racist in a way people should understand and also to white people (i am white myself)
    but the thing that makes me kinda racist is i hate most black people who think they are gangsters and go out with there hoods up carrying knifes and they really do think they are gangsters because there black and i swear im close to calling them the "n" word but then i remember the black people that actualy are people who are nioce and live life like everyone else and i think fuck im close to being a prick i aint gonna judge all black people over the pricks
    and also when black people go yo wat up nigga then get pissed off if a white guy says it if they want to get rid of racism why are they keep saying shit like that and get pricky when people use the word only reason y its around is because u black "gangsters" (sarcasm) say it all the time if none of u said it none of the future people will even care about the word

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  • prof3591

    when will PEOPLE realize that even making THAT comment is a rascist comment, not to mention using a broad brush to say ALL white people....I sure hope blacks in this country will move on and learn that they can be just as rascist as whites. Obviously this guy is.

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  • Mudkip

    Sorry, but black people can be just as fucking racist as white people.
    And they tend to be able to get away with it.
    Stop your fucking prissy bitching and MAN the FUCK UP.
    Can't you whine about more important things?

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  • pepeds

    The big irony is that "white people are secretly racist" is an intrinsically racist comment itself...

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  • PunkZombie

    ...And coming online to annoy everybody else about your "problem" helps how?

    More people know that you, yourself, are a racist prick and will come to realize that the majority of BLACKS are racist...

    Actually, keep ranting because your stupidity may serve a purpose here.

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  • IveGotBallsOfSteal

    LOL white people are secretly racist and black people are publicly racist. this is the status quo.

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  • Lostprophet

    Yea everyone is a little bit racist, on the inside, and stop bitching about how we hide it. You like that we hide it, if we were open about it you get all offended!

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  • cecala

    Its racist to even think this ;) Only WHITE people can be secretly racist? Its funny how racism can work on both sides.

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  • GalacticEgg

    Sounds like you're racist yourself.

    Unfortunate that you've chosen to perpetuate a cycle of ignorance.

    Unfortunate also that this seems to be, indeed, a normal sentiment for people to have.

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  • Malfoy

    I am a super-racist and I make it clear to others, but I keep my comments a bit more appropriate on here. Just a bit. Have you not noticed that some of the brighter people laugh at how serious others are? It's gotten so bad that people are becoming SERIOUSLY racist against white people because they are idiotically trying to act so anti-racist. Ugh, I can't type well with all of this weed and sleep deprivation in me... I apologize.

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  • Tiffanyy

    You appear to be very paranoid. I assume you have copped a lot of racial discrimination in the past and you seem emotionally scared.

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  • honeybuns

    Most black people I meet act differently than white people. I judge people on how they act. If you act like a nice person that respects yourself and others around you I and will treat you much differently than if you are an ignorant black person that has a foul loud mouth.

    I also hate when black people get bad service and claim it's only because they are black. That's BS. I have never in 10 years of customer service given or seen differential service given to someone because they are black but damn if I and others haven't been accused.

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  • XxgemdinxX

    Well, I'm white but I am absolutly not racist. When there's a minority in the room, we probably don't even recognize that you're there, just as if a white person were there. Atleast that's what I do.

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    • dalmationUntoyourSoul

      your right. most people are invisible, or at least unnoticeable. it's kind of egocentric to think all white people would spend their time plotting against a person whose skin looks different than theirs.

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  • annada

    Okay, as a black person (no American) so focking what if they are racist! Everyone is biased against someone at some point. It could be because of their race, sex, age class etc. my point is our mothers taught us that if we have nothing nice to say, then shut the fuck up. Hence, when people are being secret assholes, they are still being considerate.

    P.S. Racists come in all colours and shades and generalising only adds to the problem.

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  • iamyummy

    i meet more racist "colored" people than those whom are white, but yes alot of white people are racist same with every single race they all are racist against other races even if the don't know it. i could care less if you are black white or pokadotted you are a person and a person is a person not a fucking dumbfuck all the wars are created from hate/ racism. life would be better if we were all the same race and the same religion. but that would cause problems too, no one is perfect we are just human.

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    • carib_kid

      im just saying but: white people are most likely to hide their racism because being called one nowadays can lead to public crucifiction (explaining your messed up statistic). people of other colors are more likely to be upfront with who they dont like because there is likely no backlash for it. i for one am not racist because if i dont like you i dont like you. i can dislike like people with my eyes closed.

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  • rm39716

    i know you may not want to hear this but your actually being racist by thinking that every white person you meet is racist

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  • gitface

    You come of as being rather paranoid. Racists come from ALL racial backgrounds, and are the minority no matter what they come from.

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  • Krenn

    There 2 things I HATE HATE HATE about racism.

    1: Over racist DOUCHEBAGE FUCKS.
    2: Over ANTI-Racist people that take everything so seriously.

    But the internet is full of dicks that'll do anything to get on your nerves, sexism, racism ect. is all fair game.

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  • babyjay21

    I always notice for example, if I'm watching Comicview, the black comedians talk about black this and white that all the time. white comedian rarely do that. A white person can't even say "you people" without a black person tripping out on them. Honestly though most of us white people don't care. I don't mind if black people prosper and/or become rich. Just don't move next door to me. Black people obsess way too much about racism. You would be in Africa possibly with aids right now if it weren't for the whites.

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    • SmartAleck

      I agree there is racism on our part but what you said was ignorant and downright mean. If I had said something like this: "If the native Americans would have sent you back then they would have less diseases and you'd still be fighting the Bubonic Plague". I would be a racist.

      P.S. The statement in quotations is not necessarily my views but I needed a good analogy to make babyjay realize how ignorant his last comment was.

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    • dalmationUntoyourSoul

      i totally called two black girls "you people" one night, and they didn't think anything about it. i said "i'm gonna squeeze by you people" as in you people that are sitting on the floor. i almost freaked out about it in my mind because so many people of all races are ready to get defensive about dumb racist shit.

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    • dalmationUntoyourSoul

      or they would be in what is now spain, france, and england. i believe it was attila the hun that ran the people from asia into europe, and they eventually fought the black people until they moved to africa.

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    • Dontholdurbreath

      Actually, biblically speaking, "black" people of colored skin roamed/ruled the earth long before people of lighter complections started to be born!!!
      Check out the book of Exodus in the Holy Bible when God had Moses place his hand in his bosom and it turned from dark to white.......

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  • We talk about how nice it would be if youd all fuck off back where you came from and we could have a white majority and those that remain could be our slaves

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    • Chooseyourweapon

      Most of us were born in this country, where are we supposed to go "back" to? I am sure the Native Americans felt the same way about Caucasians.

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      • dalmationUntoyourSoul

        i think dude was being facetious.

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    • oursinette

      @cabinet70 (4440)

      I hope that, when you said to get back where we from, you are not talking about America. If so you are an ignorant. Because none of us, except the native American Indians, belongs to here. STUPID. At least we, black, do have somewhere to go back.

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      • iin

        so just cuz you black people are black, you have somewhere to go back to???? why do i always get the feeling SOME black people feel like they are in white land or some shit???? DOES ANYONE KNOW WHAT AMERICA IS ABOUT ANYMORE. Face it, you wouldnt "go back" to ANYWHERE because i bet you were born here, which would make you an AMERICAN CITIZEN, culture is important, but i know you couldnt honestly tell me youd rather "go back" to any place but here. wheres the american pride people???

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  • Solimorphic

    Whites are racist? We elected the first BLACK president. HELLO!!!!

    Wake up!

    BTW, about 98 percent of BLACKS voted for Obama when there were 4 guys to choose from.


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    • vox111

      and african americans on the last elections have voted for democratic at 96%..

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    • dalmationUntoyourSoul

      obama isn't black.

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    • Dontholdurbreath

      The Illuminati lected the 8th black president(Obama). Whether we voted or not Obama would be in office! & I say 8th because the 1st 7 presidents of the U.S. were of "African American(Hebrew Isaelite-Biblicaly speaking) descent."

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      • Dontholdurbreath

        & these 8 presidents came before George Washington! Not easily accessed from your History books!

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  • sherry

    Black people are unsecretly racist!

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  • blondie28

    Black people are way more racist than white people

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  • label1877

    Blacks are the most racist group, by far. Hate laws were implemented the late 1980's and 90's with the intent to lock up whites. Funny thing happened, today...more blacks are in jail for hate crimes than whites. That is incredible once you consider how whites outnumber blacks.

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  • Impercievableninja

    Most White people, if they are racist are outright about it. For instance, i have a disposition to dislike mexicans and black people due to the fact that most around me fit perfectly into the stereotype and i hate them for it, but i do have black and mexican friends(who dont act completely white, they just arent in gangs, smoke, or fight constantly) and i respect them highly for it. If a person is truly racist such as my retronazi classmate, they are outright, a real racist wouldnt care about peoples feelings. I was a bit off topic i guess but if a person is a racist, they wont regret or refrain from verbally attacking people anywhere.

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  • cubinsc

    Welcome to the club. I'm white by the way. It depends on the people but yes there are those who hide their racism. I come from the south and I have known a couple of people who would shake a black person's hand and suddenly run off to the bathroom for soap. It pissed me off to see this.

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  • gnome

    im white, and im anything but racist. my sister is engaged to an asian, so were not all racist.

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  • CGFE3

    umm no offence but allot of black people are racist too, but what makes you think ALL white people are racist? I'm white and my best friend is black, racist my butt

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  • Orochi

    Isn't it great that it is socially acceptable for Blacks to state that Whites are racist, but somehow inappropriate for Whites to claim that Blacks are racist. It is evident that there exists a mutual distrust between the races born of issues in the past that continue to impact our present. It is well known that the White race has long exhibited greater intellect than the other races. In fact, recent history proves that the White man only desired to use his gifts to uplift the other races of the world. We have traveled to all parts of the globe offering our advice and wisdom to help you ungrateful heathens. Now it is time for you to uplift yourselves. Turn off reality tv and read some books. I know this is a tough thing for Afro-Spanish people to do, but give it a shot. You might learn something. IMAO, yeah right!!! like you can read. hahaha

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    • jgol

      Oh please. Give me a break. White people went around the world to conquer and control and take riches and resources from other countries.. not to "offer advice and wisdom". White people ENSLAVED people for god's sake. The reason white countries advanced so much is that they had tons of riches coming in from all the countries they invaded and took over. This allowed them to develop themselves and prosper and invent. They were not doing it to "help other people" and if you think they were, you're delusional. Also, the idea that white people are all somehow geniuses whereas everyone else is dumb is absurd and wrong. You don't have to look very far in America to find a fat, dumb, ignorant white person. They're all over the place. There's a small percentage of intelligent white people who have been responsible for all of the white people's progress. The rest just rode their success, but on their own are dumb as soup.

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  • miedel

    From what I have seen, most dark-skinned people are very racist, whether or not they realize it. To me, it's just like when a person litters, throwing trash on the ground. They are just ignorant.
    As many others have pointed out, you are also very racist, claiming that light-skinned folk are racist, just because they have lighter skin. You have only proven my first point.

    I have nothing against racist people. Just because a retarded child doesn't understand calculus, you shouldn't call him names. It's just ignorance, plain and simple, like a disease.

    You can't help it for the time being. The only thing you can do is further your education on racism (not just "whites vs blacks" but also events such as WW2, the A-bomb on Hiroshima, and the contradictory National Security) and face your fears by making some light-skinned friends to replace such an overactive paranoia.

    I really hope you make an attempt to understand that YES there are "white supremacists", but there are also serial killers, child molesters, religious nuts, suicide bombers, and many other crazy people in the world. Most light-skinned mates like me and the many other commentators here are not racist. There are no "secret discussions" among us.

    Believe me, this is the internet, nobody has anything to hide.

    If you still believe in your initial paranoid theories, you should seriously seek help from a professional. Talk to a psychiatrist and get treated.

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  • Jim_Pfoss

    This last election exposed who still cares about race. Whites voted for Obama in the same proportions they have voted for every other Democrat. Blacks voted for him 90%% plus.
    Whites don't have to hide their racism because they are not racist anymore.
    Used to be. No doubt about it. Didn't like the result. Still having to live with it.

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  • mm6969

    I don't like violent criminals that ruin everything they touch and have invented almost nothing useful in society. So I guess I'm racist. There is a reason that a taxi drives right past a black without stopping

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  • sega31098

    Almost everyone is, regardless of race.

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  • xxWilky

    I'm racist but I don't say anything to anybody. I would never call somebody a name because of there skin etc. I love Hearing Jokes about race but not people hitting or name calling just because they are different. I may hate a race but I don't act on it

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  • coolio75650932

    i think calling tem black is racist cuz there skin is actualy brown (i hate racist and if this comment is racist then i hate myself)

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  • Tystick

    Well I'm white and I prefer dating black girls that's just the way I am. I like all women but to me black women are so sexy. This is no joke. You can say I'm a sell out or have jungle fever. I don't care. I'm not one of those ignorant white people.

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  • dalmationUntoyourSoul

    troll. everyone knows black people aren't allowed on the real internet. they have playskool internet that only goes to BET and TMZ and shit like that, so white people can have their secret racist meetings on the real internet.

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  • dalmationUntoyourSoul

    i hate fake ass people from suburbia that think they're gangsta. but not real black people. what do you talk about when whitey's not around? but seriously, i worked in a place and was the only white person there, and the black people constantly criticized other black people about skin color. some people were too black, some too light, they'd make fun of mixed people and call them ugly. they even gave me shit about my afro. also, i would get reprimanded for being 5 minutes late when i was the hardest worker there, and black people would not come in as scheduled and not even call, and nobody would say anything. did i think it was because they were black? no. did i think they were secretly racist? no, i just thought they were idiots and you probably are too.

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  • cuteasabutt0n

    I'm a white girl and I am in no way racist at all! I love every race! I would even date any race! Color does not matter to me it the personality and the person that counts ...but you you are being racist with what you have said

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  • nAt2017

    Racism can affect anyone, not just minorities. Just because I have white ancestry doesn't necessarily mean that I hate every minority on the planet. No one should be judged by what they ancestors did.

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  • jessica2727

    White people are the minority! Just look around.

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  • Azo9339

    I've gotten the same feeling, it just feels that recently that the majority of white people (not every white person!) are secretly racist. For instance my step sister who normally visits us every 5 years and her boyfriend were nice and cool the last time they visited us, but this year they visited and i could feel some tension with them and it kinda hurt my feelings. My step sister is white and our family is mainly mexican Americans. I just kinda feel like they look at us now with no respect, no sense of connection between us anymore and it kinda hurts my feelings. I blame fox news mainly.

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  • KatieLiz

    FFS. Get over yourself.

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  • dailynews

    I see the points from both sides. I agree, racism is everywhere. Bur in my opinion, there's a lot of racism towards dark skinned people. Not just from other races (notice I don't just limit it to white people) but also within blacks. I went to a majority black high school, and even blacks themselves see lighter skinned black people as better than darker skinned black people. It's crazy. Even look at the video vixens in rap videos. Like Chris Rock said, some people think, "the lighter, the brighter, the better."

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  • Dontholdurbreath

    Why get mad over the names ppl call you if you know you're not that name?!?! I laugh at racists because they have miserable lives because they carry hate and continue to focus on the ppl they claim to hate, but really wish they were them!

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  • Truth is, everyone's at least a little bit racist.

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  • myuniqueusername

    I am going to tell you the truth that you as a black person will never hear a white person say out loud in front of other black people or anybody else for that matter. I am a white male grew up in white suburbia. All white people are indeed secretly racist. they will look around and make sure there are no black people in the room before talking their ignorant racist crap and telling their stupid racist jokes and if you are a black person in a majority white workplace you better believe that every time you turn your back or leave the room the racist jokes and comments fly out of their ignorant mouths. I am 38 years old and I have not met another white person that is not like this. The sad truth is that you are absolutely 100% right. all white people are secretly racists. other white people will get mad at me for saying this but they know it is true

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    • Legion

      I dont like it when they use said race as an excuse for something. "Only white people are racist!- WHAT A LOAD OF CRAP! Everyone can be racist, or sexist, or anything!

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  • Anonama12

    Ohkay.. so I'm black and this is so racist. I was wondering.. How come we don't have a white pride day or an Italian, Dutch, Greek, etc etc day or month. Like wtf? My ex boyfriend used to be a member of the Knights (I can't remember the first name) he hated the injustice done to white people who incase you haven't noticed have different backgrounds too. And though he was all for improving the Aryan race he still dated a black chick because I'm open minded. (broke up over mutual disagreements). So

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  • Its2pm

    Only in scummy America :)

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  • No we're not.

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  • waxjob

    Are you one of those poor souls that failed to get in on the Age of Aquarius and Enlightenment? Well don’t dwell on the past. Convert now to Islam and help usher in the New Dark Ages! Why should you miss out on all the fun when you can join in on street corner executions, medieval punishments, whippings, weekly be-headings, and spontaneous stoning parties. And here's a big plus for all you guys...relationship problems will be a thing of the past. Muslim women love beatings and quickly learn to keep you happy at all costs.
    Remember those embarrassing court ordered anger management courses; well worry no more because under sharia law anything goes!
    Get angry at anything and everything, even imaginary slights. You can blow up at the slightest provocation, figuratively or literally, your choice and what other religion trains you in handling explosives and building detonators from everyday objects like cell phones. Sign up now or just drop by our next bomb workshop and meet some of the boys.
    Get in on the ground floor of this zany cult before all the good targets are destroyed. Boom, boom, boom, let's go back to my room! Ooops, too late! Act now and call your local asylum, I mean mosque, for more information.

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  • zxy

    No your obviously a racist.

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  • iswhatitis

    Cultural difference. Thats all but i dont think its a "black/white" thing its a your culture is so different from mine and my head is too far up my ass to be excepting...

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  • xxjenxx

    quit thinking so little of yourself.

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  • aussie

    Don't you think that if a white man went to Africa he would get these looks and vibes like they are racist ?

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  • iin

    I think people need to get the HELL over themselves. Poster you seem like a negitive person. Could it POSSIBLY be they are judging you by attitude & not skin color, cuz it sounds to me like you're not white & i am...Im tired of people thinking im like anyone else they know, just cuz there is a biggit you know thats white, dont mean i am. LEMME TELL YOU WHAT WE TALK ABOUT!!.....LIFE, ANY OTHER EFFIN SUBJECT BESIDES THE COLOR OF YOUR SKIN. what do you talk about when your in the room with people of your own shade of skin??? you think toooooo much of your damn self to think that your shade of color is so important to any of us. FACT white people arent all racist!!!! if so its normally the older ones, only because they were raised open to other cultures and colors. even my great grandfathers generation in my family werent racist, they just werent use to alot of colored people. AND BTW I THINK ITS FUNNY ALOT OF COLORED PEOPLE GENERALIZE WHITE PEOPLE, IM WHITE BUT IM NATIVE AMERICA MOSTLY AND IM FINISH IF ANYONE EVER BOTHERED TO ASK, JUST LIKE THERE ARE HATIAN PEOPLE, SOMALIAN PEOPLE, AFRICANS, HISPANICS, ASIANS, JAMACIANS ETC!! NOT JUST COLORED AND LIGHT. PEOPLE SEEM TO FORGET THAT! "Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that."

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  • Curb stomp.

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  • every one is a tiny bit rasist. i mean u got to admit, ur being rasist against white people right now. (i am white) lol

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  • ComboBreaker

    Dont know if anyones said it but... EVERYONE IS RACEIST! silly.

    Sure not everyone goes around commiting hate crimes but can you honestly say you havent thought a little prejudice towards a race of people? OP, You're being racist by posting that all whites are secretly racist. Have you ever laughed at a white, black, asian joke? I know I have and I know many other people have. Dont be so PC.

    If you feel like you're being discriminated against at work im sure their is someone you can talk to about this. That or maby their full on racists? If so Im sorry you work round such narrow minded and hateful people. But.. How are you sure they are racist though? I meen yeah they are a little racest but it seems you feel they are full on raceist. Maby it's that little bit of raceisum inside yourself that draws this idea that everyone around you, hates you for the colour of your skin. Either way, until you get proof or a blatent racist comment or are discriminated against with no other reason. The reason they dont like you might just be because they dont like you. Good luck anyway.


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  • SweetAdeline

    Everyone is racist, not just white people, even those who swear they aren't. But I understand what you're saying, we have gotten so politically correct in this country that no one knows anymore what anyone else really thinks about those of different races because it is considered "wrong" to discuss such things.

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  • alone4679

    i really dont care if your black or white but one of my best friends are black and im white... does that make a difference ...NO

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  • karma_is_bs

    you can't judge ALL white people and think we're ALL racists!I hate it when people accuse other people of being fucking racist!It usually means the person accusing is actually the fucking racist one

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  • Goethe

    Yup, you're absolutely right. As soon as there are no brown people in the room, 90% of the time the racist jokes start flying. We're also all secretly plotting to kill you. They're building the ovens as I write this.

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  • HeartShapedBox<3

    I don't think all white people are racist, I actually tend to think that more black people are racist but I have the thought sometimes. I think a lot of black people, myself included, aren't necessarily taught that white people are bad but we are never taught otherwise and it's this whole domino effect.

    I feel a lot of black parents/teachers improperly teach their children about black-white relations, they show us the bad things and send us on our way. So you walk away feeling, "Man, white people fucking suck, look at what THEY did to US." Even though it's obvious you forget that all that bad blood (is that appropriate terminology?)happened a long fucking time ago and you apply the hatred for the things done in the past to present day and you have this negative connotation of people who have done nothing to harm you.

    I imagine it would be difficult for white people to teach their children that all black people don't think they are evil when that is exactly how some of those black people feel. Also and sadly, some areas aren't that culturally diverse so some black and white children never encounter each other until they are much older so they have this fear of the unknown.

    On another note I hate being called African American, its like, bitch I'm not from Africa I was born in Chicago; I'm American just like you. I check "other" on job applications unless it lists black. I also don't like the term Caucasian. I like white boys not people from mountains.

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  • ReaperAJ

    Good LORD! God, you guys should come to South Africa - or probably anywhere in Africa if you really want to experience racism. And guess what?? The funny thing is that it's more blacks being racist than whites. We lived under a strict racist government before Apartheid was abolished, and since then, a lot of white people have slept and breathed easier because they are now free to fall in love across the race border, be kind to their friends without funny looks and accusations of being "kaffir lovers" (sorry - an eg, I hate that word myself) or without it being a crime to simply offer a black orphan a home. Our blacks cannot let go of the past, they teach their youth to hate white's because of something the government did yonks ago that we had no control over, and now everyone suffers for this intolerance. For those of you who have no idea about Zimbabwe, google it and read all about what Robert Mugabe did to the white people and how he won't even let natural born Zimbabwean white people back into their country. Racism is everywhere, no matter what the skin colour. I'm white, and personally, have no reason to be racist. I was never brought up that way, even in the old regime when I was a kid and do not raise my kids that way. I think the poster of this story harbours racism against white people because he in uninformed and possibly having this shit put in his head by his family or elders. It's really very sad, because ideals and paranoia like this go a long way to ensuring that the situation never gets better. I think it's a bit unfair to charge all white's with being racist, especially when you have no proof to support your accusation. Get informed then repost your findings that we may all say "I told you so".

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  • VentingQueen78

    Not normal. Not everyone is racist. Everyone does however have a certain amount of prejudice and opinions.

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  • MissAimi

    EVERYONE is racist, maybe not 'lynch' racist, but racist jokes are funny and black people being aloud to say nigger is unfair. The people you're worried about are probably telling black jokes. It doesn't have anything to do with you personally. next time you see them walk up and tell a black joke, then tell them a white joke. i know they exist even if i've never heard one.

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  • notHere

    Read Richard Wright's "American Hunger".

    I think some people hide behind smiles and such. They will always be here. But life has a way of shuffling decks. When the Aztecs went into Mexico they were used as slaves, but when Cortez arrived, they were masters of the entire region.

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  • IsitAbnormal

    I don't believe that all white people are that way, but the greater majority are.

    My mother-in-law says she isn't, but I can tell that she is.

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  • DunlopNineteen

    If you really want us to HATE you guys, you can have that. But don't cry or fight later like what your ancesters did.

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  • DunlopNineteen

    You, yourself is racist. That's why you think us, white people are racist. You're being paranoid. Don't think everyone is like you, you moron. Do you really think we fake those just to make you feel good? Sorry but you're not that worthy. And now, I'm telling you in your face that I DON'T LIKE YOU. happy, bitch?

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  • Salina210

    So I wonder where we all came from AFRICA We all have a racist inside of us we all judge one another does it really matter what ppl say really think about it u know who u r

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  • Eveyone is racist

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  • hazed

    Yeah, they are in denial. All of them. It's sad they are such immature, ignorant, selfish, lying, delusional people. Just look at the responses. You'd figure that people would admit their racism instead of hide it. Also, for those that do feel that way, usually they have no reason to other than what they are taught. Or, what they see on tv. Never met or had a proper conversation with a non-white person. However, they own a manual of some sort on the behavior of "those people". So silly.

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    • heartbrokenbutterfly

      not everyone is racist.

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  • doucebag69

    of course we are racist, for the last forty years we have just been acting kindly to you and treating you like equals so that you don't discover our secret plan to ship you all back to your seperate countries of origin, but dammit all you have found us out, and we were so close to. you stupid bastard :3

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    • jgol

      You guys ought to just ship yourselves back to your countries of origin first.

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  • FlowerOfHope

    I used to think the same way, with the difference that I am white myself. From my 15th until my 17th I was obsessed with black culture: only liking "black music" (like rap, R&B, soul, funk etc.), only being attracted to black guys... Whatever. That time is over now, and I just want to let you know that I know how you feel. But please keep in mind that not all white people are like that. Maybe you are feeling underaccepted by society, which I understand for you as a black person. There still is a lot of hidden discrimination going on these days and it sure is a bad thing. It's just a small group of white people who act like that.
    Very funny, how results of a problem are fired back against the causer. A nice example of karma.

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  • theonethatsred

    I don't like people who blame everything on racism. If you were smart, you'd be able to differentiate office politics from racism. I'm neither black nor white. I'm a brown guy. Do I notice racism? yes. does it bother me? no. am i racist? sure, why not. Figure out a way to overcome the problems instead of whining like a little kid.

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  • kindacrazzy

    dude, get over it , its the day and age we live in.im white and people are back stabbers,not just white poeple,and p.s. i know many racest black poeple that hide it around whites , whites arent the only ones.

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    I don't know what the freaking big deal is about skin colour !
    We are all people, we are all human, and I wish people would just realise that.

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    • sineadtwiggy

      well bloody said mon ami.

      racists, homophobes ~ any general irrational hatred of other people will die out. i hope so for everyone's sakes

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  • Anaid

    I'm white and I love asian people. I think they're so beautiful. And I live in a town where there are no other races, just white people, and many of them are racist but when I see a black person, I stare at them and think how beautiful the color of their skin is, and what beautiful facial features they have, and then I realize I've been staring too long, and god knows what that person thinks of me now, and then I get ashamed. Unfortunately I rarely get to see asian people :( Black people are a bit more common. (they're all tourists mostly)

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  • You have put your finger on how ugly racism is. Good post. At the same time, don't think all white people secretly harbor racist views. Be yourself, trust yourself and trust other people, without being naive, (which you obviously are not).

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  • tomatogecko

    ok i think there is alot of immature prejusdiced comments going on here. I am white and i am most definatley not secretly racist (by the way i was not referring to the original post when i said immature and prejudiced).
    i can understand why you would feel like that becuase yes, some people are secretly racist. I have known a few who hide behind smiles and yes they are racist. they just smile and act nice to be pc and so other people wont think theyre racist.
    then people like me who are not racist.. when i grew up, there we friends of the family that were black, and when i went to school and some people were racist, i couldnt understand it. as in fully could not comprehend why people could be so full of them selves and narrow minded to think they are better than someone else just because theyre white. so that is my honest feelings and i have a lot of friends who are both white and black. so no not everyone are secretly racist and it annoys me that there is so much of it around.

    also.. a couple of my mates at school, who were black, used to say that white people often looked at them like they dont trust them or something,.. and i couldnt believe it - because i am so not racist myself, but i asked other black friends if its really true that they get treated like that by white people and they said it is. i think thats sad.

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  • Anasule

    When I was little the majority of Caucasians where racist towards anyone with brown or black skin, however over the years the racism and hate has moved around.

    When England started taking in loads of immigrants they became the new focus of hate for people with white brown and black skin alike and it was this way for a few years.

    Now with the recent issues suck as terrorism all of the above now seem to have Muslims.

    So I wouldn%%u2019t call it racism as such as that implies that the emotion isn%%u2019t just something that lasts until the next major event, instead I would suggest that its fashionable hate the I hate because then I fit in idea.

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  • yeah, i would really appreciate it if everyone told me how ugly and stupid they really think i am.

    I know it will never happen, but a man can dream can't he?

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  • WhitePeopleAreRacist

    White People are racists. It's a fact. Tired of fucking red neck dumbass crackers thinking they are better then minorities when they should be wiping my ass.

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  • MickTaylor

    You talk about racism as if it's a bad thing...

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  • AmINormal789

    I love racist jokes, and I believe in the racist stereotypes.

    At least 95%% of the time, they seem to be true to me.

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  • sleeplesss

    Hmmm, they could be secretly racist, maybe you live in the deep south of the US perhaps.

    Then again, it's probably your personality.

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    • hotmama50

      just because a person is from the south doesn't mean they are automatically a racist!

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  • smiledude

    candy u where right - go candy go candy

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  • I guess some are bigots, like here, some ignorant and full of stereotypes and some strongly anti-racist.

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  • stop worrying about who is a racist and how many people are racists or you will wind up a self-destructive loser.

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    • LMAO. I don't worry I just know if I find out a person is racist then they aren't welcome in my home, and I will not associate with them.

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      • starnikita

        AMEN..I don't want a Racist in my Home either and I'm a white woman. I moved up here to Oklahoma from Houston I had not heard th N word in a LONG time and had not been around racists and when I moved here within two days I started hearing the N word, people were using it in conversations like it is normal and for them it is.
        Very backward minded people. They think nothing of using the word it is normal for them and I don't mind calling them out. I'm offended by it and this is not the 50's we are in a new age and these people should be left behind. It's sickening to hear.
        A lot of people need serious help for their hatred. We all bleed on color of blood and last I knew it was red.
        I love all people My Bible tells me so. I'm a Christian and so many fake Christians out here that are Racists claim to be Christians but I don't see anywhere in the Bible where Jesus wanted us to hate one another.

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      • CandyFace

        same here

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        • smiledude

          lol dude not every1 is racist like these twats dont worry not every1 talks about race most - people talk about sex constantly so its probably that. - anmd to all the twats out there the reason why colourd people think we are talking about them is because of u and ure of fucking insicurities so shut the hell up and grow up

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      • haha that was addressed to the poster, v.

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  • im racist and im not afraid to call anyone a niger beaner or a chinc

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