Who are the best immigrants?

Not all immigrants are built the same. Some are whiners, complainers, cant accept the culture. And then you have some immigrants who seem to come to my country and just kick ass. I believe asians make the best immigrants. This is because they probably experience the most racist jokes (the eyes) but they still earn more than every other race. You never really hear them bitching. Mexicans I would say are far behind at number 2. Just because there are a lot of SJW Mexicans who demand respect even though they snuck in illegally and many of the whiners dont even speak the language. There's a lot of entitled ones. But for the most part they have good family values and actually go to work, even though they hopped the border illegally. The majority of Mexican immigrants are usually pretty good. I believe Russians are the worst and the only ones behind them are the muslims.

Who do you think are the best immigrants?

Voting Results
55% Normal
Based on 11 votes (6 yes)
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Comments ( 27 )
  • Mini69

    I live in the UK. We get a flood of illegal immigrants crossing the channel every year particularly in the summer. The best ones are the ones that don’t make it and drown on the way over.

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    • I was not aware the UK had this problem. Seeing that yall are kind of surrounded by first world countriee. A big problem America has is we border a 3rd world country.

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      • We have it pretty bad. Not only that but the "progressivism" is even worse here in the UK in terms of what the government does to essentially enforce it, such as arresting us for Tweets that go against "progressivism".

        It's gotten so bad that our law enforcement actually refused and probably still do to this day to target grooming/paedophile gangs that are Muslim, all in fears of being called "racist" and they actually admitted to this themselves. They even tried to blame a young 13 year old (I believe that was the age) of her own rape because they're too terrified to go after "Protected groups".

        My country is fucked beyond recognition.

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      • Mini69

        They travel across Europe to France and then across the English Channel. Usually in small overcrowded boats not fit for making the crossing or smuggling their way across stowed in lorries.

        There are no official statistics on the numbers of illegals entering, but estimates are anything from 70 000 to 150 000 per year. A much smaller number than the estimated half million to the USA but if you compared the size of the UK to the size of the US our problem is statistically probably much greater than the US if you look at population and land ratio statistics.

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        • Yes, and European policy has been to basically welcome them with open arms. I see the tide changing. France of all places is starting to take a firm stance on refugees after the recent beheadings.

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      • Wryladradofft

        And we also border Mexico

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    • Ginapuffs

      So none of the kids lol

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  • I changed my mind indians are number 2. They have a huge monopoly in the tobacco store franchise and they're pretty chill

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  • a-curious-bunny

    The ones who actually want to be immigrated. The whole kidnapping industry makes for terrible immigrants. They are always so ungrateful. Loke were giving them a free trip to another country and all the sex and drugs they could possibly want. How do they thank us? By kicking, screaming crying and yelling profanities. Ungrateful I say ungrateful.

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    Assuming you mean the US, I'm not sure who gets first place, but last place would have to go to Caucasians in general. We kind of murdered everyone and stole everything here, and now from the comfort of one of the planet's youngest countries we get on the internet and whine about border policy like little bitches as if that shit straight up didn't happen and we're an ancient empire.

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    • LloydAsher

      Aww did caucasians the race kill everything for you? It was colonilizatuon from the european powers since they had enough ambition to sail across the divide. Not caucasians as a race. China could have done the same shit (they did) japan too (they did) so why do you just lump all white people together as a monolith. I dont do it with other races. I'm not the racist here you are.

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      • S0UNDS_WEIRD

        Colonilizatuon? Jesus Christ you butchered that.

        I didn't call you racist anywhere. You're outing yourself now.

        Also when I said Caucasians I obviously meant Caucasian immigrants to the area, just like you meant Asian immigrants to the area, not Asians as a whole. We were literally discussing immigrants to the area. It should be fairly fucking obvious what I'm talking about.

        By the way, I'm a Caucasian.

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        • Asians and arabians were conquerers too. Ever heard of  atilla the Hun, Genghis Khan, and Timur, or even Mohammad? Conquering wasnt exclusive to Caucasians. Actually even the native Americans conquered the land before we took from them. Do some reading on the clovis people. They fled south the same exact time "native" Americans walked through russia and down alaska. Making the clovis people flee. Theyve found lots of evidence there were wars between the two.

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        • LloydAsher

          Yet you inferred that since white people "stole everything" we shouldn't be able to dictate who goes into the country. Technically the American goverment bought the land. Native americans weren't wise to the idea of land ownership. When there is that much of a technological divide between two neighbors war will happen.

          The american goverment is the sovereign owner of the territory. The american goverment is by the people for the people so yes white people who are citizens should be able to discriminate on who gets in, as do all races of Americans since we are all citizens (except those illegals)

          Dont care what race you are. Saying that you are white and then bashing your own race isnt productive in the slightest. Just shows you lack the historical knowlage and precedent of what took place 2+ centuries ago.

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  • Asians. They come in, they work, they don't create special interest groups, they don't expect to be coddled.

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  • Tingles18

    The ones that truly come legally and for innocent reasons, such as work.

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  • momgetthecamera

    my mom

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  • BleedingPain

    I like germans. No nonsense bullshit. They tell it to you like it is.

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  • Meatballsandwich

    Muslims are the absolute worst, no matter which muslim country they're from. They all seem to have some kind of superiority complex towards us non-muslims, thus they refuse to integrate. The best immigrants are those from other " western " countries, and asians.

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  • bigbudchonga

    Ashkenazi Jews and Orientals make the best immigrants. Here in the UK we get a lot of Pakistani and Indians, but for some reason we don't seem to get a lot of the good ones like America does.

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    • Anytime I see an indian in my state in America is at a tobacco/convenient store and their whole family will work there father, mother, daughter, sons. Usually really nice people

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  • SwickDinging

    My husband and I are the best immigrants that I know of.

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  • olderdude-xx

    It's all in the attitude and willingness to work. Some cultures teach that better than others; but, you will find people with the right attitudes and willingness to do what it takes to succeed from all countries in the world.

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    • Yep i think coming from a similar culture helps. But take Russians for example. They're white Christians and share many similar values. But they believe in a different economic structure and thats the way they vote. That makes them a bad immigrant in my book. They fleed from something but they vote for it in the new country. You dont see them advocating for capitalism. Even though they have terrible wages in Russia.

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      • olderdude-xx

        My experience says totally different. My wife if from Ukraine and she has many Russian friends (she is fluent in Russian).

        The vast majority of them are rabid capitalist and entrapaneurs because they were never allowed to own property and retain the income they earned.

        They are stunned at all of the various foundations that run museums, flower gardens, etc. that were established by someone who built wealth and left a good part of it to benefit mankind. In the Soviet Union those riches and the property would have been confiscated by the government - and all of the places that they see here in American just don't exist in the communist countries (except a few State Run Museums or show parks).

        The one thing they do complain about is our broken health care system. The vast majority of western countries do not expect their citizens to go bankrupt to get decent medical care if something goes wrong, and even the poorest can get reasonable basic health care without worrying about paying for it.

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        • S0UNDS_WEIRD

          Yeah. The broken healthcare system is on par with paying out of pocket to call 911 per call. Healthcare can very much be a human right in 2021.

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  • nopurpose

    Afghans. They seem so much fun. I used to grab girls butts just like them back in high school and felt very lonely and left out by the bitch culture that no one else seemed to be doing it. At least on that page they seem totally like my kind of crew

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