Who are the elistists, and who maybe the others?s?

A friend tries to tell me that just because she works for a polititian and went to a prestigiosous college she is not one of the culturally elete because I am a small business owner and am generating more income at the moment. Who are the culturally elite?

Celebrities 3
Washington Politician 4
Higher Education 2
Business owners 1
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Comments ( 3 )
  • LloydAsher

    Culturally? Hands down the celebrities. Second is the politicians because some of them have the notoriety of being celebrities such as AOC, no matter how much she doesnt represent her constituents she will always get elected because of outside funding.

    Buisness owners and higher educated people are about the same. Both are respected but neither of them have cultural sway, especially if they are going against the grain politically.

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    • Really? I think the elite colleges and Universities create or foster the ideas that grooms the others

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  • Meatballsandwich

    Celebs and politicians.

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