Who do you dislike more?

Ok so I am an atheist and have been since middle school when I was younger I would seek out Christians to try and disprove the existence of god to them. Now whenever I see atheist attacking Christians unprovoked they anger me. Why do you care if someone believes in Christ why must you make it your life mission to argue with them. I think it's a real sign
Of immaturity

Christians who try to convert you 50
Atheist who argue with Christians like its their job 47
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Comments ( 18 )
  • theytookthisone

    I think they're equally annoying. I've seen more Christians doing this but it's hypocritical when Atheists complain so much about it and go around bashing religion saying "God doesn't exist because A and B", they can get just as worked up as I've seen Christians. And NO I am neither religious nor am I an atheist

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  • misca

    Whenever a religious person says anything religious, all atheist think he/she is trying to convert them... Paranoid parrot, anyone?

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  • OnThisEpisodeofLife

    I never tried to force Christianity on anyone but the Atheist I have know try to prove how stupid we are and crazy for believing and try to push their ideas on everyone else. They want everyone to know that they are Atheist and that they are so smart. I don't hate Atheist though! I see them as human beings with a heart, emotions, etc. I feel like if we do hate, its just perpetuating hate. Jesus also would love them too.

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  • hopeful_chaos

    Atheists bother me more because they think they are SO much better than those who believe in a God, when they are usually just as close minded.

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    • Lynxikat

      Maybe it's because I'm not an atheist, but I agree with you. I see a lot of atheists on this site that pretty much think they're superior and better than those that believe in God. They're pretty much the atheists that make the other atheists look bad. But they don't know it, and they don't care :/

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  • Ibelievethis

    People shouldn't force their beliefs on other people.xx

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    • BHolt

      Exactly. Religious people do this WAY more than Atheists.

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  • Horny_Fag_69

    believing in god is not the problem, organized religion is the problem

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  • jakerslake

    i litterally know atheists who freak out on any one who has any type of faith, like they are on a damn crusade (ironically). I never try to tell someone what to think but i am still ocassionally harrassed. I know atheists aren't all moraless scum ( quite the contrary), but the ones who want to talk to me sure are.

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  • Megid

    We don't knock on your doors at 8AM on a weekend.
    I always ask for a brochure so I find a number to call up and ask to be placed on a blacklist. They think I'm interested.

    I win, twice.

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  • Dazzle

    Hate'em both. It's useless and counter-productive.

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  • Aleks85

    Atheism is a fad for impressionable teenage minds. How do I know that? I used to be one.

    Then I grew up and realized having hope and faith for something greater than this world is not such a bad idea.

    Why? Cause life kinda sucks, and there's no harm in having hope for something greater.

    Since no one knows for sure, why not? That's what makes sense to me. No one gets to know for sure til you're dead.

    And if you're dead and you're atheist well it's not like you get to come back and say "haha I was right." Since with your belief there is no kind of after life, so when you're dead you're dead, you can't think or communicate.

    At the end of the day it's more about hope than specific beliefs.

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    • That's a healthy take on the issue but atheism is definitely not a fad it is the fastest growing belief system in the world

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      • Aleks85

        Yeah well, American Idol was the fastest growing show, and that's gay as hell too.

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        • Dazzle

          Have to agree with you, seems to me like a fad. I don't even like the name "atheist" it's so overused that it lost its sense.
          Let's look at the word: a-(as in "without")theos("god" in greek), so it's someone without a god. In no way can it be a religion. How can you say you belong to the group of atheists? It's in no case a group, it just became hip to say "I'm an atheist! Religion is stoopid!". Hell, even reading "I am an atheist" in the post made me angry.
          It's like the guy said: "Hey! I'm an atheist and I did what y'all doing when I was a kid but I grew out to be better than you so I'm a special kind of different-atheist and you all fit the generalization of it!"
          Just. Stop. Atheist is not a religion, not a group, it's not even a status. It's what believers call you because you DO NOT HAVE A GOD! The implication of calling yourself an atheist would mean that you LACK a god (yes, as in "I lack calcium")! It demotes you!
          If you are nothing you can't be qualified (which can be argued because "nothing" is "something" since it's qualified "nothing" but don't get me started by saying this!)
          You don't get to have a "I don't have a god" meeting in the church of the "god-which-never-existed-because-we-don't-choose-to-believe-in-one".
          When you're asked what your religion is, do you say atheist? Because that would be laughable.

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  • Faern

    Your poll is missing the "or people who think this even matters" option.

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  • guacadoggie

    I'm atheist and don't EVER bring up religion. I hate it when others (atheist or theist) bring up religion. I wish people would just believe whatever they want on their own and not try to interfere with other people's beliefs (or lack thereof).

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    • Lynxikat


      If people tried to not interfere with other peoples' beliefs, the world would be a much better place. And that's merely an understatement.

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