Who do you think is more open minded in islam

If i forgot anyone sorry!
Plus note:who is less violent

Shia muslims 6
Sunni muslims 12
Sufi muslims 8
I don't even know what that means 45
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Comments ( 24 )
  • NeuroNeptunian

    The ones that don't bomb shit when they get pissed.

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    • Lynxikat


      Or the ones that don't bomb shit when someone says something even slightly offensive (Seriously, us Christians have been made fun of for god knows how long, and everyone under the sun has made cracks about Christians, or the church, or the pope, or Mormons, and barely anyone says anything. I bet there are TONS more offensive, anti-Christian independent movies that say how awful Christ is than there are of anti-Muslim indie films. The ONE time someone makes an anti-Muslim flick, all hell breaks loose. But then again, that filmmaker knew exactly what he was doing, so he's just as bad as the terrorists that started the riot in Libya).

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      • VioletTrees

        Wait, are you saying that Christians HAVEN'T bombed things or started wars due to heresy? When you were a kid, did you miss school a lot? Did you miss, say, every history lesson?

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        • Lynxikat

          Yeah but that was like, what, hundreds of years ago? Now we're at an age where we're better than bombing shit just because someone said something bad about the religion that we practice.

          I'm not that smart, but I'm not THAT stupid to not know about the terrible awful things that Christians have done in the past. Yeah, in the past if someone made a crack about Christians they'd get in huge ass trouble- but that was hundreds of years ago. But now? Nowadays I don't see huge groups of Christian terrorists attacking foreign embassies and killing people by using a youtube clip as their excuse. Maybe in the 1400s people could have gotten away with that. But now? Now people should know better. But I guess not.

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      • MissyLeyneous

        There is substantial evidence to believe that the entire Middle East is not pissed off over a Youtube clip.

        How about the fact that the Western nations and NATO and the UN constantly drop bombs on civilians?

        Would it piss you off if someone dropped a bomb on your roof?

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    • MissyLeyneous

      Oh, you mean like Israel?

      Israel refused to sign the Non-Proliferation Treaty.
      Iran signed it.
      Israel has nuclear weapons.
      America has nuclear weapons.

      But Iran can't even build power plants or invest in nuclear technology without receiving scorn from Israel?

      Hypocritical Israel much????? >_<

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      • Imposturously_yours

        Why are you so angry? Wanna hug? ^_^

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        • MissyLeyneous

          N-no... I'm not angry... >_>;

          But a hug would be nice... \^_^/

          ...but no seriously. I'm telling the truth here. :P

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      • VioletTrees

        Don't get me wrong, I've got problems with Israel, but I don't think I understand why you brought Israel up, here. NeuroNeptunian didn't mention Israel.

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        • MissyLeyneous

          He said: The ones who don't bomb others when they get pissed.

          My response was a reference to Israel calling for war in Iran. Israel's Netanyahu is pitching a big hizzy fit because America won't bomb Iran as quickly as he would like.

          Netanyahu is pissed, and wants to bomb Iran without any proof to support their claim that Iran is building nukes.

          This sounds EXACTLY like the claim that "Iraq has weapons of mass destruction". Have we all forgotten what a big LIE that was??? :/

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          • VioletTrees

            I guess I read her comment as an allusion to violent Islamic extremism in general, not a specific incident. I really ought to educate myself more about these things.

            I haven't forgotten about the WMD lies in Iraq.

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      • nightmare28

        Israel haven't threatened to wipe anyone off of the map. And I think by now everybody knows how well the treaties with Muslims work.

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        • MissyLeyneous

          Israel wants to use a false flag attack against the US to instigate a war with Iran. This is not conspiracy, it is a published fact. Google it.

          Hmmm... where have I heard of this tactic before? ^_^

          Answer: 9/11

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      • KingOfNowhere

        But this post is about muslims and Israel is a jewish country so why bring them up?

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        • MissyLeyneous

          ...Why not? It was a perfect set-up. ^_^

          Yes, Israel is a Jewish country and this thread is about Islam... but a thread based on cake posted on IIN would quickly turn into an argument about pie, so who cares?

          Why does religious preference even matter in the first place. All Neuro said was "the ones who don't blow things up when they get pissed." We do not see Islamist's do this on a large scale, but we do see Israeli's calling for full blown WW3.

          That's why. ^_~

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  • VioletTrees

    I really don't know enough about the different Islamic sects to answer this. I'm vaguely familiar with them, but I wouldn't be comfortable forming an opinion.

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  • itsme.com

    Shias and sufis are the ones that kill people and bomb themselves, but people who doesn't know well about islam think that they are all the same, but it isn't! Sunnis are the ones that don't harm anybody, and believe me, I know it because I'm one, and everytime when non-muslims talk to me they say it's weird for a muslim to be open-minded and good-hearted. People think they know about Islam because of the people on internet who try their best to make this religion look bad, but don't trust everything you see on internet. If you want to know about Islam then learn arabic and read the Coran (on arabic, never read the translation, they can be wrong) and that's when you are going to learn more about Islam :) hope you the best :D

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  • dude_Jones

    All three sects have been hijacked by the extremists. Wish someone would write a dissertation entitled, "The Path Back to Moderation and Tolerance in Islam."

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  • CreativeThinker

    Just for the information Shia constitutes less than 15% of whole Muslim population it is a completely different religion within a religion

    For example mainstream Islam doesn't allow sex out of marriage where as a Shia can do it by naming it a temporary marriage lasting for as short as 1 hour

    Mainstream Islam respect every personality close to there prophet whereas Shia abuse most of the prominent personalities

    Suffi Islam is Islamic way of mysticism and in my opinion they are the most open minded people

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  • If you answred sunni i have news for you YOU ARE RETARDED

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    • Bubbles-for-life

      Why thank you! Same to you!p.s i didnt vote that i would changed the on i voted on to: WHAT THE HELL AARE THEY

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  • anti-hero

    The Kurdish.

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  • o_0

    come on... they aren't different at all .... they all live together, mixed ... and therefore have no difference in their thoughts and feelings.. their basic belief is also the same only somewhere in depth they get a bit different but thats not always remarkable and a mattering thing... so you cannot say who is the most faulty..
    again...only a handful of people are involved in such terrorist activities and regardless of what they are...
    a Muslim living in a Muslim state so you can believe on me...!! :)

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    • itsme.com

      Believe me, they are different.
      Shia: once a year they hit themselves to feel pain. They hate one of the wives of prophet Mohammad (PBUH) because she went to war to help her husband (she wore men clothes and she fell off her horse and they discovered it was her(women cant go to war)) so because of that simple thing they hate her and curse her.
      Sufi: they are the ones you see in movies killing without purpose and saying they kill in the name of Allah. They bomb themselves to sacrifice to God.
      Sunni: we don't hate the Prophet's wife (PBUT), bombing people or ourselves means killing and succiding (which is a really big sin), a month after Ramadan(the month of fasting) we sacrifice a sheep and give it to poor people to eat it. Allah says we should even love our enemies (which is something hard but I'm used to try it so now I don't hate them) and many other better things...

      And if you are asking how I know this, in the town I live, there are m,any different religions and I asked some of them about theyr religion and this is what they told me, so don't say I'm bad informed, it came out of their mouth, they told me what they do.

      When you read the Coran, you ralize what is the meaning of life, everything you ever wanted to know is in the coran, trust me :) hope you the best :D

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