Who do you think is the most inspirational person to walk earth?

Who is your biggest inspiration and why?

Abe Lincoln 3
Albert Einstein 11
Gandhi 2
Mother Teresa 1
Martin Luther King, Jr. 3
Jesus Christ 33
Buddha 5
Charles Darwin 7
Christopher Columbus 0
Joan of Arc 1
Moses 0
Aristotle 2
Willam Shakespeare 2
Leonardo da Vinci 6
Other 26
All of the above 13
All the people around you 14
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Comments ( 76 )
  • NeuroNeptunian

    My Grandmother.
    She came from absolute dirt poor nothingness, she was abused, neglected and had next to nothing. She graduated from High School at 16, got a scholarship to Auburn U, had a teaching degree by 21, founded a center for the special needs, won numerous awards as a teacher, completely reorganized customer service relations for the Southern US Volvo company, was a truck driver, made guns, she left no stone unturned in her life. She may not have been famous or have led the movement we all admire, but my life would be significantly different if not for her.

    I've said this on this site before and I'll say it again. If I could turn out to be half the woman that she was, I'll have accomplished something great with my life. She's next to Jesus for me. She was a remarkable human being. She's inspired me the most in this world.

    Sorry if it wasn't the answer you wanted. Thumbs down is right below.

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    • Saycheese

      Oh no that is a great answer. :)

      I believe it's best to have some sorta inspiration in life whether it was someone famous, someone close or even objects and words can be inspirational.

      Also I have a feeling your grandmother was a really sweet lady.

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      • NeuroNeptunian

        Sweet? In her own way, I guess =)

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    • gummy_jr

      I wish I could thumb this up 10 times :)

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  • braintrip

    Stephen Hawking.

    Well, he more "rolled" then walked.

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  • ProseAthlete

    Anyone can be a source of inspiration, so I couldn't place one person above all others. Everyday people can be tremendously inspiring with their courage or passion, too.

    I'd like an "all of the above, plus a few billion ordinary Joes and Janes who inspire those around them even if they aren't famous and I don't know about them" option.

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    • Saycheese

      Yes that is most certainly true. You know even negative people can inspire positive people is the thing. :) It makes me smile. I most certainly see that way in my perspective and will want to always see it that way.

      But I did posted this and agree I needed to put what you had said. I will change it.

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  • dom180

    Aung San Suu Kyi is one of the my favourite inspirational people, as is Ai Weiwei (who, weirdly, has an asteroid named after him). Alan Turing is also an honourable mention, because he did truly amazing things for the world of technology despite being treated disgustingly by the world he lived in.

    As much as it's a very corny choice, Malala Yousafzai is the most inspirational for me at the moment. It's very hard not to be moved by her bravery. I like to think I'd be brave enough to stand up for something incredibly important even in the face of death like she did.

    Answering this has made oddly happy :)

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  • anti-hero

    George Carlin.

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    • George Carlin.

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      • anti-hero

        George Carlin.

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        • George Carlin!!!!!!!!!

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          • gummy_jr


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            • FrIzz

              George Carlin of course...

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            • anti-hero


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          • anti-hero

            GEORGE CARLIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

            Comment Hidden ( show )
            • This thread has offically been hijacked and renamed the "George Carlin is clearly the most inspirational person to walk earth" thread.

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        • gummy_jr


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  • NotStrangeBird

    Big Bird.

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  • disthing

    There isn't any single inspirational person in my life. There are a multitude who have at various times inspired me to do things differently.

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  • suckonthis9

    Your first question is unanswerable.
    People are either breathing or they are not breathing. A person can not be mostly not breathing.
    People who are not breathing do not walk earth.
    I do not believe that any of these persons did walk earth, but they did walk on portions of the Earth's surface.

    Your second question is also unanswerable.
    Not breathing is not a size.

    Also, in future, please research the proper full names of historical or extant persons, to avoid ambiguity and / or to not create a disservice to them.

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    • Saycheese

      Yes, I have language issues and I did type this pretty quickly. Sorry for the inconvenience.

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      • suckonthis9

        You have returned, welcome!

        Did you start your business?

        If so, please elucidate.

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        • Saycheese

          Oh no not yet. I want more experience yet before I try. :) Thanks for asking though.

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  • DandyElfman

    Jesus! and Buddha.

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  • Love11

    Jesus is the answer.

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  • wisdomseeker

    His father died before he was born. His mother died when he was. a kid still. He was known among his ppl as the honest and trustworthy.
    He was offered to be made king on his people or to be. made richest of them all or to marry the most beautiful of women just to give up and he answered them: If you put the sun in my right hand and the moon in my left hand to give up an inch of this religion..I will not. His name is Muhammad Ibn Abd Allah, the last prophet and messenger.of God. Thanks to God, this man brought a message which over 1 billion human being follow today.
    May I recommend you search youtube for: Legacy of a prophet
    for a pbs or cbs video about him.

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    • lufa

      Your prophet was a mass-murdering terrorist and child rapist, basically the scum of the earth who'd be hunted down like a dog today.

      He invented a genocidal dark ages, fascist totalitarian death cult that raped, looted and destroyed more advanced and enlightened civilizations and turned their people into slaves and other muslims who are nothing but 7th century barbarians now.

      Islam was the greatest evil unleashed on this planet and it continues to destroy lives to this day. I look forward to WW3 when we finally destroy this evil monster.

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      • wisdomseeker

        If I prove all your claims to be wrong, do you have enough courage to actually go read more and enlighten yourself?
        Three points in particular and here are the answers:
        1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=smgRhKR717g
        2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fyzvvyLZsnw
        3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3cpyiu5WsaE

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        • lufa

          No thanks, not interested in your lies, pro-jihadist propaganda or to have you pull the wool over my eyes.

          I've done the research already and know what I've said is factual and true-one only needs to research Islam and read some history book on this savage death cult which is still murdering people to this day.

          There is no greater advertising for the 'true Islam' than the filthy followers of this death cult. You're nothing but a jihadist with a keyboard-brainwashed with the same crap as the Taliban.

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    • Saycheese

      That is awesome!

      I seek to find some of the most humble people and just love the history of the most humble and modest of people who have lived. :D

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      • lufa


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  • Holzman67

    Awesome Welles.

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  • Jeaneathean

    Richard Pape.

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  • lufa

    lol @ anyone who voted for Jesus, here's what that idiot taught-if you follow his teachings, you're an idiot too:

    If you do something wrong with your eye or hand, cut/pluck it off (Matthew 5:29-30, in a sexual context).
    Marrying a divorced woman is adultery. (Matthew 5:32)
    Don't plan for the future. (Matthew 6:34)
    Don't save money. (Matthew 6:19-20)
    Don't become wealthy. (Mark 10:21-25)
    Sell everything and give it to the poor. (Luke 12:33)
    Don't work to obtain food. (John 6:27)
    Don't have sexual urges. (Matthew 5:28)
    Make people want to persecute you. (Matthew 5:11)
    Let everyone know you are better than the rest. (Matthew 5:13-16)
    Take money from those who have no savings and give it to rich investors. (Luke 19:23-26)
    If someone steals from you, don't try to get it back. (Luke 6:30)
    If someone hits you, invite them to do it again. (Matthew 5:39)
    If you lose a lawsuit, give more than the judgment. (Matthew 5:40)
    If someone forces you to walk a mile, walk two miles. (Matthew 5:41)
    If anyone asks you for anything, give it to them without question. (Matthew 5:42)

    Is this wise? Is this what you would teach your children?

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  • SuperBenzid

    Karl Marx

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    • YourCommentTellsUsThat...

      You think you are smart

      Comment Hidden ( show )
      • YouAreShowingUsThat...

        You are the kind of person who makes accounts on websites and then anonymously sets out to make other people feel bad about themselves. You do it anonymously because you're a coward. You make people feel bad about themselves because you hate the idea of someone having a normal, happy life. It makes you jealous.

        When called out on this, you'll say it was all just a joke and you're a happy, well-adjusted individual with a great sense of fun. Anyone who doesn't get it is obviously stupid. A return to your theme there. Anyone who isn't you is flawed.

        It is entirely possible that you are the supreme being and everyone else runs around you like ants waiting for the dark release of your crushing footfall. It's also entirely possible that you're really horrible and that you've been rejected because society doesn't want people like you.

        Be something different. It may work out for you. But stop insulting people to try and make yourself feel better. That isn't going to work for anyone involved.

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    • lufa

      His ideas lead to the deaths of 100 million people.

      Not to say that Capitalism is amazing, it still is a bad system but the best compared to all the others that humanity has tried.

      Communism failed miserably, look at Russia and China today. China would be nowhere without US supporting it's industries.

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      • SuperBenzid

        Many more have been killed by capitalism. Think about it. If I count up the death totals from actions done by capitalist countries I can probably get over a billion.
        British India Famine deaths and Congo Colonialism would be at 40 million all on their own. And this is just off the top of my head. If we include ww1 and ww2 we are getting close to 100 million already.

        Now don't get me wrong, 1 wrongful death is too many. However I don't think Karl Marx is to blame that some politicians used his idea's popularity for their own gain while they accumulated power for themselves and gave none of it to the workers as Marx would have wanted. Politicians lie everywhere and all the time, politicians that claimed to be communist are no different. They are just like colonialists that claimed to be motivated by charity, do you apply the same thinking to charity that you do to communism? Is charity evil because some politicians misused the idea for their own gain?

        "Communism failed miserably"
        Communism means that there is no central government, it is a kind of social anarchy. It hasn't failed because it hasn't existed yet, I don't know if anyone has ever even claimed they had built communism even the lying politicians considered said it was their end goal. You should really read Marx and ignore what you have been told about him, I'm willing to bet 99% of all you have heard about what he said is wrong.

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        • lufa

          You're conflating Capitalism with Colonialism, two different systems-though there is some overlap.

          Over the thousands of years of human history, ever since the creation and accumulation of wealth, there have been wars waged to steal it from others. That is not the fault of Capitalism and it will happen without it.

          Don't get me wrong, I'm well aware of its short-comings and I believe that a mixed socialist-capitalist system is best, both need to control each other.

          However Communism/Socialism eventually leads to a totalitarian state. Everywhere Communism has been tried that has ALWAYS been the outcome. I used to be a Communist myself, till I realized I was misguided.

          That's also the excuse Communists use, that it has never been implemented correctly. Actually when Communism is properly enacted, the result is North Korea, China or Russia (sans Capitalism).

          I've read Das Kapital Vol 1, took a year while I was in university, outside of my courses. I think Marx's ideas were relevant and pertinent for it's time because at the time of the Industrial Revolution, Capitalism really was destructive to society but has improved greatly since then.

          The essence of Capitalism is that is allows us the greatest freedom and creates useful work. Yes I am against raping workers of a fair income/wage. But those are things that can be tweaked-it's been done in European countries.

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          • SuperBenzid

            "That is not the fault of Capitalism and it will happen without it."
            Yes it is. It is rarely in the interests of the common person to go to war. However due to capitalist societies natural tendency to give greater political power to the richest of society, they are able to send the population to war while never fighting it themselves.

            "However Communism/Socialism eventually leads to a totalitarian state"
            Communism as defined by Marx has no state. It is a stateless society.

            "That's also the excuse Communists use, that it has never been implemented correctly."
            Well sorry but the excuse that politicians lie for their own gain and will use any ideology to increase their own power at the expense of the people and that ideology, to me is a pretty sound excuse.

            "The essence of Capitalism is that is allows us the greatest freedom and creates useful work."
            How? This I am interested in discussing.
            A greed motivated society will always lead to money being the essence of power. Since the most greedy are the most likely to attain the most money, they are gain the most power. They can then use this power to extort more money and gain more power.

            As the private property of the powerful increases the State must increase in size to enforce the private ownership of that property. Give this the State becomes a tool for enforcing economic disparity and an ever increasing one.

            Democracy in the greed motivated society becomes a facade to fool the people. The reality is that Rupert Murdoch, or any rich person that desires to, has a far greater political voice than the average worker and as such the democracy is not real.

            My biggest question to you. Is why should greed be the motivating force for society? Why would it not be better to appeal to the higher virtues of human nature and not the lowest?

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          • lufa

            I'd add, I think the minimum wage is atrocious. People should be given a living wage-one that allows one to meet all of one's survival needs and to save and it should also be indexed with the rate of inflation.

            No question, I'm not blind to the inequitable practices of businesses, but I'd never want to sacrifice the freedom I have to work for anyone I want or start my own business (which I've done in the past).

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  • FinnJakeFan

    Everyone! Is AWESOME! In their own way.

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    • disthing

      I hear Mao was great at chess.

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      • FinnJakeFan

        I don't know how to play chess, but that sounds cool... I guess...?

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        • disthing

          'twas a joke you did not get :(

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          • FinnJakeFan

            Oh... Sorry! On the Internet, I'm not good at indicating jokes...

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            • disthing

              It's aight. On the internet I'm not good at indicating when I'm joking either :P

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  • dirtybirdy

    Coco from fosters home for imaginary friends.

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    • braintrip

      This. ^

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    • YourCommentTellsUsThat...

      You have an unfunny sense of humor

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      • dirtybirdy

        Faux real bro. My scents of humor stink but my cents of humor are priceless.

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        • YouAreShowingUsThat...

          I love it when people are clever. Can we have more people like you, please?

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      • YouAreShowingUsThat...

        You are the kind of person who makes accounts on websites and then anonymously sets out to make other people feel bad about themselves. You do it anonymously because you're a coward. You make people feel bad about themselves because you hate the idea of someone having a normal, happy life. It makes you jealous.

        When called out on this, you'll say it was all just a joke and you're a happy, well-adjusted individual with a great sense of fun. Anyone who doesn't get it is obviously stupid. A return to your theme there. Anyone who isn't you is flawed.

        It is entirely possible that you are the supreme being and everyone else runs around you like ants waiting for the dark release of your crushing footfall. It's also entirely possible that you're really horrible and that you've been rejected because society doesn't want people like you.

        Be something different. It may work out for you. But stop insulting people to try and make yourself feel better. That isn't going to work for anyone involved.

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  • pandora000

    Jay Chou

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  • yesnomaybeso

    I've always been so impressed by Stephen Hawking

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    • braintrip

      *gasp* you brain stealer

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  • Darkoil

    For me it would be Gregg Plitt.

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  • kingofcarrotflowers

    I can't think of anyone who I find truly ispirational, there are people who I admire and respect but mostly musicians, filmakers and authors and I guess thats not the sort of thing you mean. As of figures of history, sciene and religion I guess the person who I find closest to inspirational is Charles Dawin

    Comment Hidden ( show )
    • YourCommentTellsUsThat...

      You're dumb

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      • kingofcarrotflowers

        wow. For years I Have been going through life without any clue, I have woken every morning blissfully unaware of the fact that I am unintelligent, thank you random stranger I am glad you shared this with me it has created within me a realization that i should improve myself based on your extremely important opinion, you sound like a very nice person who obviously has no self esteem issues at all.

        Comment Hidden ( show )
      • YouAreShowingUsThat...

        You are the kind of person who makes accounts on websites and then anonymously sets out to make other people feel bad about themselves. You do it anonymously because you're a coward. You make people feel bad about themselves because you hate the idea of someone having a normal, happy life. It makes you jealous.

        When called out on this, you'll say it was all just a joke and you're a happy, well-adjusted individual with a great sense of fun. Anyone who doesn't get it is obviously stupid. A return to your theme there. Anyone who isn't you is flawed.

        It is entirely possible that you are the supreme being and everyone else runs around you like ants waiting for the dark release of your crushing footfall. It's also entirely possible that you're really horrible and that you've been rejected because society doesn't want people like you.

        Be something different. It may work out for you. But stop insulting people to try and make yourself feel better. That isn't going to work for anyone involved.

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  • GuessWho


    I inspire myself.

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  • squeallikeasacofpigs

    Despite all the fucked up shit that he did, I think Hitler was pretty fucking inspirational.

    Comment Hidden ( show )
    • YourCommentTellsUsThat...

      You get attention by doing retarded things

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      • squeallikeasacofpigs

        Your comments are boring and tedious

        Comment Hidden ( show )
      • YouAreShowingUsThat...

        You are the kind of person who makes accounts on websites and then anonymously sets out to make other people feel bad about themselves. You do it anonymously because you're a coward. You make people feel bad about themselves because you hate the idea of someone having a normal, happy life. It makes you jealous.

        When called out on this, you'll say it was all just a joke and you're a happy, well-adjusted individual with a great sense of fun. Anyone who doesn't get it is obviously stupid. A return to your theme there. Anyone who isn't you is flawed.

        It is entirely possible that you are the supreme being and everyone else runs around you like ants waiting for the dark release of your crushing footfall. It's also entirely possible that you're really horrible and that you've been rejected because society doesn't want people like you.

        Be something different. It may work out for you. But stop insulting people to try and make yourself feel better. That isn't going to work for anyone involved.

        Comment Hidden ( show )
        • YourCommentTellsUsThat...

          You like to fight fire with fire

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    • lufa

      inspiring people to beat, imprison and kill men, women and children who've done nothing wrong but were born into a certain ethnicity?

      The only good thing he did was to teach humanity about the nature of evil (like Nazism and Islam) and to eradicate it before it eradicates you.

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      • squeallikeasacofpigs

        Nawww, stop it you're making me blush

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        • lufa

          I'd like to see you blush from a Nazi slamming his rifle butt on your face a few times.

          You think it's a joke, I'm being serious.

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          • squeallikeasacofpigs

            Oooh, you dirty girl, tell me more you saucy monkey!!!!

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            • lufa

              Keep trolling little pussy, I know you wouldn't say boo to anyone in real life.

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