Who has it harder, smart people or stupid people?
Not really a "Is it normal" subject, but I hope it gets posted because I see a lot of people who share good arguments about certain topics.
All opinions and answers are welcome, but I'll say this now, if you're smart and think you have it harder then maybe you are the stupid one, and that's the only reason you have it harder. But unless you have a good answer that explains otherwise, and I mean an answer that shows the negatives are actually greater for smart people than it is for stupid people, then you won't convince me.
I expect I might get some smart answers that will argue against my point, but that's all they are, smart answers, doesn't mean they are right, it just means a smart opinion argues better than a "dumb" opinion, but that doesn't make the smart opinion right, it just looks like it is simply because it looks smart. But I guess they are only opinions, so maybe none of us are right, but I'll still say this.
As a stupid person with a learning disability I recognize how difficult it is as I can relate to the stupid person. Even though I am stupid myself, I guess you could say I'm aware and I put a bit of thinking into this. Being smart is easier because they normally have better jobs, have friends, can work out things a lot easier and manage to get things done much easier.
As a stupid person who happens to write better than a regular stupid person (I don't want people to think I'm not stupid just because of the way I write, it was practice and takes time) I find it unfair that smart people are viewed as having it more difficult when that is far from the truth. If life were fair we would all have the same amount of intelligence but we don't.
School life would have been easier even though the work would be harder for the smart person, but the smart person can achieve it, while the stupid person would find even easy work difficult sometimes. Put a stupid person and a smart person in a difficult situation, I don't know what situation, make it up, but the intelligent person will most likely won't have nearly as much trouble as the stupid person most of the time.
You also feel good about yourself if you feel you're intelligent, while even most stupid people are smart enough to know that they're dumb, which brings in a life time of depression. Imagine feeling stupid all the time like me. Would kill that ego of yours for people out there who think they're smart. It would also be harder for that person to make friends as less intelligent people find it harder to communicate and say the right words. They have trouble getting a partner because most people don't want to be with someone stupid.
They have a lower income if any at all, you might even just be living off benefits if you're really stupid and can't even manage to hold a simple job, and if not you will be working at a job that offers the lowest income unless you're really talented at something which the majority of society isn't. Smart people are viewed as having it more difficult, but I don't believe that's true. I only believe they have it more difficult in the sense that they work harder, but that's only because they are able to accomplish things when they do so, while if a stupid person put the same amount of effort in then they will fail, so why even bother?
I also see a lot of discrimination against stupid people, while smart people are praised. What work have you done to gain that intelligence besides growing your knowledge? Nothing. You have knowledge because you're intelligent, you understand more that needs to be understood, while a stupid person can't learn as fast and as much so that's why they have limited knowledge.
People don't have respect for those who are stupid, most of them are trying their best to function even. Some of them are even putting in more of their ability than intelligent people and yet they are still bashed just because they happen to be stupid. Stupid is seen as a bad word too, but it's not like it is entirely something that is controlled, for the most part, it isn't. Some people just happen to be a lot slower than others and it's not really their fault, yet society will still think less of them for it.
Beauty isn't the only thing that doesn't last forever, "stupid is forever", what garbage. We're all going to die, that means stupid people and intelligent people, so a smart mind/brain won't mean anymore than a stupid one because it will shut down. I want your opinions and answers please.
Smart People | 253 | |
Stupid People | 142 |