Who here thinks we should eliminate all coins and change
Who’s in favor of only paying everything in America with just bills. And we just eliminate all quarters, dimes, nickels, and pennies??? I think that would make things easier?
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Who’s in favor of only paying everything in America with just bills. And we just eliminate all quarters, dimes, nickels, and pennies??? I think that would make things easier?
So to eliminate the couns, so you think they will round prices down ? Nook way in hell. All would be rounded up to increase prices on virtually everything.
Did you ever see the movie with Justin Timberlake called "In Time" I believe is the name. Money was eliminated and time is the currency. At age 26 if you don't "earn" more time, your clock expires and you drop dead where you are. A really wild concept of time. I would just as soon keep the coins still. To eliminate them would bring us closer to the scenario of the movie. Oh they can steal other people's time just by holding others hands a certain way. If you haven't seen it, I would suggest checking it out.
No, I save up all my coins and use them for emergencies or holiday money and have done so for decades. It's a really easy way to save money
I prefer to pay everything on card. When I go to the US, we usually carry cash because there's a handful of places that we like that don't take card...only this year, we found they all did.
US money confuses me. It all looks the same.