Who in your opinion is/was the most “corrupt” president of us?

Well, ok, I’m not talking like “Nazi/Hitler” corrupt or anything like that? Just talking maybe perhaps presidents in the United States only? So choosing from only: US Presidents. Who in your opinion was the most “corrupt leader/president” you’ve ever witnessed or know about? I’d say Richard Nixon would go down for mine. Even though he was before my time, I think I’d be pretty pissed at the guy for that whole Watergate scandal he did?

What about you? Who’s your pick?

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Comments ( 13 )
  • Clunk42

    I don't know about "corruption," but the worst president is almost certainly Woodrow Wilson.

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    George W Bush probably

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    Nah. Trump had Nixon beat by a mile. When the cards were layed out, at least Tricky Dick knew that it was time to go. Trump still hasn't admitted that he lost and then tried to overturn the election.

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  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    bill pullman

    rested the entire fatea the world on havin jeff goldblums ancient apple laptop hookin up to alien wifi and workin flawlessly

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  • mysteriousstranger21

    We're talking about LEGITIMATE??

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  • Prettyelvisfan

    Idk i think most politicians are not great individuals

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  • Tommythecaty

    A certain Vice President was pretty darn corrupt.

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  • darefu

    Have you forgotten Hillery was his secretary of state and Biden was his vp? Also not counting Benghazi, China, Ukraine, N Korea, Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran treaty. Paris climate deal, oh hell just his foreign policy failures, then the Obama care, calling the cops stupid and racist before the facts were in on at least three occasions. Race relations actually got worse. More blacks voted for trump then any other recent Republican. Boarder protection got worse. Then remember he was briefed and in charge when the FBI corruption with the trump Russia shit started and spy's were put into trump's campaign. A lot worse than Watergate. Oh forgot weaponizing the IRS remember Louis Lerner. How easy we forget! Media didn't harp on it for years and helped cover half the shit up. So I guess it's what we should expect. I'm an outsider and can see things with a more neutral spin and mainly get media from BBC, yes I lean conservative but, if I can see the corruption of bush and Trump, I just wish there were some honest liberals that would admit to the corruption on that side as well. Hell just admit the US media is so corrupt. Censoring and covering things up, they are like a propaganda arm of the democratic party. As I said it's not new but it really has gotten worse since the 1990s.

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    • mysteriousstranger21


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  • Holzman_67

    Well I always blame the collapse of the unions on Reagan, so just for fun I’m going to say Reagan

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  • 1234tellmethatyoulovememore

    I think Obama actually did want to do good, but I don't envy anyone who takes the job of president, especially when you are the "first" of something like he was. I genuinely did see a lot of racism come from people I never thought were racist the moment he became president.

    But you can't last as an American politician without some level of corruption, or complacency with it.

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  • 1234tellmethatyoulovememore

    Reagan and H.W. Bush

    Fun fact! (?) My grandpa is the second cousin of H.W. Bush. No they don't talk to our side of the family lol.

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  • darefu

    Hard to tell, you're going on information found out or published after the fact, on all except maybe Trump and Biden. Bush, Clinton, and Obama, have to be near the top but I don't think all the information on them has been released yet.

    Truthfully I think they have all been pretty corrupt, however I think it all went to a new level from Clinton forward.

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